Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators. Antonio Cano

Chapter 8. The Role of SERMs in the Treatment of Osteoporosis

• Adolfo Di'ez-Pérez

• José Luis Duenas-Diez



Osteoporosis is currently defined as “a skeletal disorder characterized by compromised bone strength predisposing to an increased risk of fracture. Bone strength reflects the integration of two main features: bone density and bone quality” (NIH Consensus 2001). Thus, osteoporosis is a debilitating condition of the skeleton that propends to fractures and is associated with advanced age. The disease has a high prevalence in western countries, as it is a condition associated with advanced age, and it is on the rise since life expectancy has risen dramatically in the last several decades. It is, therefore, a major public health problem because it not only induces morbidity (fractures and chronic sequelae) with a substantial impact on health-related quality of life, but is also associated with increased mortality (Badia et al. 2001, 2004).

Although osteoporosis affects both men and women, the ratio of female to male patients is as high as 6 to 1. This is related not only to the lower total bone acquisition in women during development but also to the abrupt estrogen deficiency as a result of menopause. It has been demonstrated that estrogens play an important role in female bone homeostasis, and their deficiency increases bone resorption. Thus, in recent years the administration of estrogens has been extensively used as the main therapy to prevent osteoporosis in women. Estrogens not only reduce the rate of bone remodeling, acting as an antiresorptive agent, but also offer positive effects on the undesirable symptoms of menopause. There is still much discussion, however, on the overall benefits of an exclusive hormone replacement therapy (HT) either with estrogens alone or combining estrogens and progestogens, because these therapies increase the risk of serious health disorders, such as breast cancer (Writing Group for the Women’s Health Initiative Investigators 2002; Million Women Study Collaborators 2003).

Some years ago breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen showed protection against loss of bone in postmenopausal women (Powles et al. 1996). This clinical result led to a revision of the traditionally accepted role of tamoxifen as an antiestrogen. It is clear that a number of substances can act in some organs or tissues as estrogen agonists and be antagonists in others. As a result of these observations and a better knowledge of the molecular features of estrogen receptors (ERs), the term selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) was coined. Tamoxifen and raloxifene belong to this group of substances. This chapter will review the scientific evidence supporting the role of SERMs as bone antiresorptive agents.


Experimental Results



The most extensively used animal model to evaluate the action of SERMs on bone has been the ovariectomized (OVX) rat. In rats, tamoxifen antagonizes bone resorption and uterine growth (Turner et al. 1987,1988) and reduces the number and size of osteoclasts. The inhibitory effect on bone resorption of tamoxifen has also been reported in dogs and immobilized male rats (Wakley et al. 1988; Waters et al. 1991). As an antiresorptive agent, however, tamoxifen is less effective than 17β-estradiol (17β E2) (Williams et al. 1991) and has no effect when the endogenous production of estrogens is normal (Evans et al. 1994).



Initial studies of the effects of raloxifene on bone metabolism were also carried out in OVX rats. Animals treated with raloxifene showed significantly lower rates of bone remodeling markers (Black et al. 1994) while bone mineral density (BMD) remained unchanged. The BMD was measured by single photon absorptiometry (Frolik et al. 1996) in distal femur metaphysis and in proximal tibia and by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (Sato et al. 1994) in lumbar vertebrae and femur. Research has demonstrated that raloxifene is an efficient drug to prevent the loss of bone mass, which is maintained homogeneously at levels significantly higher than those obtained in OVX rats without treatment and similar to those obtained in animals treated with ethinyl-estradiol (EE) (Sato et al. 1994; Turner et al. 1994). Measurements of BMD, however, shed no light on the dynamics of the bone formation and resorption processes. In order to evaluate these aspects, some investigators (Turner et al. 1994; Evans et al. 1995) carried out histomorphometric analyses after tetracycline labeling in OVX rats. The reduction of the bone resorption area in the trabecular surfaces of the animals treated with raloxifene paralleled the reduction seen in rats treated with EE.

Turner et al. (1994) have estimated bone strength by measuring the minimal effective force required to produce fractures in femoral neck and vertebrae. These researchers found that this force was significantly higher in rats treated with raloxifene and EE than in control rats. In a four-arm comparative trial, Frolik et al. (1996) evaluated the role of raloxifene, EE, tamoxifen, and alendronate as bone-protecting agents. With the exception of the group treated with tamoxifen, all the groups under experimental treatment showed a statistically significant higher protection rate than control animals. Perhaps this result can be partially explained by the finding that the treatment with raloxifene induces a decrease in the density of microcracks (Burr 2003). Moreover, a raloxifene analog, LY 117018, inhibits the osteocytic apoptosis induced by oophorectomy in a rat model (Colishaw et al. 2003).

One of the most valuable experimental findings has been the partial elucidation of the mechanism whereby raloxifene regulates bone homeostasis. By performing transient cotransfection experiments using a transforming growth factor-β promoter-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter construct (TGFβ promoter-CAT reporter) and an ER expression plasmid in human MG63 osteosarcoma cells, Yang et al. (1996) have shown that the TGFβCAT expression was significantly upregulated by raloxifene, with a sevenfold increase, and by 17β-estradiol or tamoxifen, with twofold increases. These authors suggest that raloxifene regulates TGF63 gene expression with two fundamental consequences: the production of osteoblasts is promoted and osteoclast differentiation is inhibited (Yang et al. 1996).

Different SERMs (as well as the natural ligand estradiol) can activate more predominantly one of the other estrogen receptors (alpha or beta). The conformational changes of the ER-ligand complex can vary for different ligands (Katzenellenbogen 2002). Furthermore, the various ligands can activate different intracellular pathways combining with different response elements (Nuttall et al. 2000). Altogether, the genomic responses differ for each compound. With respect to estradiol, the two receptor subtypes elicit different responses. Moreover, diverse activating or repressing genes express themselves in discrete ways for different SERMs (Kian et al. 2004).


Other SERMs

Levormeloxifene induces an increase in lumbar and tibial bone mass in a rat model and is associated with a decrease in osteocalcin and cholesterol levels, while it has a neutral effect on the uterus (Bain et al. 1997; Nowak et al. 1998). In monkeys, a decrease in bone remodeling with prevention of bone loss has also been demonstrated (Stavisky et al. 1998). Idoxifene is another SERM that activates the ER through the classical estradiol pathway. Its effect on bone is similar, acting as a full antagonist on mammary and uterine tissue (Nuttall et al. 1997, 1998). Droloxifene is efficacious in the prevention of bone loss in OVX rats as well as in the reduction of serum cholesterol levels. Unlike estrogens and tamoxifen, it has no deleterious effects on the uterus. The drug inhibits bone remodeling very much as estrogens do, resulting in a positive effect on bone mass (Ke et al., 1995a,b, 1997a,b; Chen et al. 1995). Ormeloxifene can also prevent bone loss in animal models (Bain et al. 1994; Arshad et al. 2004).

Lasofoxifene is a SERM that also protects from bone loss, reduces cholesterol levels, and exerts a positive effect on bone strength in rats, specifically in male models (Ma et al. 2002). This compound is in the final stages of clinical development. Two other SERMs also in advanced phase III trials are bazedoxifene and arzoxifene, both with protective effects against ovariectomy-induced bone loss. Arzoxifene has shown both bone remodeling reduction with positive effects on bone quality as well as a reduction in cholesterol levels in oophorectomized rats (Biskobing 2003).

Other SERMs are currently under development. Di'az Curiel et al. (1998) have proved that a raloxifene analog, LY117018 HCl, is effective in reducing bone loss in OVX rats. In addition, the administration of the substance permits a significant reduction in the minimal effective dose of human parathyroid hormone (PTHh) required in the treatment of osteopenic rats (Hodsman et al. 1999a,b). Two more compounds, FC1271a 41 and HMR-3339 (Ammann et al.2004), show promising results in preclinical studies.


Clinical Effects of SERMs

Research in humans has been mainly focused either in the prevention of osteoporosis in healthy postmenopausal women or in the treatment of already osteoporotic women. Some research programs have extensively used estimates of biochemical markers of bone remodeling, while others have mostly relied on evaluations of BMD, histomorphometry, and fracture incidence.



The effects of tamoxifen on bone have been evaluated mainly in breast cancer patients who received the product as an adjuvant agent to other therapies. A number of surveys (Love et al. 1992; Kristensen et al. 1994; Wright et al. 1994; Grey et al. 1995; Kenni et al. 1995) have shown a decrease in some serum biochemical markers related to bone formation, such as osteocalcin (Love et al. 1992; Wright et al. 1994; Kenni et al. 1995) and total alkaline phosphatase (Love et al. 1992; Kenni et al. 1995). Similar data for bone resorption biochemical markers, such as urinary hydroxyproline (Grey et al. 1995; Cozick et al. 1992), urinary C-telopeptide (Grey et al. 1995), urinary pyridinolines (Grey et al. 1995), and type I procollagen peptide (Kenni et al. 1995), have been recorded.

Data on the effect of tamoxifen on bone mass have been obtained from numerous trials carried out on both premenopausal as well as postmenopausal women. Retrospective surveys (Cozick et al. 1992) and the first prospective studies (Gotfredsen et al. 1984; Fentiman et al. 1989) comparing tamoxifen- treated women against the placebo group found no significant differences in BMD at the lumbar spine and femoral neck. In contrast, prospective and randomized surveys carried out with breast cancer patients (Love et al. 1992; Kristensen et al. 1994) revealed a significant, long-term (3-year) prevention of bone loss in women treated with tamoxifen. The effect of tamoxifen on the BMD in healthy, late postmenopausal women (11 years after menopause on average) has been studied by Grey et al. (1995). These researchers found no significant difference in the hip, but the BMD in the lumbar spine of tamoxifen-treated women had certainly increased. In a 3-year survey for the prevention of breast cancer in premenopausal healthy women, however, Powles et al. (1996) found a progressive decrease in the BMD in the tamoxifen-treated group. Likewise, Wright et al. (1994, 1993) found no difference with the control group when evaluating the effect of tamoxifen on cancellous bone by histomorphometry. In the treatment group, though, the bone formation rate had significantly decreased, the total bone remodeling span was longer, and the trabecular connectivity indices were increased.

In the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (Fisher et al. 1998) a clinical survey aimed at determining the potential of tamoxifen for breast cancer prevention in women at increased risk, 13,338 pre- or postmenopausal women were monitored over 5 years. After randomization, women in the treatment group (n = 6681) were given a 20-mg daily dose of tamoxifen, while the remaining (n = 6707) received a placebo. Although the overall rate of fractures was about the same in both groups, tamoxifen-treated women sustained fewer hip, spine, and Colles fractures. Nevertheless, relevant data may have been biased, since in this trial there was an indiscriminate inclusion of pre- and postmenopausal women and no spinal radiographs were carried out.

In summary, available scientific evidence on the effects of tamoxifen on human bone seems to parallel data collected in animal trials. Tamoxifen, acting as a partial estrogen agonist, seems to have beneficial effects on the preservation of bone mass in postmenopausal women, while in premenopausal women it might act as an estrogen antagonist. An alternative explanation could be that the weaker agonistic effect with respect to estrogens might cause bone loss in estrogen-replete women.



Early studies indicate that raloxifene has an effect on bone homeostasis similar to that of estrogens. In a survey by Draper et al. (1996) that monitored 251 postmenopausal women aged 45-60 for 8 weeks, subjects were randomized in two treatment groups (treated either with raloxifene or CEE) and a placebo group. Treated women showed a significant decrease when compared with the placebo group in osteocalcin, serum alkaline phosphatase, urinary piridinoline crosslinks, and urinary calcium excretion. The European survey (Delmas et al. 1997), which has already monitored 601 postmenopausal women over 24 months, has revealed a significant reduction against the placebo group for three of the biochemical markers of bone remodeling under study (osteocalcin, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, and type I collagen C-telopeptide). Lufkin et al. (1998) recorded similar data in a 1-year clinical treatment study of 143 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.

The effect of raloxifene on bone mass has been assessed in American, European, and international prevention studies. After 24 months of treatment, there was a significant increase in BMD in all the monitored skeletal sites in raloxifene-treated patients against the placebo group. This increase was detected after 12 months of treatment and was maintained over the following 12 months. The first study published was carried out in Europe by Delmas et al. (1997). The American study also researched healthy postmenopausal women and had very similar results, while the international trial assessed the effects of the drug in hysterectomized women (Cosman 1999). A total of 1764 women were monitored in these prevention trials, measuring the biochemical markers of bone remodeling and the BMD of lumbar spine and femoral neck. All three were concealed randomized placebo-controlled studies. In the European and American surveys three treatment doses were tested (30, 60, and 150 mg daily), while the international trial had two treatment groups (with daily 60- and 150-mg doses) and a third group that received conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) 0.625 mg daily. Other studies have evaluated the effect of the drug in Asian women with similar results (Kung et al. 2003; Liu et al. 2004). A recent metaanalysis has evaluated the overall efficacy of the drug across the different trials showing homogeneity in the drug effect and a consistent risk reduction for vertebral fracture (Seeman et al. 2003).

Yet the pivotal study on raloxifene has been the Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation (MORE), a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial aimed at evaluating the effect of raloxifene on both bone mass as well as on the occurrence of vertebral fractures in a cohort of 7705 women with osteoporosis (Ettinger et al. 1998,1999; Delmas et al. 2002). After 4 years of treatment, the re- sultsshowedanincreaseinbonedensitybothatlumbar spineand femoralneck (Delmas et al. 2002). This positive effect is extended for up to 7 years of treatment (Lufkin et al. 2001). The most important outcome, however, has been the significant risk reduction in the occurrence of new vertebral fractures. Women included in substudy 1 (cases with at least one prevalent vertebral fracture at baseline) had a significant reduction in the risk of sustaining new (incident) vertebral fractures after 3 (Ettinger et al. 1999) and 4 years (Delmas et al. 2002) of treatment of 34% [RR0.66 (95% CI = 0.55,0.81)] (Fig. 8.1). Women enrolled in substudy 2 (no baseline vertebral fracture) showed a risk reduction of 49% at the end of the 4-year treatment [RR0.51 (95% CI = 0.35,0.73)] (Delmas et al. 2002). These figures represent the number needed to treat (NNT) value to prevent an event after 4 years of treatment of 12 for patients with prevalent vertebral fracture and 34 for those without. Subgroup exploratory analyses showed a 93% reduction in the risk of suffering multiple vertebral fractures (Lufkin et al. 2001) with sustained efficacy during the fourth year. Other post hoc analyses have also suggested an early efficacy on clinical vertebral fracture after 12 months of treatment (Maricic et al. 2002) and fracture reduction in women with previous treatment with estrogens or estrogen-progestagens (Johnell et al. 2004) (Table 8.1). Perhaps more interesting for the prevention strategy is that in cases with osteopenia (no fracture and BMD in this range), another exploratory analysis demonstrated not only BMD improvement but also significant fracture risk reduction (Kanis et al. 2003). However, the drug did not show any reduction in nonvertebral fracture risk after 3 (Cozick et al. 1992) and 8 years of treatment (Siris et al. 2004).

Fig. 8.1. Effect of raloxifene in women with or without preexisting fractures. MORE trial 4 years (Delmas et al. 2002). RR = relative risk

Table 8.1. Main antifracture results of raloxifene (60 mg daily dose)

Relative risk reduction

* Vertebral fracture as outcome; * denotes risk reduction during fourth year of treatment only (sustained efficacy). N.S. = no risk reduction

To test the bone formation rate and the activation frequency, Heaney and Draper (1997) carried out a comparative histomorphometric survey. Ten women received a 60-mg daily dose of raloxifene while 8 received a 0.625-mg daily dose of CEE. Biopsies carried out before and after 6 months of treatment revealed a decrease in both parameters, especially in the group treated with estrogens.

The effects of raloxifene on bone histomorphometry were analyzed by Ott et al. (2002). In a group of 54 women enrolled in the MORE study, two transiliac bone biopsies were obtained at baseline and after 2 years of treatment. The results confirmed the safety of the drug on bone tissue since no woven bone, mineralization defect, cell toxicity, or medullary fibrosis was observed. Moreover, the number of empty osteocytic lacunae also suggested an antiapoptotic effect on the osteocyte. More recent experimental data further confirm this antiapoptotic effect of raloxifene on osteoblastic and osteocytic cells (Taranta et al. 2002).


Bone Quality and Its Relevance

For years osteoporosis has been defined as a disease induced by a decrease in bone mass. This definition was quite simplistic since only one of the components of bone, quantity, is taken into account. A National Institute of Health Consensus Panel Ref. 1 has redefined the disease as a skeletal disorder characterized by an alteration in bone strength that predisposes a person to an increased risk of fracture. This concept of bone strength permits a multidimensional view of the disease and represents a new paradigm in our conception of the disease (Heaney 2003; Bouxsein 2003; Van Rietbergen et al. 2000). The new definition adds a large number of aspects related to the quality of the bony tissue: geometry, microarchitecture, remodeling rate, mineralization degree, and homogeneity and fatigue damage, among others (Sato et al. 1994; Kung et al 2003; Heaney 2002; Bouxsein 2003; Van Rietbergen et al. 2000; Hodgskinson et al. 1993; Hou et al. 1998; Schaffler et al. 1995; Akkus et al. 2003; Ahlborg et al. 2003). The aspects of bone quality are of great relevance to a better understanding of the action of SERMs on bone.

The relationship between the decrease in BMD and an increased fracture risk has been widely demonstrated, in all the measured skeletal regions and by different techniques (Melton et al. 1993; Marshall et al. 1996; Cummings et al. 1993). Marshall et al. (1996) demonstrated in a metaanalysis that one standard deviation decrease in BMD in lumbar spine, hip, or proximal radius increased the risk of fracture in these locations by 50 to 60% (Fig. 8.2). A different picture is seen, however, when the effects on BMD of the different antiresorptives and their relationship with the fracture risk reduction are analyzed.

Antifracture efficacy of drugs that inhibit bone remodeling has been firmly established in a large number of controlled clinical trials. Yet when the results of the different studies are analyzed together, there is a clear discrepancy between the magnitude of the increase in bone density and the associated fracture risk reduction for the different drugs. Figure 8.3 depicts the gains in lumbar spine BMD vs. placebo and the corresponding vertebral fracture risk reduction observed in different trials (Ettinger et al. 1999; Chesnut et al. 2000; Harris et al. 1999; Reginster et al. 2000; Black et al. 1996; Cummings et al. 1998). The BMD gains up to 7%, induced by alendronate in the FIT trial (Cummings et al. 1998), and is accompanied by a fracture risk reduction figure similar to those described for other antiresorptives, risedronate (Harris et al. 1999; Reginster et al. 2000) and raloxifene (Ettinger et al. 1999), that produce less pronounced gains in bone density. Therefore, the limited BMD gain does not explain the dramatic decrease in fracture risk induced by these agents.

Sarkar et al. (2002) analyzed the relationship between the observed increase in BMD in the placebo and in the raloxifene-treated patients of the MORE trial. 2004

Fig. 8.2. Relationship between change in femoral neck BMD and vertebral fracture risk. MORE trial - 3 years. Similar changes in BMD (dotted line) are related to different fracture risks (arrows) for the raloxifene- and placebo-treated patients. Adapted from (Lufkin et al. 2001)

Only 4% of the fracture reduction is explained by the changes in bone density for the treated group. Moreover, the curves for the placebo- and raloxifene- treated cases are quite different (Fig. 8.2) (Lufkin et al. 2001, with different slopes and no overlap between them (including the 95% confidence intervals). In other words, the bone intrinsic properties, well beyond the changes observed in BMD, account for the vast majority (96%) of the antifracture efficacy of the drug. Similar variations in bone density are accompanied by very different risks of fracture during the 3-year observation period in the two groups.

Table 8.2. Relative risk of fracture for every standard deviation in BMD (adjusted by age)



Type of fracture






All fractures

Lumbar spine










Proximal radius





Metaanalysis of several measurement methods except ultrasound (Cosman 1999)

Fig. 8.3. Randomized studies of antiresorptives in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Risk of vertebral fractures. Not head-to-head comparison. ** Increase in lumbar spine BMD vs. placebo (Wright et al. 1994; Liu et al. 2004; Seeman et al. 2003; Ettinger et al. 1998, 1999; Delmas et al. 2002)

From these data one can conclude that antiresorptives are capable of inducing striking reductions in fracture risk with limited changes in bone density. Therefore, other factors than bone density should explain their efficacy. Bone quality is the term that encompasses all the non-bone-density element simplied in bone strength, as previously discussed.

From an operational point of view, bone-quality elements can be grouped in three different categories: bone architecture, bone turnover, and intrinsic material properties (Turner 2002; Seeman 2002). Bone architecture could be divided into macroscopic and microscopic architecture. The macroarchitecture, also denominated bone geometry, is genetically determined, and some of its elements are well known. Bone shape and distribution of the mineral material are behind such factors as diameter, moment of inertia, and torsion strength, which are related to the mechanical properties of bone and fracture propensity. Different imaging techniques, from simple radiographs to DXA or CT measurements, can be used to analyze these factors (Beck et al. 2000; Gomez-Alonso et al. 2000; Genant et al. 2004).

The objective of bone turnover is to replace old bone containing impaired material properties with fresh, new bone that is able to offer full strength again. This is the so-called targeted remodeling, and in zones where structural damage (microcracks) has been produced, the resorption is initiated and followed by a formation that completes the replacement cycle. The equilibrium between resorption and formation maintains a neutral bone balance with preservation of the bone mass and microarchitecture. Nevertheless, in situations in which resorption exceeds formation, associated with increased bone remodeling, we can observe negative effects on this microarchitecture. Horizontal struts disappear and the vertical elements of the trabecular network suffer a notching process that greatly impairs the mechanical competence of the trabeculae (Heaney 2003; Parfitt 2004). Bone remodeling is, therefore, a determining element of the microarchitectural integrity of the skeleton. The rapid reduction in the fracture risk observed a few months after starting antiresorptive therapies can be explained largely by the positive effects on this notching process, well before any improvement in bone density is observed (Heaney 2003; Parfitt 2004).

The bone remodeling rate is another determinant of the intrinsic material properties of bony tissue. Bone tissue is composed of two major components, a mineral matrix and an organic matrix, mainly collagen. The mineral component is predominantly hydroxyapatite in normal bone, although different mineral elements can be induced when calcium is replaced by fluoride or strontium. Newly formed bone is mineralized up to approximately 70% in a few months’ process (primary mineralization). Full mineralization of each bone remodeling unit requires years (secondary mineralization) and induces several effects: on the one hand, it increases the mean degree of mineralization of bone tissue, and on the other, it increases the homogeneity of the tissue (Seeman 2002). Both factors have been related to decreased bone toughness since, although stiffer, the tissue is more brittle, offering less resistance to the propagation of microcracks (Turner 2002). Data on raloxifene-treated patients demonstrate that the drug preserves a normal degree of mineralization and homogeneity (Boivin et al. 2003), in accordance with the preclinical data supporting a positive effect on microcrack density. Collagen composition is also modulated by the remodeling rate since the crosslinking of the molecules influences the mechanical competence and can vary with aging (Wang et al. 2002).

There is considerable debate on what the normal remodeling rate is. Excessive bone turnover is, as mentioned, negative for microarchitecture integrity. An extremely low turnover, though, can also be deleterious since the normal mechanism of microdamage repair could be impaired (Compston et al. 2002). Microdamage increases with age but negatively correlates with the rate of bone remodeling (Mashiba et al. 2000, 2001). Some experiments with high doses of antiresorptives have shown increased numbers of microcracks in experimental animals (Mashiba et al. 2000, 2001). Therefore, the theoretical concern is the possible depression of remodeling until a level so low (Chavassieux et al. 1997) that the replacement of old bone by fresh new units, albeit mechanically more competent, would be insufficient. Despite no clinical data supporting this theory, SERMs depress turnover to an intermediate degree, safe enough to maintain a sufficient rate of repair. Clinical data support the notion that raloxifene restores bone turnover to premenopausal levels (Johnell et al. 2002; Stepan et al. 2003), and experimental data show that the drug actually decreases microcrack density in bone tissue.

Several additional clinical considerations about antiresorptives in general and SERMs in particular could be discussed. Can they be used in combination with such anabolic agents as PTH, either concomitantly or sequentially? It has been demonstrated that the simultaneous use of a bisphosphonate with PTH decreases bone-forming response (Black et al. 2003; Finkelstein et al. 2003), but preliminary data suggest the opposite when the combined drug is raloxifene (Deal et al. 2004). It is known that drugs that strongly suppress turnover induce a delay in the response to anabolic therapy, while in patients previously treated with raloxifene a full response is observed (Ettinger et al. 2004). Therefore, the practical message is that SERMs appear to be better partners for anabolic agents and that in younger postmenopausal women, SERMs will not jeopardize the anabolic effect if PTH is needed in posterior phases of the disease. Indeed, associations of two antiresorptives are generally useless, can add side effects, have no demonstrated superior efficacy, and are not suitable (Compston et al. 2002). Last but not least, extraskeletal effects of SERMs have enormous potential for the future when ad hoc trials (RUTH, STAR) yield their final results. What is known today is that raloxifene is safe for the breast and the cardiovascular system even after 8 years of treatment (Martino et al. 2004).


Future SERMs

A large number of compounds selectively regulating ERs are under development and have been briefly reviewed in the preclinical stage. Some have reached clinical research stages. Levormeloxifene (Skrumsager et al. 1997; Bjarnason et al. 1997) has been studied for pharmacokinetics, safety, dosing, and antiresorptive effects. Its development, however, was stopped after the phase II trials when uterine safety problems were detected even though there were positive skeletal effects (Warmig et al. 2003). Idoxifene has demonstrated positive effects on both bone density after 12 months of treatment (Chesnut et al. 1998) as well as on decreased turnover in osteopenic postmenopausal women (Delmas et al. 1998).

In advanced (phase III) stages of their clinical development, three SERMs are currently on the horizon: bazedoxifene, lasofoxifene, and arzoxifene. What these new molecules can offer will be known shortly in a field - the selective regulation of hormone receptor - that has opened unsuspected perspectives for the better management of patients.


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