CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics, (Current Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment) 22nd Edition


The 22nd edition of Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Pediatrics (CDTP) features practical, up-to-date, well-referenced information on the care of children from birth through infancy and adolescence. CDTP emphasizes the clinical aspects of pediatric care while also covering important underlying principles. CDTP provides a guide to diagnosis, understanding, and treatment of the medical problems of all pediatric patients in an easy-to-use and readable format.


Like all Lange medical books, CDTP provides a concise, yet comprehensive source of current information. Students will find CDTP an authoritative introduction to pediatrics and an excellent source for reference and review. CDTPprovides excellent coverage of The Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (COMSEP) curriculum used in pediatric clerkships. Residents in pediatrics (and other specialties) will appreciate the detailed descriptions of diseases as well as diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Pediatricians, family practitioners, nurses and nurse practitioners, and other healthcare providers who work with infants and children will find CDTP a useful reference on management aspects of pediatric medicine.


Forty-six chapters cover a wide range of topics, including neonatal medicine, child development and behavior, emergency and critical care medicine, and diagnosis and treatment of specific disorders according to major problems, etiologies, and organ systems. A wealth of tables and figures provides quick access to important information, such as acute and critical care procedures in the delivery room, the office, the emergency room, and the critical care unit; anti-infective agents; drug dosages; immunization schedules; differential diagnosis; and developmental screening tests. The final chapter is a handy guide to normal laboratory values.


The 22nd edition of CDTP has been revised comprehensively by the editors and contributing authors. New references as well as up-to-date and useful Web sites have been added, permitting the reader to consult original material and to go beyond the confines of the textbook. As editors and practicing pediatricians, we have tried to ensure that each chapter reflects the needs and realities of day-to-day practice.


3 Child Development & Behavior

6 Eating Disorders

9 Ambulatory & Office Pediatrics

10 Immunization

13 Poisoning

14 Critical Care

15 Skin

19 Respiratory Tract & Mediastinum

21 Gastrointestinal Tract

22 Liver & Pancreas

25 Neurologic & Muscular Disorders

26 Orthopedics

31 Neoplastic Disease

32 Pain Management & Pediatric Palliative & End-of-Life Care

33 Immunodeficiency

37 Genetics & Dysmorphology

38 Allergic Disorders

39 Antimicrobial Therapy

40 Infections: Viral & Rickettsial

41 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

42 Infections: Bacterial & Spirochetal

43 Infections: Parasitic & Mycotic


The 22 chapters that have been extensively revised, with new authors added in several cases, reflect the substantially updated material in each of their areas of pediatric medicine. Especially important are updates to the chapters on immunizations, diabetes, and endocrinology. The chapter on HIV includes current guidelines for prevention and treatment of HIV, and updates information on the new antiretroviral therapies that have become available. The chapter on immunizations contains the most recently published recommendations, discusses the contraindications and precautions relevant to special populations, and includes the new vaccines licensed since the last edition of this book. Chapters on Skin, Immunodeficiency, and Neoplastic Disease are markedly updated with the latest information. All laboratory tables in Chapter 46 Pediatric Laboratory Medicine, including Reference Ranges and Reference Intervals, have been updated. All other chapters are substantially revised and references have been updated. Nineteen new authors have contributed to these revisions.



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