Pocket Pediatrics: The Massachusetts General Hospital for Children Handbook of Pediatrics (Pocket Notebook Series), 2 Ed.


Definition (Neurology 2006;67:1542)

• Min duration of 30 min or ≥2 sequential szrs w/o consciousness btw szrs

• Initiate treatment after 5 min for impending SE

Epidemiology (Lancet 2006;368:222; Epilepsia 2007;48:1652; Neurology 2010;74:636)

• Incidence ∼20/100,000 children per yr. If hx of epilepsy, risk incr 9.1–27%

• 60% of affected children were previously neurologically healthy

• First presentation of epilepsy in ∼10% of children

• Risk factors include hx of clustered focal seizures or prior SE, focal EEG abnl, 

neuroimaging abnl, and <1 yo

Etiology (Neurology 2006;67:1542)

• Acute symptomatic: More common in younger kids/infants, during acute illness. Etiology: Meningitis, encephalitis, electrolyte abnl, sepsis, hypoxia, trauma, intox

• Remote symptomatic: Occurs w/o acute trigger and in pt w/ prior CNS insult Etiology: CNS malform, prior TBI or insult, chromosomal disorder

• Febrile: No direct CNS infxn. Etiology: e.g., URI, gastroenteritis, sinusitis, sepsis

• Progressive encephalopathy: Underlying progressive CNS disorder. Includes mitochondrial disorders, CNS lipid storage diseases, amino/organic acidopathies

• Idiopathic: No definable cause

Diagnostic Workup (Neurology 2006;67:1542; Pediatr Rev 2007;28:405)

• Labs: Finger glucose, CBC, Chem10. Consider urine and blood cxs. LP if suspicion of CNS infection. Consider serum and urine tox and/or studies for inborn errors of metabolism and genetics if history suggestive or etiology unclear. Check AED levels for pts w/ epilepsy on AED prophy

• EEG: Consider if child p/w new onset or non-convulsive SE

• Neuroimaging: Consider if suspect ↑ ICP, focal deficits, or if unknown etiology

Treatment (Pediatr Rev 2007;28:405)

• ABCs: O2 by mask, CV monitor. IV. Correct metabolic abnl. Monitor for resp depression

• For children < wk old: No universal protocols. The protocol at our institution:

• For children > 4 wk old:

Note: Levetiracetam 20 mg/kg IV often used in clinical practice, though there is little data.

Complications (Lancet Neurol 2006;5:769)

• Include hypoxemia, acidosis, hypo/hyperglycemia, ↑ ICP, vascular changes

• Mortality ∼5%; excess metab demand → O2 insuff and neuronal damage/necrosis

• Morbidity <15% for neurological sequelae, often 2/2 underlying cause of SE

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