Pocket Pediatrics: The Massachusetts General Hospital for Children Handbook of Pediatrics (Pocket Notebook Series), 2 Ed.



• SOAPME: Suction, Oxygen, Airway equipment, Pharmacology, Monitoring Equipment

Adapted from 2002 Broselow Pediatric Resuscitation Tape, modified from Hazinski MF, ed. Manual of Pediatric Critical Care 1999.

Pharmacology in order given for RSI (see the tables below)

• Premedication: Oxygen, lidocaine, atropine, defasciculating dose NM blocker, 

sedation, analgesia = fentanyl, NM blocker

Pretreatment Medications


• Cricoid pressure to reduce aspiration

Postintubation Management

• Confirm placement (color change, auscultation, CXR), sedation and pain control, avoid further NM blockade unless necessary

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