Top 300 Pharmacy Drug Cards

INSULIN LISPRO: Humalog, Humalog KwikPen

Class: Insulin, Ultra Rapid-Acting

Dosage Forms. Injection Solution: 100 units/mL; Pen (Administration Device): 100 units/mL


Common FDA Label Indication, Dosing, and Titration.

1. Diabetes mellitus, Type I and II: Dosing is individualized to patient needs

Off-Label Uses. None

MOA. Insulin promotes cellular uptake of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids and their conversion to glycogen, triglycerides, and proteins.

Drug Characteristics: Insulin Lispro


Medication Safety Issues: Insulin Lispro


Drug Interactions: Insulin Lispro


Adverse Reactions: Insulin Lispro


Efficacy Monitoring Parameters. Preprandial blood glucose between 70 and 130 mg/dL, HbA 1c<7%.

Toxicity Monitoring Parameters. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include nausea, sweating, and loss of consciousness.

Key Patient Counseling Points. Monitor blood glucose in frequent intervals (2-4 times per day); if <70 mg/dL, eat candy or sugar and contact prescriber. Store in refrigerator. Dispose needles in sharps container. Do not share needles; this increases the risk of transmission of infectious diseases. Rotate injection sites.

Clinical Pearls. Insulin requirements may change during periods of stress (illness) or with increased activity; monitor and adjust. Injection of insulin lispro into an abdominal versus deltoid or femoral site results in higher serum concentrations and a slightly shorter duration of action. Faster acting than regular insulin.

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