Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (4 Volume Set) 1st Edition

165. Segmental Hook and Pedicle Screw Instrumentation for Scoliosis

James T. Guille and Reginald S. Fayssoux


images Reduction of scoliotic spinal deformity via posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation allows for improvement of the cosmetic appearance of the child or adolescent with scoliosis and prevents curve progression. The goal is to balance these advantages with the inherent risks of instrumentation and reduction maneuvers.

images Instrumentation provides an internal construct holding the spine in its corrected position until spinal fusion is achieved (about 6 months) and obviates the need for postoperative immobilization. A Cobb angle measurement greater than 10 degrees distinguishes minor spine asymmetry from true scoliosis.

images Segmental instrumentation with hooks and pedicle screws provides multiple fixation points, allowing for three dimensional correction of the scoliotic spine.

images Instrumentation is introduced after posterior exposure of the thoracic or lumbar spine (see Chap. PE-56).


images A thorough knowledge of scoliotic spinal anatomy is critical for the safe placement of instrumentation.

images In the scoliotic spine there is rotation of the vertebral bodies in the transverse plane, with the spinous processes rotating toward the concavity of the curve.

images Anatomy of the posterior elements

images In the scoliotic spine, the pedicles on the concave side are narrower than those on the convexity, especially at the apex of the curve (FIG 1A).12

images The intervertebral foramina in the thoracic spine are larger and deeper than in any other region of the spine, with the exiting nerve root occupying less than 25% of the foramen and coursing through its midportion.

images Lumbar nerve roots pass adjacent to the inferomedial aspect of the pedicle and lie superior within the foramina.

images Scoliotic deformity affects not only the bony anatomy but also the relationship of the spine to the adjacent soft tissue elements.

images The aorta is posterolateral to its normal position, putting it at risk for injury with left-sided lateral pedicular breaches (FIG 1B).

images The spinal cord hugs the concavity of the curve such that the width of the epidural space is less than 1 mm at the thoracic apical vertebral levels on the concave side; it is 3 to 5 mm on the convex side.8

Thoracic Spine Anatomy

images The thoracic facets are more coronally oriented in comparison to the more sagittally oriented lumbar facets.

images Pedicle anatomy for placement of pedicle screws

images Dimensions

images In scoliotic spines, average thoracic pedicle length (distance from the posterior cortical starting point to the posterior longitudinal ligament in line with the axis of the pedicle) is 16 to 22 mm.

images Average thoracic cord length (distance from the posterior cortical starting point to the anterior vertebral cortex in line with the axis of the pedicle) is 34 to 52 mm; it is typically greater on the concavity.

images Coronal anatomy

images In the scoliotic spine, the medial wall is two to three times thicker than the lateral wall at all thoracic levels. This may be why most screw-related pedicle fractures occur laterally.


FIG 1 • A. Comparison of a normal thoracic vertebra on the left and a scoliotic thoracic vertebra on the right. Note the narrowed concave pedicle on the scoliotic vertebra. B. Thoracic-level axial magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with a right thoracic scoliotic curve. Note the posterolateral position of the aorta. (B: From Sucato DJ, Duchene C. The position of the aorta relative to the spine: a comparison of patients with and without idiopathic scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2003;85A:1461–1469. Reprinted with permission from The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc.)

images The coronal anatomy of the thoracic pedicle varies, moving from anterior to posterior. The likelihood of pedicle wall breach is greatest midway between the lamina and body with placement of screws.

images Pedicle width decreases from T1 to T4 and then gradually increases to T12, while pedicle height and length tend to increase from T1 to T12.

images Main pedicle diameter is 4 to 6 mm in thoracic scoliosis.

images Endosteal pedicle width in the apical region of the thoracic spine measures 2.5 to 4.2 mm on the concavity of the curve and 4.1 to 5.0 mm on the convexity of the curve.

images In the thoracic spine, transverse processes do not align with the pedicle in the axial plane: they are rostral to the pedicle in the upper thoracic spine and caudal to the pedicle in the lower thoracic spine (crossover occurs at T6–7).

images Transverse orientatio.

images T12 pedicles are perpendicular to the floor in the transverse plane.

images T1 pedicles subtend an angle of about 25 to 30 degrees with the midline in the transverse plane.

images Thoracic pedicles progressively angle outward in the transverse plane, proceeding superiorly from T12 to T1.

images Thoracic pedicle screw starting point.

images As one proceeds proximally from T12 there is a trend toward a more medial and cephalad pedicle starting point as one proceeds to the apex of the thoracic spine (FIG 2 and Table 1).

images This then transitions to a trend toward a more lateral and caudal pedicle starting point as one proceeds proximally from the apex.


FIG 2 • Thoracic vertebrae starting points (see Table 1).


Lumbar Spine Anatomy

images The lumbar vertebral facets are more sagittally oriented in comparison to thoracic vertebral facets.

images Pedicles

images Dimensions

images In scoliotic spines, average lumbar pedicle length is 20 to 22 mm.

images Average lumbar cord length is 45 to 48 mm.

images Coronal anatomy

images Average lumbar endosteal pedicle width is 4.8 to 9.5 mm.

images The larger size of the lumbar pedicles increases the likelihood of optimal placement of pedicle screws.

images Transverse orientation

images L1 pedicles are perpendicular to the floor in the transverse plane.

images L5 pedicles subtend an angle of about 25 to 30 degrees with the midline in the transverse plane.

images Lumbar pedicles progressively angle outward in the transverse plane, proceeding inferiorly from L1 to L5.

images Lumbar pedicle screw starting points

images The long axis of the pedicle pierces the lamina at the intersection of two lines: a vertical line tangential to the lateral border of the superior articular process, and a horizontal line bisecting the transverse process (FIG 3).

images The point of intersection for these two lines lies in the angle between the superior articular process and the base of the transverse process.

images Dangers

images Medial pedicular breaches endanger the dural sac, especially on the concavity of the curve.

images Inferior pedicular breaches endanger the nerve root, especially in the lumbar spine.

images Advancement of pedicle screws following a lateral pedicular breach on the left can endanger the lung, segmental vessels, and sympathetic chain (T4–T12) and the aorta (T5–T10).


FIG 3 • Lumbar vertebrae starting points.

images Advancement of pedicle screws following a lateral pedicular breach on the right can endanger the lung, segmental vessels, sympathetic chain, and azygous vein (T5–T11).

images Advancement of pedicle screws following a breach of the anterior cortex on the right can endanger the superior intercostal vessels (T4–T5), the esophagus (T4–T9), the azygous vein (T5–T11), the inferior vena cava (T11–T12), and the thoracic duct (T4–T12).

images Advancement of pedicle screws following a breach of the anterior cortex on the left can endanger the esophagus (T4–T9) and the aorta (T5–T12).


images See Chapter PE-56, Posterior Exposure of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine.


images Placement of a pedicle screw at the thoracolumbar junction followed by intraoperative fluoroscopic imaging accurately identifies vertebral level.

images With use of intraoperative fluoroscopic imaging guidance, knowledge of anatomy remains critical in order to orient the intensifier to obtain the best coronal images of the pedicles.

images Radiographic criteria used to evaluate accurate screw placement

images Harmonious segmental change of the tips of the pedicle screws on the posteroanterior (PA) radiograph

images No crossing of the medial pedicle wall by the tip of the pedicle screw with reference to vertebral rotation on the PA radiograph

images No violation of the imaginary midline of the vertebral body by the tip of the pedicle screw on the PA radiograph

images No breach of the anterior cortex of the vertebral body on the lateral radiograph


images Scoliosis

images Idiopathic

images Congenital

images Neuromuscular

images Limb-length discrepancy

images Osteoid osteoma

images Sprengel deformity


images Observation for progression for curves of 0 to 20 degrees. Patients are followed with serial clinical and radiographic examinations.

images Bracing for progressive curves of 20 to 40 degrees if the patient is skeletally immature. Braces are unable to correct curves; their purpose is to prevent curve progression.


Preoperative Planning

images PA and lateral radiographic views of the entire spine.

images Supine bending radiographs may show pedicles not visible on the PA view.

images Convex apical pedicles greater than 5 mm in diameter on the PA radiographs are large enough to accommodate pedicle screw placement.

images Computed tomographic (CT) imaging can be used to evaluate pedicle morphology, with images oriented perpendicular to the plane of the vertebrae.

images Fusion levels are chosen based on the Lenke criteria.

Hook Placement

images Advantages

images Technically easier, especially at levels with small pedicles (apical concave pedicles)

images Less operative time

images Disadvantages

images Increased canal intrusion in comparison to pedicular fixation

images Lack of three-column fixation

images Decreased ability to perform correctional derotational maneuvers

images Types of hooks

images Laminar hooks: should be used with caution in the neurologically intact patient

images Thoracic laminar hooks: downgoing sloped hooks

images Lumbar laminar hooks: upgoing or downgoing Cshaped hooks

images Thoracic transverse process hooks: downgoing C-shaped hooks

images Thoracic pedicle hooks: upgoing claw-tip hooks placed under the lamina

images Offset hooks: offset laterally to lie in line with pedicle screws for use in hybrid constructs

images Hook patterns for an isolated thoracic curve

images Concave side

images Upgoing pedicle hook on upper end and upper intermediate vertebrae

images Downgoing laminar hook on lower end and lower intermediate vertebra

images Convex side

images Claw construct at upper end vertebrae.

images Downgoing transverse process hook with upgoing pedicle hook at the same level or next-distal level. Splitting the claw over two levels (split claw) better resists rotational forces.

Pedicle Screw Placement

images Advantages

images Pedicle screws have significantly higher axial pullout strengths than supralaminar hooks and pedicle hooks.

images Better correction in the coronal and axial planes.

images Less decrease in pulmonary function than anterior surgery.

images No implants in the canal during the correction phase.

images Correction not gained by pure distraction.

images Fewer fusion levels.

images No crankshaft.

images Larger area for bone graft.

images Allows earlier postoperative activity.

images Disadvantages

images Steep learning curve.

images Caudal or medial penetration can result in dural or neural injury.

images Lateral penetration can cause vascular injury.

images Increased operative time.

images Costly procedures.

images Complications

images Suboptimal screw position

images More common in cases of severe deformity

images Perforation not uncommon (up to 40% of screws in some series)

images Lateral perforation more common than medial perforation

images Lowest containment rates in midthoracic spine (T5 to T8)

images Dural, neural, or vascular injuries occur infrequently.

images Types of pedicle screws

images Monoaxial

images No motion between the screw and the screw head

images Can obtain axial correction of deformity

images Uniaxial

images Motion between the screw and the screw head constrained to one plane

images Can accommodate sagittal contours while retaining ability to obtain axial correction (derotation)

images Polyaxial

images Multiaxial motion allowed between screw and screw head

images For accommodation of sagittal contours

images Can accommodate malalignment of the starting points in the coronal plane

images Reduction screw

images Pedicle screw with breakaway extended tabs

images Useful for seating rod into pedicle screw for difficult reduction maneuvers

images Freehand placement of thoracic pedicle screws

images The straightforward trajectory allows for fixed-head screws and true direct vertebral derotation.

images Anatomic trajectory has a longer bone channel and allows a longer screw to be placed, but mandates the use of a multiaxial screw to connect it to the rod.

images A straightforward trajectory paralleling the superior endplate has significantly higher pullout strength versus an anatomic trajectory that angles about 22 degrees in the cephalocaudal direction perpendicular to the superior facet.7

images Extrapedicular thoracic pedicle screws

images Screw inserted at the junction of the cephalad tip of the transverse process and the rib with advancement caudad so that the screw is contained in the pedicle rib unit, defined as the space between the lateral pedicle cortex and medial rib cortex.

images Similar biomechanical fixation strength of transpedicular screws.

images Confirmation of screw placement

images Radiographic confirmation (see Imaging and Other Diagnostic Studies)

images Neuromonitoring

images Electromyography to confirm intraosseous screw placement

images Somatosensory evoked potentials and motor evoked potentials

images Postoperative CT scan routinely performed before patient leaves the hospital to confirm accurate screw placement


images Patient is intubated in the supine position on the stretcher.

images Neurologic monitoring leads are placed cranially, on the intercostal and abdominal musculature, and on all four extremities.

images Multiple large-bore intravenous access is obtained for fluid management and an arterial line is placed for intraoperative blood pressure monitoring.

images The patient is transferred to the prone position on a well-padded operating room table such as a Jackson frame (Orthopaedic Systems, Union City, CA).

images Care should be given to the degree of hip flexion– extension, as this can affect the amount of lordosis in the lumbar spine.

images Bolsters underneath the chest and anterior superior iliac spines prevent abdominal compression and allow epidural venous return, thus decreasing epidural bleeding.

images All bony prominences are well padded, including medial elbows, knees, pretibial areas, and ankles.

images Care is taken to avoid abduction and forward flexion past 90 degrees at the shoulder and flexion past 90 degrees at the elbow.

images Skin is shaved if excessively hairy.

images Clear adhesive surgical drapes (3M Steri-Drape Towel Drapes) are placed around the perimeter of the surgical site, extending from the hairline to the top of the gluteal crease (regardless of levels to be fused, the entire spine should be draped).

images If a wake-up test is going to be used by the surgical team, a clear plastic C-arm cover or equivalent clear drape is laid over the exposed feet for visualization during the test.

images A disposable plastic ruler used for measuring the pedicle probe for pedicle depth is placed caudal to the field on the buttocks and covered with a clear Tegaderm dressing.


images  For posterior exposure of the thoracic and lumbar spine for placement of instrumentation, refer to Chapter PE-56.


images  Proper hook-site preparation is critical to obtain a stable construct and minimize the chance of hardware failure.

images  Ideally, hooks should be placed flush with the bony surfaces to evenly distribute forces and minimize the chance of hook pullout. This is accomplished by meticulous removal of the soft tissues and judicious contouring of the bony surfaces: removing too much bone can weaken hook purchase, whereas removing too little bone can result in improper seating of the hook.

Pedicle Hooks

images  Initial pedicle hook-site preparation requires removal of a small portion of the inferior facet with an osteotome (TECH FIG 1A,B). The inferior facet of the superior vertebra is osteotomized using an osteotome. A vertical cut is made at the medial edge of the facet, near the base of the spinous process. A horizontal cut in the inferior facet, allowing removal of 3 to 4 mm of bone, follows for insertion of the pedicle hook.

images  The exposed hyaline cartilage from the facet joint is removed. A pedicle finder is introduced into the facet joint and gently impacted into place with a mallet (TECH FIG 1C,D). Care is taken to avoid canal penetration.

images  The permanent pedicle hook is subsequently inserted (TECH FIG 1E,F). The surgeon must carefully visualize the facet joint and avoid inserting the pedicle hook intothe laminae. If the lamina is split by the hook, fixation will be compromised.

Laminar Hooks

images  Laminar hooks are placed in a similar fashion but require great care because they are positioned in the spinal canal (TECH FIG 2A,B).

images  To obtain entrance into the canal, the ligamentum flavum is carefully dissected from the laminae and completely removed with curettes and rongeurs until the dura can be visualized. Small laminotomies are performed to allow room for hook insertion (TECH FIG 2C,D).

images  A hook starter is then used to create a path for the hook (TECH FIG 2E). The hook is then placed into the path created (TECH FIG 2F).

Transverse Process Hooks

images  Transverse process hooks do not require extensive bone removal but may require minimal contouring to optimize fit (TECH FIG 3A,B).

images  The costotransverse ligaments on the superior side of the transverse process are divided with a periosteal elevator. The transverse process hook is seated around the transverse process (TECH FIG 3C,D).


TECH FIG 1 • Placement of pedicle hook. A,B. A small portion of the inferior facet is osteotomized. C,D. Introduction of pedicle finder into facet joint, taking care to avoid canal penetration. E,F. Insertion of pedicle hook.


TECH FIG 2 • Placement of supralaminar hook. A,B. Placement of a supralaminar hook is difficult without bone removal to allow room for hook insertion. C,D. Placement of supralaminar hook. Laminotomies allow room for hook insertion. E. Path for hook created with hook starter. F. Insertion of supralaminar hook.


TECH FIG 3 • A,B. Placement of transverse process hook. Contouring of the transverse process is required to optimize fit. C,D. Placement of transverse process hook. After contouring the transverse process, the transverse process hook is seated.


images  Full exposure of the facet joint, the pars interarticularis, and the entire transverse process aids in identification of the ideal starting point.

images  Once the entire spine is exposed, each level is considered independently. The surgeon needs to visualize the local topical anatomy and the effects of the scoliosis on the anatomy (rotation).

images  Bovie cautery is used to outline the osseous anatomy at each level. This first entails finding the medial and lateralborder of the facet and the superior and inferior borders of the transverse process (TECH FIG 4A).

images  The inferior facet of the superior vertebrae is osteotomized using an osteotome at the medial edge of the facet (TECH FIG 4B) and at the inferior border of the superior transverse process (TECH FIG 4C).

images  At this point, the facet joint should be fully exposed (TECH FIG 4D), thus facilitating identification of the starting point.


TECH FIG 4 • A. The medial and lateral borders of the facet joint are identified. B. The inferior facet of the superior vertebrae is osteotomized at its medial edge. C. The facet is osteotomized at the inferior border of the superior transverse process. D. Full exposure of the facet joint facilitates identification of the starting point.


images  A 3.5-mm acorn-tipped burr is then used to create a hole at the desired starting point (see Thoracic Anatomy) (TECH FIG 5A). A cancellous blush often heralds entry into the pedicle but can be a false positive found on entry into the transverse process.

images  A specialized thoracic probe with a 2-mm blunt tip and a 35-mm curved segment with a rectangular cross section (Lenke probe) is used to create the tract for the pedicle screw.

images  The probe is introduced into the starting point with the curvature oriented so the tip is pointed laterally to avoid medial pedicle cortical violation (TECH FIG 5B).

images  The cancellous soft spot signifies entry into the pedicle.

images  The probe is advanced using ventral pressure and axial rotation to a depth of about 15 to 20 mm (the length of the pedicle), using the appropriate orientation for the particular vertebral level (see Thoracic Pedicle Anatomy) and taking care to account for the scoliotic deformity.

images  The probe is then removed and reintroduced into the previously developed tract with the tip turned medial to avoid lateral vertebral body cortical violation (TECH FIG 5C).

images  The probe is advanced to a depth appropriate for the particular vertebral level, taking care to avoid anterior and lateral cortical violation.

images  Typical cord lengths (distance from posterior cortical starting point to anterior vertebral cortex in line with the axis of the pedicle):

images Lower thoracic 40 to 45 mm

images Midthoracic 35 to 40 mm

images Upper thoracic 30 to 35 mm

images  The tract is probed using a flexible sound and five distinct bony borders are palpated: superior, inferior, medial, and lateral walls and the floor.

images  The first 15 to 20 mm of the tract corresponds to the pedicle; its integrity should be critically assessed.

images  The depth is measured with the flexible sound in the base of the tract using a hemostat (TECH FIG 5D).

images  The tract is tapped (TECH FIG 5E). Undertapping by 1.0 mm creates a 93% increase in maximal screw insertion torque.5

images  The tract is again probed for a breach with the aid of the feel of the tapped threads.

images  Screw diameter is based on radiographic evaluation of pedicles.

images  The screw is placed slowly to allow for viscoelastic expansion of the pedicle (TECH FIG 5F).


TECH FIG 5 • A. A burr is placed at the correct starting point. B. After the cortex is breached, a curved probe is placed into the pedicle with the tip pointing laterally to minimize risk of medial pedicle breach and potential cord injury. C. After probing past the pedicle, its tip is then turned to point medially to minimize risk of vertebral body cortical breach. D. After probing the tract, the depth is measured. E. The tract is tapped. F. The pedicle screw is inserted.


images  Full exposure of the facet joint, the pars interarticularis, and a portion of the transverse process aids in identification of the ideal starting point.

images  The facet joint is removed to obtain a flat surface before placing the pedicle screw.

images  A 3.5-mm acorn-tipped burr is then used to create a cortical breach at the desired starting point.

images  A specialized probe with a blunt spatula tip and a 35-mm curved segment with a rectangular cross section (lumbar probe) is used to create the tract for the pedicle screw.

images  The probe is introduced into the starting point with the curvature oriented so the tip is pointed laterally to avoid medial pedicle cortical violation.

images  The cancellous soft spot signifies entry into the pedicle.

images  The probe is advanced using ventral pressure and axial rotation to a depth of about 15 to 20 mm (the length of the pedicle), using the appropriate orientation for the particular vertebral level (see Lumbar Pedicle Anatomy) and taking care to account for the scoliotic deformity.

images  The probe is then removed and reintroduced into the previously developed tract with the tip turned medial to avoid lateral vertebral body cortical violation.

images  The probe is advanced to a depth appropriate for the particular vertebral level, taking care to avoid anterior and lateral cortical violation.

images  The tract is probed using a flexible sound and five distinct bony borders are palpated: superior, inferior, medial, and lateral walls and the floor.

images  The first 15 to 20 mm of the tract corresponds to the pedicle; its integrity should be critically assessed.

images  The depth is measured with the flexible sound in the base of the tract using a hemostat.

images  The tract is tapped. Undertapping by 1.0 mm creates a 93% increase in maximal screw insertion torque.5 The tract is again probed for a breach with the aid of the feel of the tapped threads.

images  Screw diameter is based on radiographic evaluation of pedicles.

images  The screw is placed slowly to allow for viscoelastic expansion of the pedicle.


images  Stainless steel is preferred over titanium in patients in whom a derotation maneuver is planned because of the higher modulus of elasticity. The disadvantage is failure occurring at the screw–bone interface instead of via plastic deformation of the rod.

images  Titanium instrumentation allows for magnetic resonance imaging with less metallic artifact and is indicated in patients with nickel allergies or if there are plans to follow the patient with serial MRIs.

images  We use the Bovie cord to measure the length of rod required, although any flexible measuring template may be used (TECH FIG 6).


TECH FIG 6 • The length of rod required is determined using the Bovie cord.

images  Typically, 1 cm is added to the measurement of the concave side to allow for distraction. As most corrective maneuvers are done with the concave rod, the length of the convex rod typically mimics the length of the Bovie cord.

images  The rod is prebent to the appropriate sagittal contour using French benders.

images  The concave-side rod is placed first.

images  There are various methods for rod placement based on the corrective measures that are to be used. We prefer to secure the rod to the hook–screw proximally and work distally.

images  A 90-degree rod derotation maneuver is performed with vise grips. All set screws are then secured to hold correction.

images  The prebent convex-side rod is placed in situ.

images  Compression and distraction maneuvers are performed where needed. In general, care should be taken to “horizontalize” the end vertebrae.

images For selective fusion of Lenke 1A curves, we prefer to horizontalize the lowest instrumented vertebrae (LIV).

images For Lenke 1B curves we prefer to leave a slight obliquity to the LIV.

images  For Lenke 1C curves it may be preferable to leave the

LIV oblique to prevent coronal decompensation.

images  Derotation maneuvers can be done to address apical rotation.

images  Set screws are tightened to appropriate torque using torque wrench.



images No postoperative immobilization is required with multisegmental constructs.

images Postoperative restrictions include limitations with lifting, bending, and twisting.

images It is important to maintain mean arterial blood pressure above 70 mm Hg overnight and hemoglobin above 10 g/dL to maintain spinal cord perfusion.

images Intravenous antibiotics are maintained for 48 hours postoperatively.

images Neurovascular checks are made every 2 hours for the first 8 hours and then every 8 hours.

images Patients are out of bed on postoperative day 1.

images Foley catheter is removed on postoperative day 2.

images Diet is advanced as tolerated.

images Patient-controlled analgesia is used for appropriate patients. Continuous narcotic infusion with demand for the first 24 hours is followed by demand only for the next 24 hours, followed by oral pain medications when tolerating diet.

images A 4-day hospital course is typical.

images Routine follow-up is done at 1, 3, and 6 months and at 1, 2, and 5 years.

images Activity is increased based on the degree of fusion.


images With meticulous attention to detail with regard to instrumentation and fusion techniques, excellent outcomes in terms of straightening and fusion of the scoliotic spine can be expected.

images Long-term outcomes are variable and depend on the underlying diagnosis and the extent of retained spinal mobility.


images Wrong-level surgery

images Failure of fusion

images Hardware malfunction

images Neurologic injury

images Dural tear

images Pneumothorax

images Crankshaft

images Superior mesenteric artery syndrome

images Loss of lumbar lordosis


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· Sucato DJ, Duchene C. The position of the aorta relative to the spine: a comparison of patients with and without idiopathic scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2003;85A:1461–1469.

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