Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (4 Volume Set) 1st Edition

179. Pericapsular Osteotomies of Pemberton and Dega

Tim Schrader and J. Anthony Gonzales, Jr.


images The Pemberton8 (FIG 1A–C) and Dega1,2 (FIG 1D–F) osteotomies are performed for acetabular dysplasia that is either part of a developmental disorder or an acquired disorder due to muscle imbalance in neuromuscular conditions.

images These are reshaping procedures that alter the shape of the acetabulum and increase its volume.7,12

images They are used primarily to increase anterior acetabular coverage but can be altered to provide more lateral coverage.


images The acetabulum develops at the confluence of the growth centers of the ilium, ischium, and pubis.

images Normal growth of the acetabulum requires not only that all of these growth centers remain open and function normally but also that the femoral head remains concentrically reduced and stable within the acetabulum.

images If the growth centers are damaged, either from pathologic conditions or iatrogenically, or if the femoral head is not stable within the acetabulum, normal growth is unlikely to occur and hip dysplasia develops.


images Because of an abnormality in the growth centers of the acetabulum, abnormal periosteal growth, or abnormal positioning of the femoral head, the acetabulum does not develop properly.


FIG 1  A–C. Pemberton osteotomy depicted on a bone model viewed from anteriorly (A), from inside the pelvis medially (B), and from outside the pelvis laterally (C). The osteotomy starts at the anteroinferior iliac spine (AIIS) and extends posteriorly following the insertion of the capsule. It then turns caudally and bisects the posterior column to the level of the triradiate cartilage. D–F. Dega osteotomy depicted on bone model viewed from anteriorly (D), from inside the pelvis medially (E), and from outside the pelvis laterally (F). As for the Pemberton, the Dega osteotomy starts at the AIIS and extends posteriorly following the insertion of the capsule. However, it then stops about 1 cm from the sciatic notch on the lateral surface. The medial surface is cut just above the horizontal limb of the triradiate cartilage. The more of the medial surface that is left intact, the more lateral coverage the osteotomy provides.

images Even with a concentric reduction of the femoral head, the prior period of abnormal growth may prevent the acetabulum from achieving a normal configuration at maturity. The older the child is at the time of reduction, the more likely an osteotomy will be necessary.


images Many patients with acetabular dysplasia develop subluxation or dislocation of the femoral head. This can lead to early arthritis in the middle adult years.

images The degree of subluxation does not necessarily correlate with the time to onset of symptoms or the degree of arthritic changes.


images Hip dysplasia can be diagnosed clinically in newborns and young infants owing to instability of the hip.

images Patients with a history of hip dysplasia are typically followed radiographically until adulthood to ensure normal acetabular development.

images Older children without a prior history of developmental hip dysplasia are typically diagnosed with radiographs based on clinical suspicion, especially when significant risk factors are present.

images Risk factors include breech position, female, first-born, and oligohydramnios. Developmental hip dysplasia is associated with other “packaging disorders.”

images Patients sometimes present in childhood with a limp, hip pain, limb-length discrepancy, or asymmetric hip abduction, particularly those with underlying neuromuscular conditions.

images Routine screening for hip dysplasia in neuromuscular conditions with radiographs is widely performed.

images Examinations and tests to perform include:

images Ortolani test: Positive if a clunk is felt as a dislocated hip reduces.

images Barlow test: Positive if a clunk is felt as a reduced hip dislocates.

images Hip abduction: In a normal hip, abduction should be more than 60 degrees and symmetric. This may be the only abnormal sign in infants. A difference of 10 degrees or more is significant.

images Galeazzi sign: A difference in thigh length is a positive result. A positive Galeazzi sign can indicate a dislocated hip, a short femur, or a congenital hip deformity.

images Abnormal skin folds can occur in normal children but may also indicate asymmetric hip abduction.

images Limp with ambulation, Trendelenburg sign, or limp associated with limb-length discrepancy may be the only abnormal sign in older children.


images Dynamic hip ultrasound can be used to detect hip dysplasia in very young infants (under 6 months of age).

images Plain radiographs, including an anteroposterior (AP) view of the pelvis and false profile views, typically can be used to make the diagnosis in older children.

images Radiographic parameters, including the acetabular index, lateral center–edge angle, anterior center–edge angle, the position of the sourcil, and the line of Shenton, should be evaluated (FIG 2).


FIG 2  A. Preoperative AP pelvic radiograph of a child with bilateral hip dislocations. B. Preoperative AP pelvic radiographs of a child with right hip dysplasia. This child had undergone a closed reduction and adductor tenotomy at 12 months of age. The hip is now located, but acetabular dysplasia persists and did not improve over a year of observation. Changes consistent with avascular necrosis are present in the right femoral epiphysis.

images Dislocation is detected by lack of contact between the acetabulum and femoral head.

images Subluxation is detected by a break in the line of Shenton.

images Acetabular dysplasia can be detected by a decrease in the lateral center–edge angle or an increased acetabular index on the AP pelvic radiograph or a decrease in the anterior center–edge angle on the false profile view.

images A pelvic radiograph with the legs abducted and internally rotated can give some idea about the ability of the hip to reduce, with either increased acetabular coverage or a femoral osteotomy.

images A CT scan can provide a closer look at anterior and lateral coverage.


images Slipped capital femoral epiphysis

images Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

images Congenital coxa vara

images Proximal femoral focal deficiency


images Infants are typically treated with full-time braces, such as the Pavlik harness.

images Young children can be treated with a closed reduction and cast immobilization.

images The initial treatment for primary acetabular dysplasia without hip instability or residual acetabular dysplasia following treatment for instability is observation.

images As long as the acetabular index continues to improve and the hip remains concentrically reduced, observation can be continued.

images If hip subluxation develops or the acetabular index fails to improve over a 12-month period, operative treatment is indicated.

images Neuromuscular patients with a migration index less than 25% can be observed as long as their abduction remains greater than 45 degrees. Patients with migration indexes over 50% generally will benefit from surgical treatment of their dysplasia, which can include a femoral or pelvic osteotomy.


images The Pemberton and Dega osteotomies are used to treat acetabular dysplasia with anterior and lateral deficiencies.

images They are used when more than 10 degrees of acetabular index correction is needed.

images They are also used to augment the reduction during open reduction in a patient with severe acetabular dysplasia.

images Mubarak's variation of the Dega osteotomy incorporates a lateral ilium cut that goes all the way to the sciatic notch.

images It includes a bicortical cut into the sciatic notch with a rongeur.

images The inner wall of the ilium is cut only anteriorly between the anterosuperior and anteroinferior iliac spines (ASIS and AIIS) and posteriorly at the sciatic notch.

Preoperative Planning

images Hip and knee contractures should be carefully evaluated preoperatively so they can be addressed during the surgical procedure.

images With neuromuscular patients, the femoral head may be deformed. An open capsulotomy to look at the articular cartilage may prove to be beneficial.

images If there is significant articular cartilage damage, particularly laterally from the hip capsule, a resection arthroplasty may be indicated as opposed to a reduction.

images The primary area of acetabular deficiency needs to be determined to plan the osteotomy.

images The triradiate cartilage should be open because the osteotomy hinges on this cartilage. Generally this osteotomy can be performed up to 10 years of age.

images Hip mobility must be good, especially abduction and internal rotation.

images A concentric reduction of the femoral head in the acetabulum before the osteotomy is an absolute prerequisite. This can be assessed preoperatively with an abduction internal rotation hip radiograph or can be assessed intraoperatively after a capsulotomy or varus proximal femoral osteotomy.


images Patients are positioned supine on a radiolucent table with a bump under the lumbosacral spine to provide about 30 degrees of elevation of the ipsilateral hip (FIG 3).

images A fluoroscopic evaluation should be done at this time to ensure adequate radiographic visualization.

images The entire limb is prepared from the lower rib cage to midline.


images A standard anterolateral approach using the interval between the tensor fascia lata and sartorius is used.


FIG 3  Patient positioning. A bump is placed under the lumbosacral area, and the entire lower extremity is draped free.



images  Two different skin incisions have been described (TECH FIG 1A).

images The concave Smith-Peterson incision is curvilinear along the iliac crest and then extends along the anterior thigh; it is expansile and can be used to perform a concomitant femoral osteotomy.

images The “bikini” oblique incision is more cosmetically appealing and offers the experienced surgeon adequate exposure. A separate lateral incision is used with the bikini incision in case a femoral osteotomy is planned. To prevent injury to the neurovascular structures below the fascia, care must be taken with the oblique incision medial to the ASIS.

images  Either skin incision is deepened to expose the iliac crest and the interval between the sartorius and tensor fascia lata.

images  The deep fascia is incised next on top of the tensor fascia lata muscle to avoid injury to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (TECH FIG 1B).

images  The tensor–sartorius interval is deepened until the rectus femoris is encountered. The interval is then developed proximally up to the ASIS. The direct head of the rectus attached to the AIIS is identified. It can be released and reattached at the end of the osteotomy or left attached.


TECH FIG 1  A. Skin incisions. There are two alternatives for the skin incision. The more extensile Smith-Petersen concave incision (red line) can be used for a concurrent femoral osteotomy, but it often leaves an unsightly scar. The more limited “bikini” incision (black line) provides plenty of exposure, leaves an appealing scar, and can be combined with a lateral incision for concurrent femoral osteotomies. B. Superficial exposure. The iliac apophysis has been exposed by elevating the overlying abdominal musculature. The tensor–sartorius interval has been opened. The interval is opened over the tensor musculature to protect the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. The nerve is on top of the pickup.


Deep Exposure

images  The exposure is important in this osteotomy. Before any cuts are made the surgeon should be able to clearly see the inner and outer portions of the iliac wing to the sciatic notch posteriorly and the entire hip capsule anteriorly.

images  The outer table of the ilium can be exposed either by splitting the iliac apophysis or by dissecting just below the apophysis, in which case the apophysis is then taken off as an entire piece to minimize injury to this growth area.

images  The outer and inner tables are exposed in a subperiosteal fashion to the sciatic notch.

images  Chandler retractors are placed into the sciatic notch from medial and lateral to protect the neurovascular bundle (TECH FIG 2).

images  The reflected head of the rectus is then released and followed posteriorly. It acts as a guide to the border of the hip capsule.


TECH FIG 2  Deep exposure. The medial and lateral portions of the iliac wing have been exposed by splitting the apophysis. The Chandler retractors are in the sciatic notch. The capsule has been exposed. The direct head of the rectus is tagged with the suture.

Creating the Osteotomy

images  The first cut is made on the outer table starting 1 to 1.5 cm above the AIIS and extending posteriorly and parallel to the joint capsule.

images  About 0.5 to 1 cm from the sciatic notch, the osteotome should be turned and directed distally down the ischium to the level of the ischial limb of the triradiate cartilage (TECH FIG 3A).

images The last portion of this cut is made in a blind fashion with fluoroscopic guidance, and care must be taken to avoid cutting into the sciatic notch, the hip joint, or the triradiate cartilage.

images  The osteotome should remain midway between the capsular attachment and the sciatic notch, splitting the posterior column in half to the level of the triradiate cartilage.

images  The inner cut is started at the same point as the outer cut on the anterior surface, and the cut is generally at the same level as the outer cut running parallel to it (TECH FIG 3B).

Osteotomy Variation

images  If more lateral coverage is needed, the inner cut is moved more distal and shortened to make a more oblique osteotomy.

images  This changes the fulcrum of rotation from straight posterior to more posteromedial, giving more lateral coverage as the fragment is levered downward (TECH FIG 4).

Separating the Bone

images  A special curved osteotome (TECH FIG 5A) is inserted into the osteotomy to connect the two cuts. This osteotome is advanced by hand.

images  Once the osteotome is at the level of the triradiate cartilage (TECH FIG 5B), the acetabular roof is gently levered down (TECH FIG 5C).


TECH FIG 3  A. Lateral wall cut. The Chandler retractor is in the sciatic notch and the osteotome is used to cut the lateral cortex. The cut has started between the anterosuperior and anteroinferior iliac spines (ASIS and AIIS) and is extending parallel to the joint. The posterior portion of this osteotomy will be made in a blind fashion. B. Medial wall cut. The Chandler retractor is in the sciatic notch and the osteotome is used to cut the medial cortex. The cut has started at the same location as the lateral wall cut, between the ASIS and the AIIS, and is extending in the same direction as the lateral wall cut.


TECH FIG 4  Variations in the Pemberton osteotomy. The inner and outer iliac wing cuts determine the amount of coverage based on their direction. A,B. If more anterior coverage is required, then the inner cut is more transverse. C,D. If more lateral coverage is required, then the osteotomy is inclined laterally and both cuts begin a little farther away from the capsule.


TECH FIG 5  A. Pemberton osteotome. The special curved Pemberton osteotome is necessary to connect the inner and outer wall cuts and make the sharp posterior curve. B. Connecting the cuts. A special curved osteotome is necessary to make the sharp curve of the osteotomy posteriorly. The osteotome is advanced by hand, connecting the inner and outer wall cuts made previously. The osteotome is advanced to the level of the triradiate cartilage. The dotted line represents the anterosuperior iliac spine autograft fragment that can be used to hold the osteotomy open. C. Levering down the osteotomy. The osteotomy is levered downward with the osteotome. A lamina spreader can also be used with caution. In this patient, a femoral shortening osteotomy and open reduction have been performed and sutures are in place allowing for a capsulorrhaphy once Pemberton osteotomy has been completed.


TECH FIG 6  A. Anterosuperior iliac spine (ASIS) autograft bone wedge. An osteotome is used to harvest the ASIS autograft bone wedge. The height of the wedge is determined by the amount the osteotomy will be levered downward. B. Graft placement. An autograft bone wedge from the ASIS or an allograft wedge can be used. The graft is inserted in an anterior-to-posterior direction and should be stable after it is impacted. Internal fixation is seldom necessary. C. AP postoperative pelvic radiograph of a left Pemberton osteotomy in a spica cast. An open reduction, capsulorrhaphy, and femoral shortening osteotomy have also been performed.

Graft Placement and Closure

images  Once the roof is in the desired position (usually an opening of 1 to 2 cm anteriorly), bone wedges are placed in the opening to hold the osteotomy open. Allograft or a wedge of the ASIS can be used.5

images  An autograft wedge of the ASIS can be harvested with a straight cut of the ilium (TECH FIG 6A).

images  The graft is usually placed from anterior to posterior. A gouge may be used to make a trough in the iliac wing and the acetabular fragment for the graft to rest in (TECH FIG 6B).

images  Internal fixation is usually not necessary.

images  The apophysis and muscles are then reattached with suture, and the skin is closed in routine fashion.

images A hip spica cast is then applied (TECH FIG 6C).



images  As for the Pemberton osteotomy, the outer table of the ilium can be exposed either by splitting the iliac apophysis or by dissecting just below the apophysis, in which case the apophysis is then taken off as an entire piece to minimize injury to this growth area.

images  The outer table is exposed in a subperiosteal fashion to the sciatic notch. Although it is not necessary to expose the inner table for a Dega osteotomy, it does aid in orientation and adds little to the morbidity of the procedure (TECH FIG 7).

images  A Chandler retractor is placed into the sciatic notch from the lateral side to protect the neurovascular bundle.

images  The reflected head of the rectus is then released and followed posteriorly. It acts as a guide to the border of the hip capsule.


TECH FIG 7  Deep exposure. The iliac apophysis has been slit and the inner and outer walls of the ilium have been exposed by subperiosteal elevation. Sponges have been placed posteriorly along the inner and outer ilium to aid in retraction.

Creating the Osteotomy

images  A curvilinear osteotomy is performed on the outer wall starting just above the AIIS to a point 1 to 1.5 cm in front of the sciatic notch.

images  Guidewires can be inserted at the most cephalad portion of the osteotomy, directed toward the inner wall just above the triradiate cartilage. They are placed under radiographic guidance on the obturator oblique view. They serve as a guide for the chisel when the osteotomy is made.

images Like exposing the inner table, guidewires are not necessary but aid in orientation and add little to the morbidity of the operative procedure (TECH FIG 8A).

images  Next, an osteotome is used to cut the ilium medially and inferiorly in line with the guidewire down through the inner wall (TECH FIG 8B). If the inner table has been exposed, this can be confirmed with direct visualization. The posterior third of the inner wall should be left intact to act as a fulcrum for rotation.

images The less inner wall that is cut, the more lateral the coverage that will be obtained with rotation (TECH FIG 8C–E).

images The thinner the roof fragment, the deeper the coverage and less redirection you have.

images  The cortex is then levered down with a wide osteotome to provide the desired coverage.


TECH FIG 8  A. Guidewire placement. Three Kirschner wires have been placed along the outer ilium. They are placed under fluoroscopic guidance on an obturator oblique view. They enter the lateral ilium about 1 cm cephalad to the joint capsule and are directed to exit the medial ilium just above the triradiate cartilage. B. Making the osteotomy cut. An osteotome is inserted along the lateral ilium about 1 cm above the hip capsule and directed medially and inferiorly. In this case, guidewires have been placed and the osteotome is inserted parallel to the wires. The osteotomy starts between the anterosuperior and anteroinferior iliac spines and extends to within 1 cm of the sciatic notch. C. Variations in the osteotomy cuts. The osteotome is directed inferomedially. The steeper the acetabular slope preoperatively, the higher the osteotomy will need to start laterally. The amount of lateral and anterior coverage is determined by how much of the posterior medial inner wall is left intact. D. If more of the medial wall is left intact, then the fulcrum of rotation will move more anterior and more lateral coverage will be obtained. E. If more of the medial wall is cut, then the fulcrum of rotation will move posteriorly and more lateral coverage will be obtained.


TECH FIG 9  The Mubarak variation is shown in an anterior and lateral projection. The osteotomy extends anteriorly from the anteroinferior iliac spine posteriorly to the sciatic notch 0.5 to 1.0 cm above the hip capsule. The osteotomy is bicortical only in the area of the iliac spines and the sciatic notch. The sciatic notch cut can be made with a Kerrison rongeur. Osteotomes are then used to cut toward the triradiate cartilage between the hip joint and the medial wall. Once the cut has been extended to the triradiate cartilage, the acetabular fragment is levered downward. If the anterior and posterior cuts are not bicortical, then the fragment may not displace adequately.

Mubarak Variation

images Mubarak's osteotomy 6 is a variation of the Dega osteotomy that incorporates a lateral ilium cut that goes all the way to the sciatic notch (TECH FIG 9).

images It includes a bicortical cut into the sciatic notch with a rongeur.

images The inner wall of the ilium is cut only anteriorly between the ASIS and AIIS and posteriorly at the sciatic notch.

images  The outer ilium is exposed down to AIIS anteriorly and the sciatic notch posteriorly. The inner wall is exposed only enough to take the upper ilium and ASIS for bone graft.

images  Two points are identified, one about 0.5 to 1 cm above the acetabulum and one within the sciatic notch. Bicortical cuts are made at each spot.

images  A Kerrison rongeur can be used to make the posterior cut safely.

images  A curvilinear cut is made in the outer cortex to connect the two points.

images  The osteotome is directed down to the triradiate cartilage but does not enter the cartilage. It is used to lever the roof down 1 to 1.5 cm, and once the bone is levered down, bone graft wedges are used to hold it open.

Graft Placement and Closure

images  Triangular bone wedges are used to hold the osteotomy open (TECH FIG 10A). Allograft wedges can be used. Autograft wedges from the iliac crest or from a concurrent femoral shortening osteotomy can also be used.

images  The wedges are inserted in a lateral-to-medial direction. It is important to place the largest piece of graft where the most coverage is desired (TECH FIG 10B).

images Internal fixation is usually not necessary.

images  The apophysis and muscles are then reattached with suture and the skin is closed in routine fashion.

images A hip spica cast is then applied (TECH FIG 10C,D).


TECH FIG 10  A. Triangular pieces of autograft or allograft bone can be used as wedges. The size of the wedge depends on the amount the osteotomy is mobilized and the remaining gap left. B. Autograft bone wedges from the anterosuperior iliac spine or allograft can be used. The grafts are inserted in a lateral-to-medial direction. The largest wedge is inserted in the area where the largest amount of coverage is desired. The grafts should be stable after they are impacted. Internal fixation is seldom necessary. C. Postoperative AP pelvic radiograph of a right Dega osteotomy in a spica cast (same child as shown in Fig 2B). Allograft bone has been used. D. An AP pelvic radiograph of the same child 12 months postoperatively. The line of Shenton is now intact, the allograft has incorporated nicely, and the femoral epiphysis remains round.



images Patients are almost exclusively treated with a hip spica cast for 6 to 12 weeks. If this is a staged procedure, the patient should be left in half of the spica cast while the second procedure is being done.

images Radiographs are obtained to make sure graft displacement has not occurred.

images Once good radiographic healing has been demonstrated, progressive weight bearing over 4 weeks can be started.

images Children are followed until maturity to detect avascular necrosis and ensure adequate acetabular coverage.

images Physical therapy is typically not needed to regain mobility after immobilization.


images The Pemberton osteotomy provides excellent long-term acetabular correction in children, particularly those under age 4.3,8,9,13,14

images The osteotomy has also been effective in patients with neuromuscular dysplasia.11

images The Dega osteotomy has been successfully used in the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip and neuromuscular dysplasia.

images Several studies have found excellent results in younger children (under age 6), with results in older children less reliable.4,10


images Stiffness

images Subluxation or dislocation

images Closure of triradiate cartilage

images Chondrolysis

images Avascular necrosis of the femoral head


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