Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (4 Volume Set) 1st Edition

195. Surgical Treatment of Cavus Foot

Richard M. Schwend and Brad Olney


images A cavus foot deformity in children develops from muscle imbalance that leads to forefoot pronation in relation to the hindfoot. When well established, it is readily recognizable by an abnormally high medial arch that persists with weight bearing (FIG 1).

images Commonly a result of hereditary sensory motor neuropathy (HSMN), it is frequently difficult to determine the underlying cause.


images The plantar fascia is an extensive fibrous structure that spans the foot between the medial aspect of the calcaneal tuberosity and the transverse metatarsal ligaments at the metatarsal heads (FIG 2). It stabilizes the arch of the foot and protects the underlying neurovascular structures from injury.

images During the gait cycle, the plantar fascia assists in the dynamic changes of the arch.

images At heel strike there is forefoot supination and heel inversion, while eccentric contraction of the quadriceps muscles absorbs much of the energy.

images During mid-stance, there is unlocking of the midtarsal joints with hindfoot pronation and internal tibia rotation.

images At toe off the plantar fascia helps lock the midtarsal joints to assist the foot to be a rigid lever for forward propulsion.

images This is termed the windlass effect, when passive dorsiflexion at the metatarsophalangeal joints tightens the plantar fascia, leading to elevation of the medial arch and tarsal joint stability (FIG 3).


images In progressive conditions such as HSMN, there is muscle imbalance with weakness of the intrinsic, tibialis anterior, and peroneus brevis muscles. This can lead to a relative overpull of the peroneus longus and posterior tibialis muscles.


FIG 1  A 17-year-old girl with hereditary sensory motor neuropathy type 1A. Cavus right foot deformity with high arch, plantar crease, apex of deformity at the midfoot, and claw toes.

images Clinical muscle testing shows that although both peroneal muscles are weak, the larger peroneus longus muscle retains relatively more strength. Differential peroneal nerve compression at the proximal fibula is postulated to cause relative sparing of the peroneus longus innervation.5

images CT imaging studies in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, a major category of HSMN, showed early foot intrinsic muscle atrophy with sparing of the abductor hallucis and involvement of the peroneus brevis, peroneus longus, and flexor hallucis longus muscles.11

images MRI studies have shown dominance in the size of the peroneus longus muscle versus the tibialis anterior.14

images The muscle imbalance and intrinsic muscle weakness lead to an unopposed extensor digitorum longus, hyperextension of the lesser toe metatarsophalangeal joints, and phalangeal joint flexion by the long and short toe flexors.

images There is an exaggeration of the windlass effect with claw toe deformities.

images The first metatarsal becomes even more plantarflexed by the action of the peroneus longus and with time becomes fixed in this position.

images The plantar aspect of the foot assumes a tripod position, resulting in hindfoot varus (FIG 4).

images The cavus foot remains a rigid lever throughout stance phase, leading to increased stress and lack of shock absorption, pain, and callosities.


FIG 2  Plantar view of plantar fascia.


FIG 3  Windlass effect. The foot is an arch. If the plantar tissues tighten and become shorter, the fixed length of the arch forces it to become taller.


images Cavus foot is rarely present at birth, but develops with time.

images The natural history depends on the underlying diagnosis. The underlying cause affects the outcome, so determination of cause is essential. An underlying diagnosis can be found in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, or the foot itself.

images Cavus foot deformity can be either progressive or nonprogressive.

images Cavus foot deformity involves either a dorsiflexion deformity of the calcaneus or a forefoot plantarflexion deformity.

images The most common cause of progressive bilateral cavus foot deformity is HSMN. HSMN is a group of progressive peripheral nerve diseases and has a heterogeneous genetic classification.

images Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease involves types I and II HSMN, with HSMN IA the most common type, seen in 60% of HSMN.

images HSMN type I has myelin degeneration, type II is the axonal degeneration form, and type III (Dejerine-Sottas disease) is more severe and presents in infancy.

images There are more than 17 different genetic loci determined for CMT.

images The prognosis for these progressive conditions is less favorable than for the nonprogressive disorders.

images The natural history of HSMN is related to the underlying type.

images Progression of muscle involvement begins initially in the intrinsic muscles, followed by the anterior compartment, the peroneal muscles, and then the posterior muscles.12

images The foot can assume a cavovarus, calcaneocavus deformity or even a valgus deformity and may have more unilateral severity (HSMN type III).4

images Associated hip dysplasia may be asymptomatic or may present with symptoms. Acetabular dysplasia may be the first indicator of HSMN.3

images In progressive conditions that are left untreated, a flexible and correctable foot may become rigid with structural bony changes. This can lead to inability to participate in athletics and pain and difficulty with shoe wear and normal walking. Treatment is recommended when the foot is still flexible.

images Unilateral cavus foot can have a number of causes. The idiopathic variety may be progressive, with an unpredictable natural history.


FIG 4  Tripod effect. Weight bearing is shared between the heel and medial and lateral columns of the forefoot. If the medial column is in plantarflexion, the heel is forced into varus with weight bearing.

images Patients with nonprogressive conditions, as seen in cerebral palsy or spinal cord disorders, may fare better but still can have long-term problems with athletics, metatarsalgia, plantar fasciitis, and iliotibial band syndrome.9

images Calcaneocavus deformity is often seen with nonprogressive conditions such as spina bifida or clubfoot deformity with an overlengthened heel cord. Problems include heel pain or heel pad ulceration if sensation is deficient, and weak or no pushoff or crouch gait if not braced.


images The physical examination is used to determine the underlying diagnosis and to determine characteristics of the cavus foot deformity that would indicate surgical correction is needed.

images Physical examination should include observation of the spine and its range of motion. Skin changes, scoliosis, or kyphosis may represent an underlying spinal cord abnormality.

images The upper extremities are evaluated for intrinsic muscle wasting and weakness. Atrophy or weakness in the hand suggests HSMN.

images The clinician evaluates hip range of motion and looks for Trendelenburg gait. Bilateral hip dysplasia newly diagnosed in a teenager is highly suggestive of HSMN.

images Lower extremities are evaluated for size, muscle strength, and firmness and tenderness along the course of major nerves. Bilateral calf atrophy is seen with spina bifida and may be present in severe HSMN. Unilateral atrophy may be seen with diastatomyelia, tethered spinal cord, or split cord malformation.

images A neural examination is performed. Patients with HSMN may have decreased sensation to light touch, position sense, or vibration. There may be obvious weakness of the anterior tibialis muscle, preventing ability to heel walk. Deep tendon reflexes may be decreased or absent in HSMN and Friedrich ataxia.

images The foot is examined for deformity (cavus, cavovarus, or calcaneocavus). Bilateral deformity is typical for HSMN. Unilateral deformity may be present with a structural abnormality. The clinician locates the apex of the midfoot deformity and determines whether the foot is rigid or flexible. Hindfoot is rarely in equinus.

images The Coleman block test is performed. If hindfoot varus corrects to neutral position, then the hindfoot is flexible and the medial forefoot is the source of hindfoot varus.

images The toes are examined for any deformities. Cavus foot may not have associated toe abnormality. Rigid claw toe abnormality requires surgical treatment.


images Bilateral standing anteroposterior (AP) and lateral radiographs are standard.

images On the lateral weight-bearing radiograph the clinician should determine the calcaneal pitch; greater than 30 degrees indicates chronic gastrocnemius–soleus weakness (FIG 5A).

images The Meary angle, the angle between the shaft of the first metatarsal and the axis of the talus, is normally 0 degrees (FIG 5A).

images Ankle equinus, forefoot equinus, the amount of cavus, and the apex of the midfoot deformity are determined.

images With the foot positioned for the Coleman block test, a lateral radiograph of the foot can document the degree of hindfoot correction.1

images In the patient with known or possible HSMN, a standing AP pelvis view is obtained to document the presence of hip dysplasia.15

images Standing full-length posteroanterior and lateral spine radiographs are obtained when a spinal abnormality is suspected or if the underlying diagnosis is in question.



FIG 5  A. A 15-year-old boy with hereditary sensory motor neuropathy type 1A with severe bilateral cavus foot deformity. Lateral standing radiograph of right foot. The Meary angle, measured between the axis of the talus and the first metatarsal, is 25 degrees, but it should be 0 degrees. The calcaneal pitch angle, measured between the horizontal and the plantar aspect of the calcaneus, is 26 degrees but should be less than 20 degrees. B. A 5-year-old girl with 28-degree right thoracic scoliosis. MRI T1-weighted sagittal view of large cervical thoracic syrinx with Chiari I malformation at foramen magnum. C. MRI T1-weighted axial view showing large central cord syrinx.

images MRI of the entire brainstem and cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine is performed when a spinal cord tumor, syrinx, tethered cord, or Chiari I malformation is of concern (FIG 5B,C).

images Nerve conduction and electromyelographic (EMG) studies may be done to evaluate for HMSN. In HMSN type I, motor nerve conduction is markedly slowed. In HMSN type II, there is near-normal motor nerve conduction but EMG evidence of denervation. Molecular DNA testing of peripheral blood may be used for diagnosing HSMN; therefore, sural nerve biopsy is generally not necessary.


images Hemiplegic cerebral palsy

images Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy with calcaneocavus foot deformity if the Achilles tendon has been overlengthened

images Friedrich ataxia

images Myelodysplasia

images Chiari I malformation with syringomyelia and scoliosis

images Diastatomyelia and split cord malformation

images Poliomyelitis

images Spinal cord tumors

images Guillain-Barré syndrome

images Peripheral nerves: HSMN types I and II

images Sciatic nerve injury

images Peripheral nerve tumor

images Silent compartment syndrome after tibia or foot fracture

images Residual deformity of clubfoot

images Idiopathic

images Subtalar tarsal coalition (rare)

images Severe limb-length discrepancy leading to a fixed equinus gait


images Nonoperative management is appropriate for mild or nonprogressive deformity.

images Inserts that support the lateral forefoot and eliminate hindfoot inversion may be helpful.

images Gel heel cups and replacing worn athletic shoes assist the stiff foot in energy absorption.

images Extra-depth shoes and orthotics that unload pressure points may help in more advanced cases.


images Surgical treatment is necessary for more severe nonprogressive cases or for progressive cases. The functional goal is to correct the cavus deformity and to obtain a mobile, plantigrade, and well-balanced foot while avoiding common pitfalls. Treatment is best performed when the foot is still flexible. Staged procedures, correcting deformity first and balancing muscles at a later stage, may be safer for the foot.

images Specific principles for surgical decision making include the following:

images Surgical management is usually needed when there is an identified functional problem or progression of the deformity. For progressive cavus deformity, it is better to use simple procedures early.

images Plantar fascia release is the initial procedure of choice in young children with nonprogressive deformity. We prefer to do this through a medial plantar incision with postoperative serial corrective casting used to gain further correction. Plantar fascia release is generally done with other procedures.

images The surgeon can correct any underlying muscle imbalance with tendon transfers or lengthening or by bony correction of the lever arm that the muscles work through.

images In a more rigid deformity, a forefoot osteotomy is used to correct the pronated medial forefoot.

images The goal is to correct the fixed deformity while preserving joint mobility. The site of the osteotomy is determined by the location of the deformity apex. The most common are first metatarsal dorsal closing, medial cuneiform plantar opening, and midfoot wedge osteotomies.

images For marked and rigid forefoot equinus (FIG 6), a more extensive midfoot osteotomy is used, which is typically needed during the patient's second decade.17

images Calcaneal osteotomy is used if the Coleman block test indicates a fixed heel varus. We recommend a slide osteotomy through a lateral approach, although a lateral closing wedge alone or combined with the slide may also be used for more correction. Tendon transfers are frequently required to achieve a balanced foot. These may involve a transfer of the relatively strong posterior tibialis tendon to the dorsum of the foot,1 a Jones procedure in which the extensor hallucis tendon is transferred to the neck of the first metatarsal with fusion of the great toe interphalangeal joint, a split or complete anterior tibialis tendon transfer if the muscle has preserved strength, or a transfer of the peroneus longus to the peroneus brevis.18


FIG 6  An 18-year-old girl with hereditary sensory motor neuropathy type 1A with marked cavus and fixed midfoot deformity and shortening. Owing to her age and the degree of rigid deformity, a midfoot osteotomy is required.

images Calcaneal cavus deformity may need a posterior sliding calcaneal osteotomy to increase the calcaneal lever arm. We prefer this to be a crescent-shaped cut. A plantar fascia release facilitates posterior sliding of the distal fragment.

images Triple arthrodesis is used as a salvage procedure for rigid hindfoot deformity. We are reluctant to recommend this for a foot with sensory deficit since the long-term outcome when this procedure is used is poor.16 With a triple arthrodesis, tendon transfers may still be necessary to maintain a balanced foot.

Preoperative Planning

images Intraoperative epidural anesthesia may be continued in the postoperative period.

images Preoperative antibiotics are given.

images A tourniquet allows optimal visualization of the operative site.

images In patients with HSMN, the surgeon must be very careful about tourniquet use, since the sciatic and femoral nerves in the thigh are very sensitive to the pressure and time effects of the tourniquet. We recommend the minimal pressure needed and less than 1 hour of inflation time.


images The patient is positioned supine on a radiolucent imaging table.


images A combination of surgical procedures may be needed to fully correct the foot deformity.

images For most deformities, an extensive plantar release is used.

images As the extensor hallucis longus muscle function may be spared in HSMN, the Jones procedure is useful for the child with a plantarflexed medial column and dynamic great toe hyperextension during swing phase. It is generally combined with a medial or midfoot osteotomy.

images For more extensive and rigid deformity, an osteotomy may be needed. A younger patient may require only an osteotomy of the proximal first metatarsal or first cuneiform. A midfoot wedge osteotomy is useful for the rigid midfoot deformity in an adolescent or young adult when the midfoot does not sufficiently correct after the plantar fascia release. If the lateral and medial aspects of the midfoot are in equinus, an osteotomy across the entire midfoot will more reliably correct the deformity than a medial column osteotomy.


FIG 7  Cavus deformities typically require a combination of procedures. For this right foot, incisions for an extensive plantar medial release, modified Jones procedure, midfoot osteotomy, and posterior tibialis tendon lengthening are drawn. The midfoot osteotomy is at the apex of the deformity.

images The lateral calcaneal slide osteotomy is used to correct fixed hindfoot varus that does not correct with the Coleman block test.

images Advantages include use of a simple single cut with control of the amount of correction needed.

images The posterior slide calcaneal osteotomy is useful in the calcaneocavus foot with a high calcaneal pitch angle.

images Incisions should be longitudinal and placed over the areas of relevant pathology (FIG 7).

images A cavus foot is short and will be lengthened in the course of treatment. It may be safer to obtain some of the correction with postoperative corrective casts rather than doing all of the correction at the initial surgery.



images  A longitudinal incision is made medially over the plantar fascia. Sharp knife dissection is used through the skin and subcutaneous fat (TECH FIG 1A).

images  The abductor hallucis is the first structure identified and is released off its deep fascia (TECH FIG 1B).

images  The fascia deep to the abductor hallucis is next exposed. The posterior tibial nerve and artery are identified proximally and followed distally by releasing the overlying fascia. Note the division of the posterior tibial nerve into its plantar medial and lateral branches.

images  Posterior to the neurovascular bundle the plantar fascia is exposed as it attaches to the medial tubercle of the calcaneus.

images  The flexor digitorum brevis, quadratus plantae, and abductor digiti quinti muscles are released at their proximal origins with Mayo scissors.

images  Capsulotomies of the medial talonavicular and subtalar joints may be needed if superficial release is not adequate to achieve correction.2

images  Severe cases may need posterior tibialis tendon lengthening or transfer.

images  The incision is loosely closed with interrupted sutures. By widely spacing the sutures, blood can drain and not cause excessive postoperative pressure.

images  In severe cases serial casting may be necessary after the release.


TECH FIG 1  A. Plantar medial incision. Since the foot will be lengthened, the incision should be placed longitudinally and gentle sharp dissection used. B. The abductor hallucis muscle has been dissected off its deeper fascia and the plantar aponeurosis and muscles have been isolated posterior to the neurovascular bundle.


images  A plantar medial release should also be performed if an osteotomy is required.

images  A stiff forefoot, an older patient, or painful forefoot calluses indicate the need for an osteotomy.

images  Depending on the apex of the deformity, the osteotomy can be performed on the medial cuneiform or the first metatarsal. In a younger child, it may be safer to avoid the proximal metatarsal physis and perform a medial cuneiform osteotomy.

images  The osteotomy can be performed either as a first metatarsal dorsal-based closing wedge osteotomy or as a medial cuneiform plantar-based open wedge.

images The first metatarsal dorsal closing wedge osteotomy does not require a bone graft, has one bony surface to heal, and can be held closed with a single screw. However, it may shorten the metatarsal slightly.

images The first cuneiform plantar open wedge osteotomy requires only a single cut, the amount of correction can be fine-tuned after the bone has been cut, and it does not shorten the foot, but a bone graft is required to hold it open, typically an allograft.

images  For a proximal, dorsal-based oblique closing wedge first metatarsal osteotomy, a longitudinal incision is made directly over the proximal metatarsal; be careful to protect the dorsal digital nerve (TECH FIG 2A,B).

images  Subperiosteal dissection of the proximal metatarsal is used; be careful to leave the plantar periosteum and soft tissue intact.

images  Two small-diameter Steinmann pins are drilled at the site of the bone cuts, converging at the plantar apex. The apex of the correction is quite proximal and plantar. A bony and soft tissue posterior hinge is left intact so that the osteotomy is an incomplete closing wedge.

images  A small oscillating saw is used to make the bone cuts. The wires are used to guide the cuts toward the plantar apex. A small osteotome and pituitary rongeur may be used to remove some of the bone at the apex.


TECH FIG 2  A. Proximal incomplete dorsal-based closing wedge osteotomy of proximal metatarsal. The plantar aspect of the metatarsal and soft tissues are left intact to act as a hinge to allow closure of the osteotomy. Steinmann pins are placed to accurately guide the bony cuts. (continued)


TECH FIG 2  (continued) B. The plantar hinge remains intact for proper closure. A screw or percutaneous pin holds the osteotomy closed. C. Plantar opening wedge osteotomy of the medial cuneiform. D.The dorsal hinge must remain intact. A triangular bone graft is inserted in the plantar aspect. Fixation is with a single screw, percutaneous wire, or suture on the plantar surface.

images  When sufficient bone has been removed from the apex, the cut ends can be slowly closed together, while maintaining integrity of the bony hinge. A wire, screw, or dorsal plate can be used to secure the corrected osteotomy.

images  In a younger child with an open metatarsal physis or when the deformity apex is at the medial cuneiform, the opening wedge osteotomy can be performed at this level (TECH FIG 2C,D).


images  Two incisions are used, a dorsal transverse incision over the great toe interphalangeal (IP) joint and a longitudinal incision over the distal first metatarsal (TECH FIG 3).

Interphalangeal Joint Fusion

images  Through the transverse incision over the IP joint, the incision is carried down to the extensor hallucis tendon.

images  The tendon is transected at the level of the IP joint and the IP joint capsule is incised transversely.

images  Continue with the no. 15 blade to expose the articular distal aspect of the proximal phalanx.

images  A rongeur is used to remove the articular cartilage and some of the subchondral cortical bone on both sides of the IP joint. Only a minimal amount of bone is removed.

images  A cannulated 4.0-mm screw is used for fixation. This is placed by retrograde insertion of a guidewire through the center of the distal phalanx, exiting distally just plantar to the nail.

images  The IP joint is then reduced in a neutral position and the screw is inserted; be careful to provide compression at the IP joint.

images Proper length places the tip of the screw into the proximal aspect of the proximal phalanx.


TECH FIG 3  Two incisions are used, one transverse over the interphalangeal joint and the other longitudinal along the distal first metatarsal.

Transfer of the Extensor Hallucis Tendon to the Metatarsal Neck

images  A longitudinal skin incision is made over the distal first metatarsal.

images  The extensor hallucis tendon is identified and isolated distally until its cut end can be pulled into the incision.

images  A 0 suture whipstitch is placed into the distal tendon.

images  Subperiosteal exposure of the distal metatarsal allows a transverse drill hole to be made in the metatarsal neck.

images The drill diameter is roughly the diameter of the extensor hallucis longus tendon.

images A wire or suture passer aids passage of the extensor hallucis longus tendon through the hole.

images  After the medial column or midfoot osteotomy is secured, the end of the extensor hallucis longus tendon is secured to itself (TECH FIG 4).


TECH FIG 4  After denuding the interphalangeal joint articular cartilage, a 4.0-mm screw transfixes this joint. A whipstitch is placed into the cut end of the extensor hallucis longus tendon (inset) and the tendon is passed through a transverse drill hole and sutured to itself.


images  The osteotomy is placed at the apex of the deformity, which should be proximal to any plantar calluses (TECH FIG 5A,B).

images Too distal placement results in a rocker-bottom residual deformity.

images If the deformity is severe, a triple arthrodesis may be needed to bring the forefoot into a plantigrade position.

images  Muscle balancing procedures will still be required, since the foot will further deform with time if imbalance remains.

images Several types of osteotomies have been described. 6,7,17

images We recommend a simple procedure that uses a truncated wedge placed at the apex of the deformity.

images Once cut, the distal fragment may be laterally rotated to compensate for excessive medial column flexion.

images  A long single dorsomedial skin incision is used at the apex of the deformity.

images It is more effective to place the osteotomy proximally so that correction is achieved at the level of the deformity; it is generally at the navicular cuneiform joint.

images  The Hohmann retractors are placed dorsal and plantar, with the entire midfoot exposed (TECH FIG 5C).



TECH FIG 5  A,B. Midfoot osteotomy is centered at the apex of the deformity, typically through the naviculocuneiform joint. Rotation can be added to decrease the excessive amount of medial column plantarflexion. C.Neurovascular structures are protected with two Hohmann retractors.

images  Smooth Steinmann pins are inserted to define the proximal and distal aspects of the osteotomies. The osteotomy is cut with the oscillating saw and completed with osteotomes and rongeurs. A dorsal-based wedge of bone is removed; it can be a triangle for moderate deformities or a truncated trapezoid for more significant deformities.

images  Fixation is with two threaded Steinmann pins, which are removed in 4 to 6 weeks.

images  The incision is loosely closed with interrupted sutures.

images  The foot is casted for 6 weeks with toe-touch weight bearing. Because of the potential for nonunion, an additional 6 weeks of weight-bearing casting should be considered.


Lateral Calcaneal Slide Osteotomy

images  The incision is placed lateral to the calcaneus, parallel to the peroneal tendons.

images  The peroneal tendons are reflected proximally to gain access to the lateral aspect of the calcaneus tubercle.

images  A sharp Hohmann retractor is placed just anterior to the Achilles insertion and another is placed plantar and distal.

images Fluoroscopy can be used to check the orientation of the osteotomy by the position of the retractors (TECH FIG 6A).

images  A 1-inch osteotome or saw is used to make the osteotomy across the calcaneus to the opposite cortex. A smooth lamina spreader is used to distract the fragments, and the medial cortex can be freed up with a pituitary rongeur and a Cobb elevator.

images  The calcaneal tubercle with the heel is then slid medially about 50% of its width. The correct position is for the heel to be underneath and in line with the tibial shaft (TECH FIG 6B). A laterally-based wedge can also be removed if more correction is needed.

images  A large threaded Steinmann pin is placed in the sinus tarsi and directed toward the most posterior inferior aspect of the tubercle (TECH FIG 6C).

images  The pin is removed in the clinic in 3 weeks. A cast is used for a total of 6 weeks.


TECH FIG 6  A. Lateral exposure of the calcaneus for calcaneal slide osteotomy. The peroneal tendon sheath is divided and the tendons are reflected proximally. One Hohmann retractor is placed anterior to the Achilles tendon insertion and a second is placed distally on the plantar aspect of the calcaneus. B. Posterior view of the foot showing the lateral slide calcaneal osteotomy. C. The distal tubercle with the heel pad is positioned underneath the tibia. Fixation is with a threaded Steinmann pin for 3 weeks.

Posterior Slide Calcaneal Osteotomy

images  A lateral approach to the calcaneus is used, similar to the lateral slide osteotomy.

images  Hohmann retractors are placed for protection and orientation.

images  An oblique straight cut may be used, but we prefer a curved cut using a Chiari chisel (TECH FIG 7).

images  Once cut, the distal calcaneal fragment is slid posterior and transfixed with a threaded Steinmann pin.

images  Since the bone may continue to bleed, loose interrupted suture closure and a bulky dressing are used.

images  The pin is removed in 3 weeks and the foot is casted for a total of 6 weeks.


TECH FIG 7  Crescent-shaped calcaneal osteotomy allows posterior positioning of the calcaneus to improve the lever arm function of the gastrocsoleus muscles and to decrease the point pressure on the heel.



images After a plantar release, the foot should be wrapped with soft bulky cotton and casted with minimal external correction.

images At 2 weeks the sutures are removed and gentle correction is obtained. This may require serial casting for up to 6 weeks.

images After a midfoot or forefoot osteotomy, weight bearing is restricted until the osteotomy has healed, generally about 6 weeks.


images Long-term outcome studies are very limited for progressive conditions such as HSMN.

images Triple arthrodesis for progressive cavus deformity has a poor long-term outcome. Results are further compromised by technical problems at the time of surgery, as well as from undercorrection and overcorrection.

images Most patients with a progressive cavus deformity and a triple arthrodesis performed as a teenager had significant foot problems by their thirties.16

images Nonprogressive deformities such as spastic cavovarus with equinus can be surgically balanced with acceptable results.

images Progressive deformities may require several surgeries during childhood followed by a triple arthrodesis at maturity. The patient and family should be warned about this possibility.


images Femoral or sciatic nerve injury from tourniquet. This can occur with excessive pressure or time on the tourniquet or even with minimal time and pressure. The tourniquet time should be under 1 hour, using minimal pressure needed for visualization.

images Plantar medial incision dehiscence if excessive correction is attempted at the time of surgery

images Pressure sores in patients with HSMN

images Surgical correction of midfoot deformity distal to the apex may result in a rocker-bottom foot deformity.

images Nonunion of the midfoot osteotomy8

images Persistent midfoot cavus if the deformity is too severe for a medial column or midfoot osteotomy

images Persistent hindfoot varus if deformity is fixed and a calcaneal osteotomy is not performed


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