Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (4 Volume Set) 1st Edition

261. Volar Wedge Bone Grafting and Internal Fixation of Scaphoid Nonunions

Evan D. Collins


images The scaphoid is the most commonly fractured carpal bone in the wrist. Scaphoid fractures that fail to heal after 6 months of treatment are categorized as nonunions and represent about 5% to 10% of all scaphoid fractures.

images Untreated nonunions have been reported to lead to progressive arthrosis and wrist pain.6

images Volar wedge bone grafting is an effective surgical technique in the treatment of certain scaphoid nonunions based on:

images Location of the fracture

images Degree of the deformity

images Vascularity of the scaphoid

images This general technique can also be adapted to increase its versatility.


images Nearly 80% of the scaphoid’s surface is covered by articular cartilage.6

images Through ligamentous connections, the scaphoid serves as the bridge or link between the proximal and distal rows. Due to these strong tethers proximally and distally, it is highly susceptible to an acute fracture after a fall on an outstretched hand (FIG 1).18

images Other key factors that influence scaphoid fracture healing are its tenuous vascular supply and its unique bony architecture.

images The vulnerable vascularity of the scaphoid, especially the proximal pole, is well described in the literature.8,14,15,16,20 This is due to the fact that the scaphoid has a retrograde blood supply, with 70% of the vascular supply through the dorsal ridge vessel and 30% provided through branches to the scaphoid tubercle (at the level of the radiocarpal joint via superficial palmar branch perforators off the radial artery).

images The complex geometry of the bone makes it difficult to anatomically reduce the bone fragments.


images Although there may be a variety of reasons for the development of a scaphoid nonunion, a fractured scaphoid usually fails to heal for three primary reasons:

images The fracture is either undetected or untreated within the first 4 weeks after the injury.

images The location of the fracture is proximal, resulting in poor vascularity of the most proximal fragment.

images The fracture is displaced more than 1 mm.


images Scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC), described in the literature, is a predictable sequence of changes that occurs as a result of scaphoid nonunion leading to wrist arthrosis, often associated with pain and limitation of motion.4,5

images In studying patients with painful wrists over a 15-year period to determine who will develop symptoms, it is evident that the incidence of symptomatic wrist pathology requiring reconstruction is significantly higher for scaphoid nonunions that have gone untreated.1

images Techniques used to detect an acute scaphoid fracture and its susceptibility to nonunion, wrist pain, and corresponding arthrosis have been discussed in great detail in the literature.14,15,20


images The patient who presents with a scaphoid nonunion is usually a man between the ages of 18 and 25.

images Unrecognized injuries in adolescence may present with pain related to early SNAC wrist arthrosis in the middleaged adult.

images Patients generally complain of wrist pain that limits range of motion or hinders activities such as pushups, weightlifting, and opening a door. Moderate to heavy pinch and grip pain have also been described.

images A specific event resulting in the original scaphoid fracture years before is rarely cited by the patient on presentation.

images Consistent physical examination findings include subtle tenderness in the region of the scaphoid tubercle or the anatomic snuffbox, limited wrist extension compared to the contralateral side, and localized pain on the radial side along the radiostyloid or scaphoid with loaded wrist extension.


images Standard radiographs include posteroanterior (PA), lateral, and scaphoid oblique 45and 60-degree pronated views (FIG 2). Such views:

images Confirm the diagnosis

images Provide information regarding displacement, angulation, shortening, and the presence of a “humpback deformity” Scaphoid


FIG 1  Anatomy of the wrist joint. The scaphoid bridges the proximal and distal carpal rows and is largely covered by articular cartilage.


FIG 2  An oblique view of a scaphoid that has not healed.

images Reveal compensatory carpal instability, dorsal intercalated segment instability (DISI)

images As part of a treatment algorithm, dividing scaphoid fractures into either proximal, middle, or distal is very helpful.

images Other factors considered in diagnostic assessment include previous wrist fracture or sprain later becoming symptomatic; tenderness on the scaphoid tubercle or in the anatomic snuffbox; localized pain to the radial side of the wrist along the radiostyloid or scaphoid itself, with a loaded dorsiflexed wrist; and pinching and heavy grip pain.

images Once the scaphoid nonunion is diagnosed, often a CT scan performed in the plane of the scaphoid helps define bony architecture. Sagittal and coronal images are particularly helpful in characterizing the nonunion site and its orientation, displacement, and degree of bone loss.

images Scaphoid collapse (or “humpback deformity”) is most clearly determined by measuring the lateral intrascaphoid angle on the sagittal CT views.

images MR imaging, especially when combined with intravenous gadolinium, is helpful in defining the presence or absence of osteonecrosis and any associated ligamentous or cartilaginous injuries. If osteonecrosis of the proximal fragment is seen, the surgeon should consider a vascularized bone graft10 (see Chap. HA-20) rather than the nonvascularized grafting procedure described in this chapter.


images De Quervain’s tendinitis

images Scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal arthritis

images Scaphoid lunate instability, static and dynamic

images Radial styloid fracture

images Trapezial ridge fracture


images Surgery is generally indicated for established scaphoid nonunions that are displaced and symptomatic because of the strong likelihood that radiocarpal arthrosis may develop with this type of persistent nonunion.18,20

images Nonoperative management may be appropriate for minimally symptomatic scaphoid nonunions. All factors should be taken into consideration when determining the most appropriate treatment: scaphoid nonunion alone is not an absolute reason for surgery.12


images Volar wedge bone grafting is the preferred surgical technique for treatment of a scaphoid nonunion without osteonecrosis but with shortening, an increased intrascaphoid angle causing a “humpback deformity,” and concomitant carpal collapse. Although many scaphoid nonunions without deformity can be effectively treated with the described procedure, other approaches and grafting techniques that are less invasive may be an option, especially for proximal pole nonunions.2

images Determining which bone graft is necessary depends on how much shortening is anticipated.3

images The benefits of distal radius bone grafting include its location within the same surgical site and the fact that it is not limited in size and can be harvested as a vascularized or nonvascularized graft. One important disadvantage is the creation of a relatively large defect and stress riser within the distal radius. Also, the surgical incision is more extensile and it is not possible to get a bicortical or tricortical piece of bone for a more structural bone graft.

images Iliac crest bone graft may be harvested in large quantities and as a bicortical or tricortical piece of bone. It is relatively simple to procure and has a long history of success in such cases, a standard by which all others are currently measured. The disadvantages of this type of bone graft include a separate incision with associated morbidity, as well as a reported risk of cutaneous nerve injuries. Also, it cannot be converted to a vascularized pedicle bone graft.

images When an MRI reveals the presence of osteonecrosis, a vascularized procedure should be considered (see Chap. HA-20).14,15,20

Preoperative Planning

images After assessing all diagnostic studies, including plain films, MRI and CT scans, the type of bone graft is determined.

images Two types of fixation screws can be used.

images One type of screw has a smooth shank and two threaded heads. This screw is strong and creates high compression but may not be appropriate for all nonunions. The scaphoid nonunion fragments must be large enough to ensure that no threads of the screw cross into the bone graft site.

images The other type of compression screw uses a deferential pitch between the proximal and distal portion of the screw. This screw may be more versatile, although it lacks compression strength compared to the above-mentioned screw.

images If compression screws are not deemed appropriate for the type of nonunion that exists, multiple Kirschner wires can be used.

images A regional anesthetic block is used for most patients and is helpful for alleviating postoperative pain. When iliac crest grafting is chosen, additional general anesthesia is needed.

images All radiographic studies are reviewed and brought to the operating room for re-evaluation during the case.


images The patient is placed in the supine position with the upper extremity positioned on a hand table.

images If an ipsilateral iliac crest bone graft is used, the hip on the same side as the affected hand is prepared and draped. A small bump is placed under the hip for patients with significant adipose tissue.

images A tourniquet is applied to the proximal arm.


images The location of the scaphoid nonunion helps determine the surgical approach. Wedge bone grafting of a waist nonunion is performed using a standard volar approach.

images For proximal pole fractures with evidence of osteonecrosis, a dorsal approach with possibly a vascularized bone graft would be a more amenable surgical approach.13,19



Incision and Initial Dissection

images  An incision is drawn over the flexor carpi radialis (FCR) tendon and extended distally between the glabrous skin of the thenar eminence, angled across the wrist flexion crease (TECH FIG 1A).

images  After exsanguination the skin is incised and the FCR tendon is identified. Distally in the wound a volar branch of the radial artery is often sacrificed to gain exposure (TECH FIG 1B).

images  The floor of the FCR tendon is sharply incised over the entire course of the incision and the digital flexors and median nerve are swept ulnarly. They are carefully protected throughout the case. A blunt Wheatlander is used to maintain visualization of this interval between the radial artery and the FCR tendon.

images The volar extrinsic ligaments, the radioscaphocapitate (RSC) and long radiolunate (LRL), are identified and precisely incised. Much of the LRL and a portion of the RSC are left intact, helping to stabilize the proximal pole (TECH FIG 1C).

images This stability facilitates the reduction of the distal fragment to the proximal fragment.

images Preserving this ligamentous support also helps maintain fracture reduction during the placement of an intraosseous compression screw by counteracting the torque created during screw insertion.

images  Deep dissection proceeds to the scaphotrapezial joint. This interval is exposed using a transverse capsular incision for later insertion of the intraosseous screw.

images  The articulation between the scaphoid and capitate is carefully exposed. This visualization will be important during reduction of the scaphoid fragments.

images  During exposure it is critical to avoid dissection over the distal dorsoradial scaphoid to avoid interrupting the contribution by the dorsal ridge vessel.

Nonunion Exposure and Preparation

images  A no. 64 Beaver blade and Freer elevator are used to define the location of the nonunion and the borders of the scaphoid itself. Time spent here makes reduction and bone graft placement simpler later (TECH FIG 2A,B).

images  Two joystick K-wires are placed, one angled proximally in the proximal fragment and one angled distally in the distal fragment (TECH FIG 2C).


TECH FIG 1  A. The skin incision is marked out. B. The volar branch of the radial artery is often sacrificed to gain exposure. C. After the floor of the flexor carpi radialis (FCR) is longitudinally divided, a portion of the radioscaphocapitate (RSC) ligament is visualized.


TECH FIG 2  A,B. A Freer elevator identifies the nonunion site. C. K-wires are used as joysticks to control the scaphoid proximal and distal fragments. D. Manipulation of the K-wires allows for access to the nonunion site for débridement and then graft placement.

images  These K-wires facilitate manipulation of the fragments and therefore access to the nonunion site for débridement (TECH FIG 2D).

images  The proximal and distal poles are examined carefully for osteolysis and sclerosis. A small curette or rongeur is used for débridement and removal of intervening fibrous tissue. Débridement is complete once good punctate bleeding is noted. In some situations deflating the tourniquet temporarily can be of value in assessing viability of the fragments.

images  A retrograde K-wire may be inserted along the longitudinal axis of the scaphoid to temporarily hold the reduction.

images If placed in an appropriately eccentric position this K-wire may serve effectively as the derotation K-wire (used later to avoid fragment rotation during screw insertion) and yet remain out of the path of the screw.

images  Restoration of scaphoid length and anatomic reduction of the fragments are best assessed by direct visualization and fluoroscopy.

images Lateral images will reveal correction of the DISI deformity.

images PA images document proper length of the scaphoid and determine if the Gilula lines are re-established.9

images  The size of the volar wedge graft needed to maintain the reduction is now determined based on the volar defect noted after the reduction is accomplished.

Fracture Reduction and Preliminary Stabilization

images  By bringing the joystick/crossed K-wires into a more parallel position (relative to one another) and rotating the distal K-wire into slight supination, initial fracture reduction is often accomplished by removing the humpback (TECH FIG 3).


TECH FIG 3  The scaphoid joysticks are used to reduce the fracture, and the length is estimated to determine the size of the volar wedge graft.

Distal Radius Graft Harvest

images  A two-fingerbreadths incision is made more proximally than initially described. This provides the necessary access to the distal radius.

images  The pronator quadratus is elevated using cautery, and the distal radius is perforated using K-wires to outline the size of the graft needed to fill the volar defect.

images Great care is taken to avoid destabilizing the radial cortex of the radius.

images  A curved osteotome introduced on three sides allows harvest of the corticocancellous wedge.

images  A curette is then used to harvest as much cancellous bone as necessary.

Graft Contouring and Insertion

images  The volar cortical defect in the reduced scaphoid is “regularized” using a small water-cooled sagittal saw or a fine rongeur.

images  Very little bone is removed from the fracture fragments to create a standard-shaped trough.

images Creating such a “regular” defect makes insertion of the wedge graft easier and more secure.

images  The same saw or rongeur is used to shape the corticocancellous graft to match the “regularized” defect.

images  The prepared proximal and distal fragments are packed with cancellous bone and the corticocancellous graft is tapped into place (TECH FIG 4A).

images  Before graft insertion, the longitudinal K-wire, whether it is the K-wire placed to maintain reduction or the K-wire over which the cannulated compression screw is to be placed, is withdrawn into the distal pole and then reinserted after placement of the graft into the trough.

Cannulated Intraosseous Compression Screw Fixation

images  At the level of the scaphotrapezial joint a small rongeur is used to remove a portion of the trapezial lip.20

images  This facilitates the placement of the K-wire and screw down the longitudinal access of the scaphoid, helping secure center placement of the screw within the bone. A center screw position has been demonstrated to lead to increased healing rates.

images  A K-wire from the compression screw system is then inserted in a retrograde direction (distal to proximal) into the center of the scaphoid, perpendicular to the fracture line.

images  If the K-wire is not perpendicular to the fracture, compression generated from the screw may malreduce the fragments.

images  Once the K-wire is in perfect position, as judged fluoroscopically, and is fixed in the far (proximal) cortex of the scaphoid, the length is measured.

images  Factors such as cartilage thickness and distance between the fracture fragments is taken into account. It is critical that the screw not be too long and enter the radiocarpal joint.

images  While some surgeons advocate advancing the K-wire into the distal radius after the measurement is taken so that the wire remains in position during drilling, that practice is dangerous. It is preferable to leave the K-wire in the scaphoid.

images  Advancing the K-wire can result in cutting the guidewire during drilling or screw placement (particularly with a second-generation compression screw that has cutting flutes at the distal end).

images  If not already present, an eccentric K-wire is placed to maintain the reduction during screw insertion.

images  Under fluoroscopic guidance, a cannulated drill is used followed, in some cases, by a cannulated bone tap. The screw is then placed over the K-wire and the guidewire is removed.

images  Especially during drilling, the surgeon must be careful to remain parallel with the wire.

images  The corticocancellous bone graft must be visualized at all times during these procedures to make certain position is maintained. Maintaining finger pressure over the graft during screw insertion is helpful.

images  Imaging confirms proper screw location, fracture reduction, and construct stability. The K-wire is removed from the cannulated screw and the eccentric K-wire is removed (TECH FIG 4B,C).

images  The wound is then irrigated and the volar extrinsic ligaments are repaired precisely with permanent suture. The remainder of the joint capsule may be closed with an absorbable suture.

images  Bone filler, preferably cadaver dried cancellous bone chips, can be inserted into the distal radius harvest site with a small tamp to compress and fill the defect. This potentially decreases the risk of hematoma formation. The periosteal sleeve is then closed over the distal radius with absorbable suture.

images  Skin is closed using nylon suture, and the tourniquet is then deflated after placement of a thumb spica splint.


TECH FIG 4  A. The wedge placement is complete. B,C. Posteroanterior and lateral views of the compression bone screw after harvesting the bone graft from the distal radius.


images  If compression screw fixation is not feasible, then retrograde, nonthreaded K-wires are recommended and placed in the same manner as described above for the bone screw.

images The wires should be left under the skin and removed once the bone has healed.

images  K-wires provide adequate stability and may be a better fixation choice with large bone grafts.

Iliac Crest Graft Harvest

images  Rather than obtaining bone graft from the distal radius, a standard technique of harvesting bone from the iliac crest may be used.16,20

images  A 2to 3-cm incision is made just inferior to the superior border of the iliac crest just posterior to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS).

images The incision is kept below the belt line to minimize postoperative incisional tenderness.

images The incision is posterior to the ASIS to avoid iatrogenic nerve injury and subsequent numbness and pain over the proximal lateral thigh.

images  Dissection is accomplished using cautery through the deep fascia down to the crest. The superior crest is exposed and muscles are released from a portion of the outer table using cautery and an elevator.

images  A water-cooled sagittal saw and a curved osteotome are used to harvest a bicortical segment of corticocancellous graft.

images The graft is slightly larger than the measured defect in the scaphoid.

images The inner table is left intact.

images The harvested outer table will be volar when the graft is placed in the scaphoid and the superior crest will be radial.

images  A curette is used to harvest cancellous bone graft.

images  The wound is copiously irrigated and temporarily packed with thrombin-soaked Gelfoam while attention is redirected to the scaphoid.

images  After the scaphoid is reconstructed, the Gelfoam is removed and the wound again irrigated.

images  If indicated, a small suction drain is placed below the fascia.

images  The wound is closed in layers with a running locking stitch used for the fascia.

images  A local anesthetic with epinephrine may be injected before harvest of the graft or after closure.



images When a screw is placed for internal fixation, a thumb spica splint is applied after the procedure.

images The patient returns for a follow-up visit 10 days after surgery. During this visit, the hand is examined for swelling and sutures may be removed.

images A thumb spica, short-arm cast is applied, leaving the interphalangeal joint free. The patient is followed radiographically at intervals of 3 to 4 weeks.

images CT scans are the most predictable way to determine if the scaphoid has healed. This evaluation is recommended before allowing the patient to resume vigorous activities.


images Symptomatic scaphoid nonunions with shortening respond well to volar wedge bone grafting with internal fixation, particularly when scaphoid length is restored and when any bony union is achieved.

images A higher rate of bone healing is achieved when a compression bone screw is used as the internal fixation. Reported results show that internal fixation leads to better functional results than standard techniques of bone grafting.7,11,1618

images Bones failing to heal after the procedure have been shown to respond well to vascularized grafts. Other options for failure to heal include partial scaphoid excision, complete scaphoid excision with four-corner fusion, proximal row carpectomy, radial styloidectomy, and complete wrist fusion.


images Radiographic findings may not match the findings at surgery. This affects the outcome to varying degrees, depending on the type of graft harvested.

images Persistent nonunion and osteonecrosis resulting in wrist arthrosis

images Scarring associated with repair of the capsule, causing some postoperative stiffness


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