Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (4 Volume Set) 1st Edition

323. Thumb Metacarpal Extension Osteotomy

Matthew M. Tomaino


images When ligamentous restraint at the thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) joint is compromised, functional grip and pinch may result in painful synovitis and hypermobility long before the development of cartilage wear and arthritis.

images So-called Eaton stage 1 disease can be treated with an extension osteotomy at the base of the thumb metacarpal as an alternative to either ligament reconstruction or arthroscopic synovectomy and pinning.7,8


images The thumb metacarpal (TM) joint is a biconcave-convex saddle joint with minimal bony constraints, so ligamentous support is extremely important, especially considering the compressive forces transmitted across the joint during functional pinch. Eaton and Littler identified the anterior oblique “beak” ligament, so called for its attachment on the palmar beak of the thumb metacarpal, as the primary stabilizer of the TM joint.

images With the assistance of TM joint arthroscopy, Bettinger et al1 have further defined the anterior oblique ligament (AOL) into a superficial (sAOL) and deep ligament (dAOL). The dAOL, which is intracapsular, is, in fact, the beak ligament. The dAOL plays an important role in the kinematics of thumb opposition. It acts as a pivot point and becomes tight during pronation, opposition, and palmar abduction. The dAOL limits pronation in flexion and both pronation and supination in extension.

images In their comprehensive assessment of the ligamentous anatomy of the TM joint, Bettinger et al1 described a total of 16 ligaments that stabilize the trapezium and TM. Seven of these ligaments, including the sAOL, dAOL “beak” ligament, dorsoradial (DRL), posterior oblique, ulnar collateral, intermetacarpal, and dorsal intermetacarpal, are responsible for directly stabilizing the TM joint.

images The DRL's role in joint stability has been debated, but Bettinger et al1 showed that the DRL is an important joint stabilizer. The DRL, which covers a large percentage of the posterior aspect of the joint, is a wide thick ligament that attaches to the trapezium and inserts on the dorsum of the metacarpal base. This ligament tightens with dorsoradial and dorsal translational forces in all positions except full extension. It also tightens in supination and in pronation with joint flexion.


images Functional incompetence of the basal joint's AOL results in pathologic laxity, abnormal translation of the metacarpal on the trapezium, and generation of excessive shear forces between the joint surfaces, particularly within the palmar portion of the joint during grip and pinch activity. Histologic study has shown that attritional changes in the AOL at its attachment to the palmar lip of the metacarpal precede degeneration of cartilage.2


images Because the AOL appears to be the primary stabilizer of the TM joint, and since its detachment results in dorsal translation of the metacarpal, its reconstruction has been recommended to restore thumb stability not only in cases of end-stage osteoarthritis but also for early-stage disease.

images Pellegrini et al5 were the first to evaluate the biomechanical efficacy of extension osteotomy. Palmar contact area was unloaded with a concomitant shift in contact more dorsally so long as arthrosis did not extend more dorsal than the midpoint of the trapezium.

images Shrivastava et al6 studied the effect of a simulated osteotomy on TM joint laxity by flexing the metacarpal base 30 degrees, thus placing the joint in the relationship it would assume if an extension osteotomy was performed.

images The simulated extension osteotomy reduced laxity in all directions tested: dorsal-volar (40% reduction), radial-ulnar (23% reduction), distraction (15% reduction), and pronation-supination (29% reduction).

images They hypothesized that the beneficial clinical effects of a TM extension osteotomy may be partially due to tightening of the DRL, which might reduce dorsal translation.


images Basal joint arthritis may present with mild symptoms beneath the thenar eminence at the level of the TM joint, particularly during pinch and grip. Ultimately, the greatest functional impairment occurs with advanced disease— limiting breadth of grasp and forceful lateral pinch activities such as brushing teeth, turning a key, opening a jar, or picking up a book.

images Complaints are directed toward the base of the thumb, and pain is frequently associated with a sensation of movement or “slipping” within the joint. An enlarging prominence, or “shoulder sign,” inevitably develops at the base as the clinical manifestation of dorsal metacarpal subluxation on the trapezium and metacarpal adduction.

images Early presentation may result in only pain with TM stress and palpation beneath the thenar cone, without deformity, instability, subluxation, or crepitance.

images Methods for examining the thumb CMC joint for hypermobility (stage 1 disease) include the following:

images Trapeziometacarpal stress test, which may cause pain or a slight shift or subluxation

images Thenar CMC joint palpation test, which may cause pain


FIG 1  AP (A) and lateral (B) preoperative thumb radiographs.


images Radiographic evaluation includes a posteroanterior (PA) 30-degree oblique stress view, lateral view, and a Robert (pronated anteroposterior [AP]) view (FIG 1).

images Osteoarthritis may be confined to the TM joint, or it may involve the pan-trapezial joint complex. Indeed, the staging system described by Eaton and Littler describes four stages:

images Stage 1: a normal joint with the exception of possible widening from synovitis

images Stage 2: joint space narrowing with debris and osteophytes smaller than 2 mm

images Stage 3: joint space narrowing with debris and osteophytes larger than 2 mm

images Stage 4: scaphotrapezial joint space involvement in addition to narrowing of the TM joint


images CMC arthritis (stages 2 to 4)

images De Quervain tendonitis

images Flexor carpi radialis tendinitis


images Nonoperative treatment includes anti-inflammatory medication, intra-articular steroid injection, hand- or forearm-based thumb spica splint immobilization, and thenar muscle isometric conditioning.

images Although none of these measures may provide permanent or even long-lasting relief from symptoms, they may indeed provide temporary relief. This allows the patient to contemplate surgery, to gain acceptance, and to participate in the surgical decision-making process.


images Until recently, surgical treatment has centered around reconstruction of the palmar beak ligament with a slip of flexor carpi radialis tendon, as described by Eaton and Littler.3

images The rationale for TM extension osteotomy involves dorsal load transfer and a shift in force vectors during pinch. Pellegrini et al5 showed that a 30-degree closing wedge extension osteotomy effectively unloaded the palmar compartment when eburnation involved less than half, and optimally only one third, of the palmar joint surfaces. Osteotomy in this setting shifted the contact areas to the intact dorsal articular cartilage.

images The most recent biomechanical assessment of metacarpal osteotomy suggested that joint laxity is reduced in lateral pinch because of obligatory metacarpal flexion and resulting increased tightening of the dorsal radial ligament.6

Preoperative Planning

images Radiographs should show a normal joint or slight widening from synovitis. A trapeziometacarpal stress test should elicit pain along with palpation of the joint beneath the thenars. Obviously, other causes of discomfort in the region should be excluded.


images The extremity is placed on a standard hand table.


images A dorsal approach is used and subperiosteal exposure of the base of the metacarpal is provided.

images The osteotomy is made 1 cm distal to the base and is 5 mm wide, so the incision should extend 4 cm distal to the base.

images The base of the wedge is therefore 5 mm wide and is dorsal. Its apex is palmar.



images Regional, axillary block anesthesia is performed and a nonsterile tourniquet is placed.

images After exsanguination with an Esmarch bandage and inflation of the tourniquet to 250 mm Hg, make a dorsal incision from the base of the TM distally for about 3 cm.

images In the subcutaneous tissue, identify and protect the sensory branches of the radial and lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerves. Obtain subperiosteal exposure without injuring the extensor pollicis longus, and identify the TM joint with a 25-gauge needle.

images One centimeter distal to the TM joint, obtain near-circumferential access around the metacarpal in anticipation of the osteotomy.

images Visualize the volar extent of the metacarpal at this location to facilitate accurate resection of a dorsally based 30-degree wedge of bone (TECH FIG 1A).

images Use a microsagittal saw to score the metacarpal 1 cm distal to its base transversely, but do not make a complete cut through the volar cortex.

images Leave a new saw blade in that partial osteotomy site and use a second blade about 5 mm distal to the first cut at an angle of 30 degrees so that the two blades intersect at the volar cortex.

images Remove the wedge of bone, extend the distal metacarpal and compress it against the proximal fragment, and place one 11 × 8 staple (OSStaple™ BioMedical Enterprises, Inc., San Antonio, TX).

images Typically, I maintain the reduced position of the metacarpal while my assistant predrills and then places the staple (TECH FIG 1B,C).

images Perform a layered closure of the periosteum and skin and place an overlying thumb spica splint.


TECH FIG 1  A. Radiograph showing planned osteotomy. B,C. AP and lateral postoperative thumb radiographs.


images The technique is as described for staple fixation except for the use of Kirschner wires.

images Use a microsagittal saw to score the metacarpal 1 cm distal to its base transversely, but do not make a complete cut through the volar cortex.

images Leave a new saw blade in that partial osteotomy site and use a second blade about 5 mm distal to the first cut at an angle of 30 degrees so that the two blades intersect at the volar cortex.

images Remove the wedge of bone and use a 0.045-inch Kirschner wire to place a transverse hole on either side of the osteotomy.

images Pass a 22-gauge wire radial to ulnar and ulnar to radial.

images Place a 0.045-inch Kirschner wire retrograde through the distal osteotomy site, exiting out the ulnar aspect of the thumb, and compress the osteotomy by extending the distal metacarpal.

images With an assistant maintaining compression, tighten the wire, cut it, and bend it beneath the thenar musculature. Then advance the Kirschner wire anterograde.

images Cut the Kirschner wire external to the skin to facilitate removal, and repair the periosteal origin of the thenar musculature with absorbable suture.



images A thumb spica splint is placed for 10 days.

images At that time sutures are removed, and a thumb spica cast with the interphalangeal joint of the thumb left free is placed for an additional 4 weeks.

images About 6 weeks after surgery a forearm-based thumb spica Orthoplast splint is placed, and the patient is instructed to begin gentle TM motion.

images Grip and pinch exercises are started at about 8 weeks after surgery unless union is delayed.


images In light of Pellegrini et al's biomechanical data5 and my own relative dissatisfaction with Eaton ligament reconstruction for stage 1 disease, primarily related to a prolonged recovery period (8 to 10 months) and a stiff TM joint, I prospectively evaluated the efficacy of a 30-degree extension osteotomy in 12 patients (12 thumbs) between 1995 and 1998.8

images TM arthrotomy allowed accurate intra-articular assessment and verified AOL detachment from the metacarpal rim in each case.

images Follow-up averaged 2.1 years (range 6 to 46 months).

images All osteotomies healed at an average of 7 weeks. Eleven patients were satisfied with outcome. Grip and pinch strength increased an average of 8.5 and 3 kg, respectively.

images Since that study's publication, I have become even more impressed by the efficacy of the procedure and believe, as Koff et al4 suggested, that osteotomy decreases laxity and shifts contact area more dorsally. It seems logical that the DRL participates in this effect, and this substantiates the contention that the DRL is an important stabilizer.


images Nonunion

images Persistent pain necessitating resection arthroplasty with trapezium excision

images Radial sensory nerve injury or dysethesia


1.     Bettinger P, Lindschied, Berger R, et al. An anatomic study of the stabilizing ligaments of the trapezium and trapeziometacarpal joint. J Hand Surg Am 1999;24A:786–798.

2.     Doerschuk SH, Hicks DG, Chinchilli VM, et al. Histopathology of the palmar beak ligament in trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis. J Hand Surg Am 1999;24A:496–504.

3.     Eaton RG, Lane LB, Littler JW, et al. Ligament reconstruction for the painful thumb carpometacarpal joint: a long-term assessment. J Hand Surg 1984;9A:692–699.

4.     Koff MF, Shrivastava N, Gardner TR, et al. An in vitro analysis of ligament reconstruction or extension osteotomy on trapeziometacarpal joint stability and contact area. J Hand Surg Am 2006;31A:429–439.

5.     Pellegrini VD, Parentis M, Judkins A, et al. Extension metacarpal osteotomy in the treatment of trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis: a biomechanical study. J Hand Surg 1996;21A:16–23.

6.     Shrivastava N, Koff MF, Abbot AE, et al. Simulated extension osteotomy of the thumb metacarpal reduces carpometacarpal joint laxity in lateral pinch. J Hand Surg Am 2003;28A:733–738.

7.     Tomaino MM. Thumb by metacarpal extension osteotomy: rationale and efficacy for Eaton stage disease. Hand Clin 2006;22:137–141.

8.     Tomaino MM. Treatment of Eaton stage I trapeziometacarpal disease with thumb metacarpal extension osteotomy. J Hand Surg Am 2000;25A:1100–1106.

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