Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (4 Volume Set) 1st Edition

366. Latissimus Transfer for Irreparable Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tear

Jesse A. McCarron, Michael J. Codsi, and Joseph P. Iannotti


images Irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears are tears that involve the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons, where there is an inability to repair the tendons back to the anatomic footprint of the greater tuberosity with the arm at the side.

images Some tears can be determined to be irreparable preoperatively, if the MRI or CT scans demonstrate severe muscle atrophy of the supraspinatus or infraspinatus muscles.

images This may help indicate that a patient has an irreparable tear and may be a candidate for muscle transfer, but the final determination of whether a tear is reparable is made at the time of surgery.


images The latissimus dorsi is normally an adductor and internal rotator of the humerus however, after transfer it is expected to act as an abductor and external rotator of the humerus.

images The ability of the patient to retrain his or her neural pathways to achieve this active in-phase function varies dramatically.

images In some cases, the latissimus dorsi transfer has only a tenodesis effect.

images Originating from the supraspinatus and infraspinatus fossa respectively, the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle– tendon units become confluent and insert as a common tendon on the greater tuberosity of the humerus immediately lateral to the humeral head articular margin.

images Their combined footprint area averages 4.02 cm2.

images The insertion of the supraspinatus averages 1.27 cm from medial to lateral and 1.63 cm from anterior to posterior.

images The infraspinatus insertion averages 1.34 cm medial to lateral and 1.64 cm anterior to posterior.6

images Over the superior aspect of the glenohumeral joint, the deepest fibers of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons are intimately interwoven with the joint capsule such that the rotator cuff tendons and joint capsule function as a single unit. As a result, rotator cuff tears involving the supraspinatus or infraspinatus tendons result in direct communication between the glenohumeral and subacromial spaces.

images The latissimus dorsi muscle has a broad origin from the aponeurosis of spinous processes T7 through L5, the sacrum, the iliac wing, ribs 9 through 12, and the inferior border of the scapula.

images The latissimus dorsi tendon averages 3.1 cm wide and 8.4 cm long at its insertion between the pectoralis major and teres major tendons on the proximal, medial humerus.13

images The fibers of the latissimus dorsi twist 180 degrees from origin to insertion, allowing the latissimus dorsi muscle to originate posterior to the teres major muscle on the posterior chest wall but insert immediately anterior to the teres major tendon on the proximal humerus.

images The latissimus dorsi humeral insertion never extends more distal along the shaft than that of the teres major.

images In most patients, the latissimus dorsi and teres major tendons insert separately onto the proximal humerus; however, 30% of patients have conjoined latissimus dorsi and teres major tendons that cannot be separated without sharp dissection.13

images The neurovascular pedicle to the latissimus dorsi is the thoracodorsal artery and nerve (posterior cord, C6 and C7). The thoracodorsal artery and nerve enter the anterior, inferior surface of the latissimus dorsi, about 13 cm from the humeral insertion site.

images Anatomic studies have shown that this neurovascular pedicle is of adequate length to allow transfer and excursion of the latissimus dorsi without risk of undue tension, once any adhesions and fibrous bands have been released from the anterior surface of the muscle belly.14

images Several important neurovascular structures lie close to the latissimus dorsi insertion, and careful attention to these structures must be given at the time of its release from the humerus to avoid injury.

images Anterior to the latissimus, the radial nerve passes an average of 2.4 cm medial to the humeral shaft at the superior border of the tendon.

images This distance increases with external rotation and abduction and decreases with internal rotation and adduction2 (FIG 1A,B).



FIG 1 • A. Cadaveric dissection of the interval between the teres major (TMa) and latissimus dorsi (L) tendons running deep to the long head of the triceps (T) near their humeral insertion. The view is from a posterior approach to the right shoulder. Note the proximity of the radial nerve (R) lying deep to the latissimus tendon, and the axillary nerve (Ax) running with the posterior humeral circumflex artery over the superior border of the latissimus and teres major as it passes through the quadrilateral space. B. Cadaveric dissection demonstrating the insertion of the latissimus dorsi (L) and teres major (TMa) tendons viewed from an anterior exposure. The pectoralis major (PMa) tendon has been reflected laterally and the long head of the biceps (B) tendon remains in the bicipital groove. Note the more distal insertion of the teres major relative to the latissimus dorsi. Ax, axillary nerve; P, posterior humeral circumflex vessel; R, radial nerve. C. Cadaveric dissection of the superficial muscular anatomy of the posterior shoulder. The axillary nerve (Ax) and posterior humeral circumflex artery are seen exiting the quadrilateral space before entering the posterior deltoid (D). L, latissimus dorsi; TMa, teres major; TMi, teres minor; I, infraspinatus; T, triceps.

images The axillary nerve runs superior to the latissimus dorsi tendon before exiting the quadrangular space (FIG 1C). In neural rotation and adduction, the average distance between the nerve and the superior border of the tendon is 1.9 cm.

images This distance increases with external rotation and abduction and decreases with internal rotation.2

images The anterior humeral circumflex artery runs along the superior border of the latissimus dorsi tendon.


images Multiple causes have been proposed for the development of rotator cuff tears, including decreased vascular supply, mechanical compression between the humeral head and the coracoacromial ligament or the undersurface of the acromion, and traumatic causes such as humeral head dislocation, or rapid or repetitive eccentric loading of the rotator cuff muscle–tendon units.

images Isolated, acute traumatic events may cause massive rotator cuff tears, the majority of which can be repaired open or arthroscopically if diagnosis and surgical intervention are timely.

images Alternatively, most degenerative tendon tears start small and progressively get larger until the muscle retraction, muscle atrophy, and tendon loss prevent primary repair.

images Tear size may not predict reparability at the time of surgery, but it does influence healing postoperatively, with larger tears having a lower incidence of healing.

images Tissue quality and tendon retraction are the major determinants intraoperatively of whether a repair is possible. These factors also influence healing of a primary repair.

images Increased size and duration of a tear lead to retraction of the rotator cuff and fatty infiltration of the muscle belly within weeks to months of developing a tear. These changes result in decreased tendon excursion and tissue compliance that is often irreversible (FIG 2).


FIG 2 • A. Coronal MRI of a massive cuff tear showing tendon retraction to the midhumeral head. B. Sagittal MRI through lateral supraspinatus and infraspinatus fossae showing fatty degeneration and muscle wasting consistent with decreased muscle compliance and increased risk of repair failure at the time of surgery. The suprascapular nerve (SN) can be seen crossing through the spinoglenoid notch. SS, supraspinatus; IS, infraspinatus; Sub scap, subscapularis.

images As a result, the longer these massive tears go untreated, the higher the likelihood that the tear will be irreparable at the time of surgery.

images Presentation of the patient with a massive irreparable cuff tear is often precipitated by a minor traumatic event such as a fall onto an outstretched hand, resulting in an acute-onchronic tear and functional decompensation of the shoulder. Others present with a history of longstanding, worsening symptoms that finally reach a point that is no longer tolerable to the patient.


images Massive posterosuperior rotator cuff tears are uncommon, representing less than one third of all rotator cuff tears even in practices limited to the treatment of shoulder pathology.15

images Not all patients with large posterosuperior cuff tears experience enough loss of function or pain to require surgery or even seek treatment.

images It can be difficult to predict who will have significant shoulder dysfunction based on radiographic or MRI findings or direct inspection of a torn rotator cuff.

images Some patients with large tears can still use their arm for many activities, and some even retain the ability to perform overhead activities.

images Others with smaller tears may have significant difficulty or an inability to use their arm for anything above chest level.

images Regardless of tear size, it is loss of the rotator cuff muscles’ ability to perform their role as humeral head stabilizers that eventually leads to functional decompensation.

images As the tear progresses in size, behavioral and biomechanical compensation will allow maintenance of function to a point. However, once the rotator cuff can no longer stabilize the humeral head to create a fulcrum around which the deltoid can act to forward flex and abduct the arm, rapid decompensation, loss of function, and increased pain ensue.


images The patient history should elicit the mechanism and duration of the current symptoms with the intent of determining if there was a specific traumatic event leading to the rotator cuff tear and whether symptoms of rotator cuff pathology were present before any such event.

images Determining if the tear is a result of an acute injury as opposed to an acute-on-chronic process will help in estimating the quality of the tissues and whether they will be amenable to repair at the time of surgery.

images The duration of dysfunction is also important in determining the likelihood of being able to repair any rotator cuff tear, since fatty degeneration of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle bellies may start within weeks of the injury and will greatly decrease tissue compliance and increase tension placed on a potential repair.9,16

images A careful neurologic examination, starting with the neck, must be performed to rule out neurologic causes of shoulder symptoms.

images An understanding of the patient’s current functional limitations as well as expectations for postoperative function is necessary to elicit whether the patient’s disability is significant enough to benefit from the procedure.

images A focused examination for the rotator cuff-deficient shoulder includes but is not limited to:

images Active forward flexion examination: Patients with function at or above shoulder level are more likely to have improved active forward flexion postoperatively.

images Active external rotation examination: Decreased external rotation on the affected side indicates partial or complete loss of infraspinatus function due to tear involvement or muscle dysfunction.

images External rotation lag sign: Inability to maintain maximal external rotation (greater than or equal to a 20-degree lag sign) suggests tear extension well into the infraspinatus.

images Passive range of motion should be compared to the contralateral limb. Decreased range of motion suggests joint contracture, which requires treatment before consideration for muscle transfer.

images Modified belly press test: Inability to perform this action demonstrates a dysfunctional or torn subscapularis tendon, and these patients will have a higher rate of clinical failure with muscle transfer.

images Abduction strength testing: This tests deltoid muscle strength. A weak deltoid suggests less postoperative active range of motion secondary to inadequate strength.

images External rotation strength testing: Full strength suggests no infraspinatus tear involvement, whereas weakness suggests progressive infraspinatus involvement or dysfunction.

images Evaluation for superior escape: Superior escape suggests an incompetent coracoacromial arch and a high likelihood of failure to improve with muscle transfer.


images A true anteroposterior (AP) radiographic view of the shoulder in the plane of the scapula and axillary view is obtained (FIG 3A,B).

images This allows evaluation of glenohumeral arthritis, superior migration of the humeral head, and identification of any abnormal bony anatomy (FIG 3C,D).



FIG 3 • A. True AP radiographic view of the glenohumeral joint showing minimal superior migration of the humeral head and preservation of the joint space.B. Axillary lateral view of the glenohumeral joint demonstrating joint space preservation and the absence of osteophytes with a centered humeral head. C,D. Radiographic findings of degenerative arthritis, suggestive of a poor surgical candidate for a latissimus dorsi transfer. C. True AP radiographic view of the glenohumeral joint showing osteoarthritic changes, osteophyte formation, and superior migration of the humeral head. D. Axillary lateral view of the glenohumeral joint showing osteoarthritis with early posterior glenoid wear.

images MRI allows evaluation of the rotator cuff, biceps tendon, and labral and capsular pathology (see Fig 2):

images The size of the rotator cuff tear, especially the extent of subscapularis and infraspinatus involvement

images Distance of tendon retraction from the greater tuberosity

images Extent of fatty degeneration seen in involved muscle bellies

images Electromyography is used to evaluate nerve function around the shoulder girdle.

images It is necessary when nerve pathology is suspected as a cause of shoulder dysfunction.


images Frozen shoulder

images Adhesive capsulitis

images Massive rotator cuff tear that can be repaired

images Cervical nerve root compression

images Suprascapular nerve palsy

images Deltoid dysfunction


images Nonoperative management is directed toward optimizing the patient’s current function, managing pain, and modifying activities and expectations.

images Treatment of irreparable cuff tears begins with physical therapy focused on maintaining motion and strengthening the deltoid and scapular stabilizers.

images Physical therapy includes strengthening of the periscapular muscles and internal and external rotators, and stretching to prevent stiffness and further loss of motion.

images Cortisone injection: Forty to 80 mg triamcinolone with 5 to 10 mL 1% Xylocaine is placed in the subacromial– glenohumeral space to decrease synovitis and bursitis, improve pain, and facilitate physical therapy.

images Activity and expectation modification: The physician should explain avoidance of inciting activities that increase pain and discuss realistic functional goals for patients with irreparable cuff tears.

images Most patients with irreparable cuff tears who fail to gain adequate improvement from physical therapy and activity modification are still not good candidates for latissimus dorsi muscle transfers. For these patients, alternative surgical interventions such as limited-goals arthroscopic débridement or reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in low-demand patients, versus shoulder fusion in young, high-demand manual laborers, may be options.

images Limited-goals arthroscopy: If nonoperative management has failed but the patient is not a good candidate for latissimus transfer, an arthroscopic glenohumeral and subacromial débridement may be an option.

images The ideal patient is over the age of 65 and retired, has low functional demands, and has an irreparable tear, and the primary indication for surgery is pain (not weakness).

images These patients should have at least shoulder-level active elevation with an improvement in active elevation after having a positive injection test (10 cc lidocaine into the glenohumeral joint) and without shoulder arthritis.

images This débridement can include synovial débridement, bursectomy, abrasion chondroplasty, acromioplasty–greater tuberosity-plasty, and biceps tenotomy or tenodesis to decrease mechanical symptoms and remove inflamed and painful tissues.

images Successful results are characterized by a decrease in pain followed by a fairly aggressive postoperative strengthening program.


images The treatment decisions regarding management of massive irreparable rotator cuff tears must be made in the context of the patient’s current functional deficits, level of pain and its suspected cause, and physical examination findings.

images What the patient should expect in terms of postoperative pain relief and functional improvement must be clearly delineated before surgery, since return of full (normal) strength, active range of motion, and complete resolution of pain are not realistic goals for even the best latissimus transfer candidates.

images Only a carefully selected subset of patients with irreparable rotator cuff tears are good candidates for latissimus dorsi transfers.

images Ideal patients are younger and have good deltoid and subscapularis muscle strength, limited glenohumeral arthritis, and the ability to get shoulder-level active forward flexion preoperatively.

images Table 1 lists specific prognostic factors.


Preoperative Planning

images Before surgery, plain radiographs and MRI must be reviewed to rule out other sources of pathology.

images Glenohumeral osteoarthritis should be ruled out as a predominant cause of the patient’s current pain.

images An estimate should be made of the likelihood of successful primary repair based on the degree of cuff retraction and tissue quality.

images The equipment needed for both an attempted cuff repair and for muscle transfer should be available at the time of surgery.

images The possibility of needing to use autograft or allograft tendon to augment the length of the latissimus dorsi transfer should be discussed with the patient and the site for autograft harvest must be draped appropriately at the time of surgery, or allograft tissue must be available.


images The patient is placed in the lateral decubitus position and secured with a bean-bag or hip positioner posts (FIG 4A).

images The patient is draped to keep the affected arm free during the case and allow access to the back, the superior aspect of the shoulder, and the arm down to the elbow (FIG 4B,C).

images An arm holder attached to the opposite side of the table will allow abduction, flexion, and rotation for positioning of the arm during the case.


images The surgical approach must allow wide access to the rotator cuff and to the muscle belly of the latissimus dorsi and its insertion.

images Although a single-incision technique has been described,11 most authors prefer a two-incision technique—one incision for exposure and preparation of the rotator cuff and a second for dissection and release of the latissimus dorsi.3,5,8,12,15


FIG 4 • Lateral decubitus positioning of the patient with a bean-bag, viewed from the back (A) and from the foot of the bed (B). Slight reverse Trendelenburg positioning of the table facilitates superior exposure of the subacromial space. C. Lateral decubitus positioning of the patient with a bean-bag after draping with the arm placed in an arm holder, viewed from the head of the table.



images An incision is made at the lateral edge of the acromion parallel to the acromion’s lateral border (TECH FIG 1A).

images Subcutaneous flaps are raised just superficial to the deltoid fascia.

images The anterior deltoid is taken off the acromion from the acromioclavicular joint to the midpoint between the anterior and posterior borders of the acromion.

images This dissection is done in the subperiosteal plane to ensure strong fascial and periosteal tissue for later closure.

images The deltoid is split distally in line with its muscle fibers at the mid-lateral or posterolateral corner of the acromion (depending on the amount of deltoid released), and a stay suture is placed in the deltoid about 5 cm distal to the lateral edge of the acromion to prevent propagation of the split distally, which may result in injury to the axillary nerve (TECH FIG 1B).

images This exposure removes at least half and in some cases all of the middle deltoid origin. This extensive exposure helps in repair of the cuff as well as for transfer and repair of the latissimus dorsi tendon.

images A complete bursectomy is performed, the size and pattern of the rotator cuff tear are delineated, and the leading edge of the cuff tear is débrided (TECH FIG 1C).

images Inspection of the subscapularis tendon should be performed at this stage and partial detachments should be repaired.

images Irreparable subscapularis tears should be considered for concomitant pectoralis major transfers.

images Double muscle transfers are rarely performed and have a worse prognosis than single muscle transfers.


TECH FIG 1 • A. Location of the skin incision for exposure of the subacromial space, at the lateral border of the acromion. B. View of the superior approach to the shoulder with the patient in a lateral decubitus position. A subperiosteal release of the anterior deltoid (AD) from the acromioclavicular joint to the midpoint of the lateral border of the acromion (A) ensures strong tissue for later deltoid reattachment. A stay suture is placed in the deltoid split 5 cm distal to the lateral acromial edge to prevent traction injury to the axillary nerve. PD, posterior deltoid. C. The subacromial space after complete bursectomy and débridement of the irreparable rotator cuff tear. A, acromion; B, biceps tendon; H, humeral head; TMi, teres minor. D. A Cobb or periosteal elevator is used to perform a capsulotomy and release of adhesions around the superior glenoid rim. Articular and subacromial-sided release of adhesions from the retracted rotator cuff allows full mobilization of the torn tendons for an attempted primary repair. E. The prepared greater tuberosity, lightly decorticated, with sutures in place to allow tendon fixation.

images An acromioplasty is performed as needed.

images Remove only that portion of the acromion that extends inferior to the plane of the posterior acromion.

images Avoid decreasing the anteroposterior dimension of the acromion, which can increase the risk of superior escape of the humeral head.

images Keep the coracoacromial ligament at its maximum length and attached to the deep surface of the deltoid.

images At wound closure, place sutures in the acromial end of the coracoacromial ligament and suture this back to the anterior acromion to reconstruct the coracoacromial arch.

images Reconstruction of the coracoacromial arch also helps minimize the risk of postoperative superior subluxation of the humeral head.

images If degenerative changes are seen in the biceps tendon, it can be tenodesed in the bicipital groove and the intraarticular portion excised to remove it as a potential pain generator.

images Complete mobilization of the retracted rotator cuff should be performed on both the intra-articular and extra-articular sides of the tendon.

images This is best performed with a scalpel, Cobb or periosteal elevator, and use of electrocautery where necessary on the intra-articular side of the tendons.

images Do not exceed 1.5 to 2.0 cm of medial dissection of the rotator cuff muscles within the fossa. Excessive medial dissection could injure the suprascapular nerve (TECH FIG 1D).

images Débridement of remaining tissue and light decortication of the greater tuberosity with a rongeur or burr is performed to prepare the site for rotator cuff reattachment or muscle transfer.

images Any portion of the cuff that is reparable to the tuberosity should be attached with number 2 or larger nonabsorbable suture to bone.

images Bone tunnels or suture anchors are placed in the lateral edge of the greater tuberosity (TECH FIG 1E).

images If full mobilization of the rotator cuff will not allow solid repair of the tendon back to the greater tuberosity with the arm at the side, then the decision is made to proceed with the latissimus dorsi transfer.

images If a full repair is achieved but the quality of the repair or the tissue quality is fair or poor, we still prefer to perform the latissimus transfer when the likelihood for healing of the primary repair is low and the need for postoperative strength is high and of primary importance to the patient.


images A 15-cm incision is made along the posterolateral border of the latissimus dorsi, extending proximally to the posterior axillary fold (TECH FIG 2A).

images The incision can be extended proximally as needed for exposure, being careful to change directions when crossing skin creases in the axilla to avoid webbing and excessive scarring in the skin of the posterior axillary crease.

images Skin flaps are raised just superficial to the muscular fascia of the latissimus dorsi, and the upper and lower borders of the muscle are defined (TECH FIG 2B,C).

images Identification of the inferior (lateral) border of the latissimus is the most reliable method for correctly identifying the muscle belly, as there is no large muscle inferior (lateral) to the latissimus on the posterior chest wall.

images Blunt dissection is used to define and trace the tendon proximally toward its insertion on the proximal humerus (TECH FIG 2D).

images Abduction and internal rotation of the arm provides the best visualization of the tendon at its insertion.13

images Careful attention to neurovascular structures is critical at this stage, as the axillary and radial nerves, brachial plexus, and humeral circumflex vessels are all in proximity to the surgical field during this phase of the procedure.

images Internal rotation of the arm in abduction is necessary for adequate exposure but also brings the radial nerve closer to the latissimus dorsi tendon along its anterior, medial surface.2

images The axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex artery run along the superior border of the teres major just proximal to the latissimus dorsi before exiting the quadrangular space.



TECH FIG 2 • A. The posterior incision for harvest of the latissimus dorsi runs along the posterolateral border of the latissimus muscle belly, extending to the posterior axillary fold. It may be extended proximally to improve exposure, crossing skin creases at an angle to avoid postoperative contracture. B. Subcutaneous flaps are raised superficial to the muscular fascia of the latissimus dorsi (L) and teres major (TMa). C. The latissimus dorsi is the most inferior muscle belly running along the posterior and lateral chest wall. D. Exposure of the tendinous insertion of the latissimus dorsi (L) and teres major (TMa) on the proximal, medial humerus is facilitated by abduction and internal rotation of the arm.

images The anterior humeral circumflex vessels run along the superior border of the latissimus dorsi tendon and can be a source of significant bleeding if inadvertently cut.

images Dissection and release of the tendon should be carried out by working from the posterior surface of the tendon, as this keeps all important neurovascular structures anterior (deep) to the tendon.

images A significant number of patients will have latissimus dorsi and teres major tendons that fuse into one tendon along their superior border where they insert on the humerus, a condition that requires sharp dissection to separate the two.

images Once the humeral insertion of the latissimus dorsi has been identified, it should be released directly off the bone on the humeral shaft to ensure adequate tendon length for transfer.


images Once released from its insertion, the latissimus dorsi tendon is prepared by weaving number 2 fiberwire (Arthrex, Naples FL) through the tendon with a locking Krackow technique along both its superior and inferior borders (TECH FIG 3A,B).

images These locking sutures should be placed as soon as the tendon is released to minimize extensive handling of the tendon itself, which is easily frayed because it has few crossing fibers.

images These sutures can now be used as traction stitches, and the latissimus is freed from any adhesions on its anterior surface.

images Be sure to pull the sutures in line with the long axis of the tendon.

images Do not pull the locking sutures in divergent directions as it will separate the parallel fibers of the tendon.

images The neurovascular pedicle is identified and freed as well to prevent traction and damage to these structures during the transfer.

images The pedicle is located on the deep surface of the muscle about 13 cm from the musculotendinous junction.

images It is best seen and dissected after the tendon is released from its insertion and the muscle is flipped posteriorly, thereby exposing the undersurface of the muscle.

images Mobilization of the latissimus dorsi for transfer requires dissection of the deep fascial investments of the muscle from surrounding tissues into the chest wall.

images If this is not performed, maximum excursion of the transfer will not be achieved and the tendon will not be long enough to reach the top of the humeral head.



TECH FIG 3 • A single-strand (A) or doublestrand (B) locking Krackow stitch is run along the upper and lower borders of the released latissimus tendon (L). This minimizes the risk of damage to the tendon fibers and facilitates passage of the latissimus into the subacromial space. C. Using a large Kelly clamp, the latissimus dorsi is passed deep to the deltoid over the posterior surface of the rotator cuff muscles into the subacromial space. D. Intraoperative photo showing the transferred latissimus dorsi (L) viewed from the posterior chest wall incision on the left shoulder. E. Cadaveric dissection showing the subdeltoid passage of the released latissimus tendon in the right shoulder. Note the proximity of the axillary nerve (Ax) to the latissimus during this stage of the procedure. D, deltoid; T, triceps; TMa, teres major; TMi, teres minor; IS, infraspinatus. F. The latissimus dorsi tendon (LT) is anchored to the greater tuberosity (GT) laterally and sutured to the upper border of the subscapularis (S) anteriorly and to the leading edge of the torn, retracted rotator cuff tendons medially.

images Using sharp and scissor dissection and some blunt dissection, the plane underneath the deltoid and superficial to the rotator cuff muscles across the back of the shoulder is developed (about 4 to 6 cm wide) to connect the superior (rotator cuff exposure) and the posterior (latissimus exposure) wounds.

images A large Kelly clamp is passed in this plane from the superior to the posterior wounds.

images Attention must be paid to enlarging this plane (4 to 6 cm) to prevent binding of the latissimus muscle belly within the tunnel, compromising its excursion.

images Grasping the previously placed traction sutures with the large curved Kelly clamp, the surgeon then passes the latissimus dorsi deep to the deltoid and into the subacromial space with the arm in adduction and neutral rotation (TECH FIG 3C).

images The effectiveness of this transfer depends on achieving a tenodesis effect of the transfer, thereby creating a passive humeral head depressor effect.

images To accomplish this, the arm is positioned in 45 degrees of abduction and at least 30 degrees of external rotation.

images In this position the transferred tendon is pulled to its maximum length over the top of the humeral head, and the traction sutures placed along the sides of the tendon are passed through the leading edge of the subscapularis tendon and tied. This step establishes the tendon transfer tension and places the tendon over the top of the humeral head (TECH FIG 3D,E).

images When the arm is brought to the patient’s side and in internal rotation, the transfer is tensioned further, bringing the humeral head lower within the glenoid fossa.

images We believe that this is one of the most important steps in the surgery to achieve proper transfer function.

images The lateral border of the latissimus dorsi tendon is now fixed to the greater tuberosity with three number 2 fiberwires passed through bone tunnels or with 5.5-mm biocorkscrew suture anchors (TECH FIG 3F).

images The medial edge of the latissimus tendon is sutured to the retracted edge of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons with several nonabsorbable sutures.

images Although some authors believe that the latissimus tendon should be attached only to the greater tuberosity to act as an external rotator of the humerus, we believe that repair of the leading edge to the upper border of the subscapularis allows the transfer to act as a humeral head depressor (either passively by a tenodesis effect or actively if the patient can learn how to fire the muscle actively [isotonically] in phase with external rotation or forward elevation).

images This suturing of the latissimus to the subscapularis can be done with two heavy, nonabsorbable sutures.


images The anterior deltoid and middle deltoid are reattached to the acromion with nonabsorbable sutures placed through bone tunnels in the acromion as well as to the intact fascia (TECH FIG 4A).

images A drain is placed in the latissimus dorsi harvest site as needed, and both skin incisions are closed without closure of any deep fascial layers.

images Before emergence from general anesthesia, the patient is placed in a brace with 20 degrees of abduction and neutral rotation (TECH FIG 4B).


TECH FIG 4 • A. The deltoid (D) is reattached to the anterior and lateral edges of the acromion (A) with heavy, nonabsorbable sutures placed through bone tunnels. B. Patients are placed into an abduction brace in 20 degrees abduction and neutral rotation before extubation.




images The patient is placed into a brace postoperatively for 4 to 6 weeks to prevent internal rotation.

images During this time the brace can be removed for dressing and bathing, keeping the arm in neutral rotation.

images Passive forward flexion and external rotation is performed during the first 4 weeks to prevent shoulder stiffness.

images At 4 weeks, bracing is discontinued and passive range of motion in all planes is performed.

images At 7 to 9 weeks, active range of motion is started and physical therapy is begun, focused on retraining the latissimus dorsi to function as an abductor and external rotator of the arm.

images External rotation training: A pillow is placed between the arm and chest wall holding the arm abducted 30 degrees. The patient is told to actively externally rotate the arm while adducting the arm against the pillow.

images Forward elevation training: The patient squeezes a large rubber ball between the palms of the hands while raising both arms forward over the head.

images Biofeedback can also be used to show the patient when he or she is actively contracting the latissimus during external rotation and forward elevation.


images Significant improvement in pain scores postoperatively is a consistent finding (80% to 100% of patients) across outcome studies, even for patients less satisfied with their final results.7,11

images Sixty-six to 81% of patients report satisfaction postoperatively. Patient satisfaction tends to be associated more with improved active shoulder function than pain relief.7,11

images Patients with better preoperative function tend to have greater postoperative improvements in range of motion and strength compared to patients starting with greater shoulder dysfunction.

images Based on our experience and that reported in the literature, postoperative range of motion improves by an average of 35 to 50 degrees in forward flexion and 9 to 40 degrees of external rotation.1,7,11,16

images Patients undergoing latissimus transfer as the first procedure to treat their rotator cuff pathology can expect better outcomes with regard to satisfaction, pain relief, and active range of motion compared to patients undergoing latissimus transfer who have had prior failed surgery for treatment of their rotator cuff.16

images Electromyographic studies show that about 40% to 50% of patients can be retrained to use in-phase latissimus dorsi contraction with active forward flexion or external rotation.7,11

images Female gender and advanced age are associated with worse outcomes.

images Subscapularis tendon tears and superior escape of the humeral head are associated with a higher failure rate.

images Patients with multiple negative preoperative prognostic factors should not undergo isolated latissimus muscle transfer, and other options should be considered either alone or in conjunction with a latissimus transfer.


images Deltoid detachment

images Wound infection

images Rupture of the transferred tendon

images Decreased active forward flexion


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