Shadley C. Schiffern and Sumant G. Krishnan
Refractory disorders of the scapulothoracic articulation have been reported to result in debilitating pain and dysfunction that may require surgical management.
The most common clinical presentation, scapular winging,12 was first reported in the published literature in 1723, and several etiologies for scapular winging have been documented since then.
Soft tissue operations (eg, pectoralis major tendon transfer) have had reported success in stabilizing the dyskinetic scapula in appropriate patients.
Despite successful clinical outcomes, a population of patients experience recurrent symptomatic scapular winging even after pectoralis major transfer.6,10,12
Several authors5,7,10,12 report that arthrodesis is the treatment of choice for these failed muscle transfers. For failed pectoralis transfer or significant (ie, irreducible) fixed winging, scapulothoracic arthrodesis can be a successful salvage operation for these patients.14
The scapula is positioned over the posterolateral aspect of the rib cage, overlying ribs 1 to 7. It is suspended from the sternum by the clavicle anteriorly and plays an important role in positioning the upper extremity for proper function.
The lateral scapula includes the glenoid fossa for articulation with the humeral head.
The scapula provides an attachment for 16 muscles, which help maintain it in functional positions. It articulates on the thoracic cavity, allowing rotation, protraction, and retraction.
A thin bursal layer separates the scapula from the underlying ribs.
Dysfunction of the scapulothoracic articulation has been well documented in the peer-reviewed literature.
The most common manifestation of scapulothoracic dysfunction is symptomatic scapular winging7,12 (FIG 1).
Traumatic injuries to the serratus anterior muscle or the long thoracic nerve have been reported to cause symptomatic winging.7,8,11,12,19,20
Atraumatic etiologies, such as neuralgic amyotrophy, polio, and the muscular dystrophies, also may produce disabling scapular winging.1,2,4,5,8,10,15,16
Intolerable winging also has been demonstrated in association with other bony abnormalities (eg, rib or scapular osteochondromas and malunited scapular fractures) or soft tissue lesions (eg, scapular-stabilizing muscle contractures, muscle avulsions, and scapulothoracic bursitis).3,11,12
Recent authors18 have reported a significant incidence of scapular winging secondary to glenohumeral joint lesions such as rotator cuff tears and glenohumeral instability (especially posterior and multidirectional instability).
The scapulothoracic articulation also is a potential source of debilitating pain in the shoulder girdle.
Several authors9,13,17,18 have documented the incidence of painful scapulothoracic crepitus (“snapping scapula” syndrome) and scapulothoracic bursitis.
Painful crepitus can be due to interposed muscle, fibrous and granulomatous lesions, or bony incongruity associated with osteochondromata, fractures, scoliosis, or kyphosis.13
Most patients who present with symptomatic scapular winging, scapulothoracic pain, or crepitus respond to nonoperative measures.
A subset of this patient population, however, experiences complex scapulothoracic dysfunction or pain refractory to conservative measures.
Patients presenting with scapulothoracic disorders typically complain of debilitating pain, shoulder dysfunction, or scapulothoracic crepitus.
Physical findings commonly include scapular winging, crepitus, alterations in normal scapulohumeral rhythm, or neurologic deficits.
Physical examination should focus on the resting posture of the scapula, as well as its dynamic position.
Both scapulae should be observed and palpated while the arms are elevated or while the patient performs a wall push-up. These dynamic tests may make subtle winging more obvious.
The pattern of winging distinguishes between serratus anterior dysfunction (long thoracic nerve) or trapezius palsy (spinal accessory nerve).
FIG 1 • A. Moderate dynamic scapular winging demonstrated with slow forward elevation of the arms in the frontal plane. B. The same patient demonstrating marked medial winging with the resisted elevation at 30 degrees.
The more common medial winging is consistent with serratus anterior dysfunction, whereas lateral winging is observed in trapezius palsy.
Further assessment includes the scapula stabilization test to assess for fixed or correctable winging. This test is crucial in determining fixed versus reducible winging. It demonstrates the amount of discomfort the patient has and indicates the extent to which reduction of the scapula will relieve that discomfort.
Painful crepitus localized to the scapulothoracic region is verified by diagnostic injection, in which 1% lidocaine is injected beneath the medial border of the scapula into the scapulothoracic bursa. Improvement in pain may be noted in the examination room, further supporting the diagnosis.
Standard plain radiographs of the shoulder, including anteroposterior views in internal and external rotation, axillary lateral views, and scapula Y views are obtained to evaluate the status of the clavicle, acromioclavicular joint, glenohumeral joint, and bony contour of the scapula.
CT scans, including axial images and reformatted coronal and sagittal images, provide further detail, and may be required to assess scapula morphology and the presence of exostoses or deformity.
Electromyography and nerve conduction velocity are important to verify neurologic dysfunction of the long thoracic or spinal accessory nerves.
Long thoracic nerve palsy
Spinal accessory nerve palsy
Glenohumeral joint derangement with secondary scapular winging
Scapulothoracic bursitis
Snapping scapula
Scapular exostosis or osteochondroma
Nonoperative treatment is the cornerstone of management of scapulothoracic dysfunction.
Therapeutic modalities involve supervised scapular–stabilizer and glenohumeral stretching and strengthening, the judicious use of oral anti-inflammatory medications, and selective cortisone injections.
Patients who have failed an extensive nonoperative course are candidates for surgical treatment.
Surgical options for scapulothoracic dysfunction include:
Arthroscopic or open decompression and bursectomy or medial border scapulectomy for painful crepitus
Split pectoralis major tendon transfer for dynamic winging
Scapulothoracic arthrodesis
Surgical indications for scapulothoracic arthrodesis include the following clinical situations:
For patients with disabling pain associated with crepitus, failure of previous resection of the superomedial border of the scapula is an indication for fusion.
For patients with disabling pain associated with fixed scapular winging or failed pectoralis transfer, indications for fusion include:
Significant winging
Difficulty in reducing the scapula with the “scapular stabilization test”
Significant pain relief (>75%) that substantially improved function during a scapular stabilization test
Preoperative Planning
Preoperative anesthesia consultation is recommended. We use general anesthesia with a double-lumen endotracheal tube to allow for selective deflation of the ipsilateral lung during wire passage.
Patients are placed in the prone position.
Care is taken to pad all bony prominences.
The entire involved arm, scapula, and ipsilateral posterior iliac crest are prepped and draped to the midline of the spine (FIG 2).
It is essential that the entire arm be prepped and draped in the surgical field to allow for appropriate manipulation of the scapula and accurate placement of the scapula on the rib cage for fusion.
A direct approach to the scapulothoracic articulation along the medial border of the scapula is used. This approach allows excellent exposure of the underlying ribs and undersurface of the scapula. The superficial location of the scapula makes this approach relatively straightforward.
FIG 2 • Patient in the prone position. The surgical preparation must include the entire arm and the back, extending medially past the midline of the spine and inferiorly to include the posterior superior iliac crest.
The incision is placed along the medial border of the scapula from just superior to the scapular spine to the inferior angle.
The superficial fascia is incised, and the trapezius muscle is identified and retracted medially (TECH FIG 1A). The rhomboid muscles are incised off the medial edge of the scapula and are tagged for reattachment before closure (TECH FIG 1B).
With the rhomboid muscles elevated, a rake retractor can be placed on the anterior surface of the medial scapular border to retract the medial scapula away from the rib cage (TECH FIG 1C).
About one third of the musculature of the serratus anterior and the subscapularis is resected from medial to lateral off the anterior surface of the scapula to allow for a wide fusion surface (TECH FIG 1D).
Care must be taken to avoid resecting the subscapularis beyond the midline of the scapula to prevent denervation.
TECH FIG 1 • A. Superficial dissection proceeds down to the trapezial fascia, and the trapezius is retracted medially. B. The rhomboids are released from the medial border of the scapula and tagged for later repair. C. A retractor is positioned on the medial border of the scapula, and the scapula is elevated, allowing for dissection of the scapulothoracic articulation and underlying ribs. D. Following dissection of one third of the serratus anterior and subscapularis musculature, a wide fusion bed is visualized overlying the ribs.
The anterior surface of the scapula is now roughened slightly with a burr (TECH FIG 2A). Care must be taken during this maneuver to avoid thinning the medial border excessively, because that could lead to fracture during hardware fixation.
Next, the scapula is reduced to the rib cage in approximately 20 to 25 degrees of external rotation from the midline to maximize subsequent shoulder range of motion (most notably elevation and external rotation).
If patients demonstrated concomitant multidirectional glenohumeral instability with a symptomatic inferior component, the scapula is rotated externally 35 to 40 degrees from the midline to use the inferior glenoid rim to buttress against inferior translation.
The ribs corresponding to the decorticated anterior surface of the scapula are identified, and the scapula is again retracted to allow for rib preparation.
Depending on the size and configuration of the scapula, three or four ribs typically will be used in the fusion (usually the third to sixth ribs).
The periosteum is incised carefully in a longitudinal direction and stripped off each rib (TECH FIG 2B,C).
The ribs are minimally roughened with a burr down to bleeding bone.
It is essential to remove all areas of soft tissue between the scapula and rib cage to permit maximum bony contact between the anterior surface of the scapula and the ribs (TECH FIG 2D).
TECH FIG 2 • A. The anterior surface of the scapula is lightly decorticated with a motorized oval burr. B. The first rib has been prepared with the periosteum incised and stripped off of the rib, ready for light decortication. C.Rib preparation continues, exposing the bony surface of the ribs corresponding to the undersurface of the scapula. This typically involves three to four ribs. D. Appearance of the rib surface after light decortication to a bleeding bony surface. Note that in this case, three ribs were prepared for the fusion surface.
At this time, the involved lung is deflated before cerclage wires are passed around the ribs, to minimize trauma to the lung fields.
Using rib and periosteal dissectors, a cerclage wire with a minimum diameter of 1.5 mm is passed carefully around each of the exposed ribs at the level where the medial border of the scapula will be placed on the rib cage (TECH FIG 3A,B).
After passage of the cerclage wires, a one-third semitubular large fragment plate (usually with 5 or 6 holes, depending on the size of the scapula) is lined up on the posterior aspect of the medial border of the scapula (the thickest part of the scapula; TECH FIG 3C).
A 3-mm burr is used to make holes through the scapula corresponding to the holes in the semitubular plate (TECH FIG 3D).
TECH FIG 3 • A. A 1.5-mm wire is passed around the rib using rib and periosteal elevators. The lung is deflated by the anesthesia team before the wire is passed to minimize damage to the underlying pleura. B. Wires are passed around each of the ribs to be involved in the fusion construct. C. A one-third semitubular plate (typically with 5 or 6 holes) is positioned over the medial border of the scapula. D. Holes are drilled in the scapula, corresponding to the plate, with a 3-mm motorized burr. A skid retractor is placed beneath the scapula to protect the underlying thoracic cavity.
Cancellous bone is now harvested from the posterior iliac crest in routine fashion through a separate incision paralleling the path of the cluneal nerves.
If more bone graft is desired, either allograft cancellous chips or a synthetic bone graft substitute can be added.
The wires are now passed through the scapula and semitubular plate (TECH FIG 4A), and the bone graft is placed between the scapula and ribs.
The scapula is reduced to the underlying ribs (TECH FIG 4B), and the wires are sequentially tightened with the scapula held in 20 to 25 degrees of external rotation from the midline (TECH FIG 4C,D).
The semitubular plate allows uniform stress distribution once the wires are tightened (TECH FIG 4E,F).
The wires are cut, and attention is turned to closure of the wound (TECH FIG 4G).
TECH FIG 4 • A. The previously placed wires are then passed through the scapula and plate in the appropriate position. B. The scapula is reduced into the predetermined position overlying the ribs and held in place before wire tightening. C,D. The wires are tightened sequentially, applying uniform tension on the plate and compressing the scapula against the ribs. E. The final position of the scapula after fixation with the wires. Note the autologous bone graft seen along the medial border. F. Illustration of the final construct. G. The wires are then cut, and attention is turned to wound closure.
The lung is reinflated, and irrigation is used to assess for a pneumothorax, which may be present.
The rhomboids are then reattached to the medial aspect of the scapula (TECH FIG 5), and the subcutaneous tissue and skin are closed in the usual fashion.
A thoracotomy tube is inserted if necessary, both to treat any associated pneumothorax and to drain any reactive pleural effusion that may develop postoperatively.
TECH FIG 5 • The rhomboids are repaired securely to the medial border of the scapula. This provides adequate coverage of the hardware.
The patient is placed in a “gunslinger” brace, immobilizing the arm in neutral rotation (FIG 3), and a postoperative chest radiograph is obtained to document any hemoor pneumothorax.
If a chest tube has been placed, it is removed 1 or 2 days postoperatively, depending on chest tube outputs and pulmonary status.
Patients are immobilized in the brace for 12 weeks.
Rehabilitation is commenced at 12 weeks with a gentle passive range-of-motion program that emphasizes forward elevation and external rotation.
Three weeks later, the patient is progressed to an active range-of-motion program.
A strengthening program involving resisted exercises is begun 6 weeks after the gunslinger brace is removed.
FIG 3 • “Gunslinger” brace with the arm positioned in neutral rotation.
Despite the significant complication rate (nearly 50%) that accompanies scapulothoracic arthrodesis, this operation has been documented to provide improvements in both pain and functional disability.
A high level of patient satisfaction when patients are chosen appropriately and expert surgical technique is used can make this operation rewarding for both patient and surgeon.
In one series of 23 patients undergoing scapulothoracic fusion, mean ASES scores improved from 35.8 to 40.1. Postoperative pain scores decreased from mean 5.5 to 4.7. Mean patient satisfaction was 9.5 out of 10 for the surgical procedure, and 91% of patients reported that they would undergo the procedure again.14
Complications are not uncommon with this procedure and have been reported to be as high as 50% in some series.14
The most commonly cited complications associated with this procedure include:
Hardware complications, including wire breakage, nonunion, and pseudoarthrosis
Neurologic complications, including intercostal neuralgia
Wound complications, including infection or wound dehiscence
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