Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (4 Volume Set) 1st Edition

50. Knee Loss of Motion

Gregory C. Fanelli, Justin D. Harris, Daniel J. Tomaszewski, and John A. Scanelli III


images Loss of motion is a generic term that can refer to a loss of flexion, extension, or both. It does not specifically imply a particular etiology.

images Flexion contracture implies a loss of extension secondary to contracture or relative shortening of the posterior soft tissues (capsular or muscular).

images Arthrofibrosis describes knee loss of motion (ie, flexion, extension, or both) caused by diffuse adhesions or fibrosis within a joint.

images Ankylosis describes immobility of a joint, usually secondary to fibrous, cartilaginous, or bony overgrowth.

images Knee loss of motion is a common and serious complication of knee ligament injury or reconstruction. Surgeon understanding of the pathogenesis, preventive measures, and surgical management of this condition is vital for optimum patient care.


images The knee has been described as a ginglymus (simple hingetype) articulation.

images In actuality, knee motion is complex and requires at least six degrees of freedom (ie, translation in the anteroposterior, mediolateral, and tibial axial planes with rotational moments corresponding to abduction-adduction, flexion-extension, and internal-external rotation).

images The knee joint consists of three independent articulations: the patellofemoral, medial tibiofemoral, and lateral tibiofemoral articulations.

images Constraint of the knee joint is complex and dynamic. It depends on the position of the knee, the direction and nature of a given load, and the integrity of its bony and soft tissue restraints.

images The knee joint is the largest in the body. Its capsular attachments extend from the suprapatellar pouch proximally to posteromedially and from the posterolateral recesses distally.

images Fibrosis can occur anywhere within these confines and ultimately may lead to loss of motion.

images Normal knee motion varies from person to person.

images Most people achieve some degree of recurvatum in full extension, with men averaging 5 degrees and women averaging 6 degrees of hyperextension.

images Normal knee flexion ranges from 140 degrees in men to 143 degrees in women.

images Slight losses of flexion are much better tolerated than slight losses of extension.2,20 Full extension is required to allow quadriceps relaxation during the stance phase of gait. Small deficits in terminal flexion may go unnoticed by all but the elite athlete.


images Loss of motion after a knee injury can vary, depending on patient predisposition, the extent and nature of the injury, the timing and technique of surgery, and postoperative management (Table 1).

images Motion loss in an injured or reconstructed knee can be associated with any of a wide variety of conditions.

images A complete understanding of the terminology associated with knee loss of motion is essential to diagnose and communicate the patient's condition appropriately (Table 2).12

images Each area has its own pathoanatomy and relevant physical findings.


images Loss of knee motion, particularly extension, can have a tremendous effect on clinical outcomes and overall patient satisfaction.

images Pressures across the patellofemoral joint during stance increase from 0 to 30% of body weight when comparing full extension to a 15-degree flexed position.20

images These altered mechanics can lead to pain, apprehension regarding motion, and, ultimately, worsening stiffness. Aggressive intercession via a carefully directed physical therapy protocol or appropriate surgical intervention is essential.


images Knee motion after ligament reconstruction must be monitored vigilantly.

images Motion should be compared with the contralateral extremity.

images Any loss of motion in the flexion or extension plane should be considered abnormal.



images A complete examination of the knee is essential and can help determine the etiology.

images Inspection

images Swelling or erythema may indicate infection, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, or reinjury.

images Palpation

images Effusion may indicate infection or reinjury.

images Allodynia may indicate reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

images Crepitus may indicate fibrosis, soft tissue calcification, or an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) nodule.

images A “clunk” may indicate an ACL nodule.

images Range of motion (ROM)

images Extension loss may indicate posterior capsular contracture, infrapatellar contracture syndrome, medial collateral ligament (MCL) calcification, hamstring contracture, notch impingement, ACL nodule, or graft malposition or tension.

images Loss of flexion may indicate quadriceps contracture, infrapatellar contracture syndrome, graft malposition or tension, patellar entrapment, or suprapatellar adhesions.

images Loss of flexion and extension may indicate arthrofibrosis, infection, soft tissue calcification, infrapatellar contracture syndrome, or graft malposition or tension.


images Plain radiographs—including anteroposterior, lateral, sunrise, and tunnel views—are the essential first step in imaging.

images Hardware failure, osteochondral defects, MCL calcifications, patellar height, patellofemoral alignment, and tunnel placement can be assessed with these images.

images MRI can be obtained to more clearly evaluate the soft tissues.

images The extent and nature of adhesions, graft position, graft failure, and the presence of an ACL nodule can be clarified by MRI.


images Arthrofibrosis

images ACL nodule

images Graft malposition

images Infection

images Infrapatellar contracture syndrome

images Muscle contracture

images Reflex sympathetic dystrophy


images Rest, ice and anti-inflammatory medications should be the first-line intervention for any knee with an acute process as found on physical examination: ie, an inflamed, warm, swollen knee with motion loss.

images Controlled, guided physical therapy is an excellent tool to help regain motion.

images Quadriceps strengthening, active ROM exercises, use of continuous passive motion machines, hanging weights, and extension bracing or casting may all have a role. Each intervention depends on the clinical picture and pathogenesis.

images Our rehabilitation protocol for a multiple ligament knee reconstruction typically involves four phases (Table 3).

images Manipulation under anesthesia has been used by some to improve postoperative motion.4

images Manipulation should be done with caution, because the procedure itself can cause an inflammatory reaction and lead to further fibrosis.


images Failure to progress with nonoperative treatment is a general indication for operative management.

images Identification of the primary cause of the knee stiffness is essential to maximize outcomes.

images Indications for surgical intervention include:

images Loss of flexion of 10 degrees or more

images Extension deficits of 10 degrees or more

images Failure to improve despite 2 months of intense therapy

images The primary goal of operative treatment is restoration of normal knee motion without causing iatrogenic damage to the joint.

images In both acute and chronic knee stiffness, resolution of the inflammatory phase of the condition is mandatory before proceeding with surgical intervention.

images Epidural or regional anesthesia can be used to assist with postoperative pain control to allow more intensive physical therapy in the immediate postoperative period.

images Millett et al10,13 have outlined a systematic nine-step evaluation of potential causes for knee loss of motion, all of which must be addressed whether surgical intervention is performed in an open fashion or arthroscopically.

Open Surgical Treatment

images In severe cases of loss of motion of the knee, open releases may be indicated.

images Indications for open débridement and soft tissue release typically include patients with severe arthrofibrosis or patients who have failed previously attempted arthroscopic releases.

images Our general approach is to restore flexion by releasing capsular contractures, by lysing intra-articular fibrosis, and by mobilizing the extensor mechanism.


images Extension is restored by addressing notch pathology, posterior capsular contractures, and anterior fibrosis.


images The patient is placed supine on the operating table.

images A pneumatic tourniquet is placed high on the thigh over a cotton wrap. It is not routinely inflated.

Preoperative Planning

images Examination under anesthesia is performed.

images Flexion, extension, and patellar mobility should all be assessed preoperatively.

images With the patient fully anesthetized, the hip should be flexed to 90 degrees.

images Gravity should then be allowed to flex the knee. This reveals the true flexion limit.

images With the hip extended, the heel should be supported; the extension limit is then measured.

images Patellar mobility should then be documented with regard to superior–inferior glide, mediolateral glide, and patellar tilt.

images Comparison to the normal, uninvolved knee is extremely useful.



images  The affected limb is then prepped and draped in standard fashion.

images  A side post is utilized under the drapes along the lateral thigh.

images  All surgical landmarks and proposed incisions are then drawn on the skin with a surgical marker.

images  A surgical timeout is then performed, confirming the patient, the procedure, and the operative limb.

images  Perioperative antibiotics are administered within 30 minutes of the surgical incision.

images  In severely fibrotic knees, capsular distention using 120 to 180 mL of saline may be necessary to gain safe access to the knee joint without causing iatrogenic damage to the articular cartilage.

images  A standard superolateral inflow portal is then created, followed by an inferolateral viewing portal, and, lastly, by an inferomedial working portal.

images Portals are interchanged as necessary, and additional arthroscopic surgical portals are established when necessary (TECH FIG 1).

Suprapatellar Pouch

images  In a normal knee, a view of the suprapatellar pouch should reveal the vastus intermedius rising off of the femoral shaft.

images  The suprapatellar pouch should extend 3 to 4 cm proximal to the superior pole of the patella.


TECH FIG 1  Establishment of the arthroscopic superior medial and lateral patellar portals (A) and the inferior medial and lateral patellar portals (B).

images  Scarring in the suprapatellar pouch is the most common cause of loss of flexion and, in certain cases, may preclude safe passage of instruments between the femur and patella (TECH FIG 2).

images Lateral or medial retinacular release, or both, may be necessary before suprapatellar pouch débridement can be done.

images  Dense fibrous tissue may make it difficult to visualize normal articular cartilage.

images  Using a combination of electrocautery, motorized shavers, arthroscopic knives, or heavy scissors, the suprapatellar pouch is reconstituted by performing aggressive releases.

images  Care must be employed to avoid damage to the overlying quadriceps tendon or surrounding articular cartilage.

Medial and Lateral Gutters

images  Adhesions in the gutters also are common causes of flexion loss.

images  Dense bands of fibrous tissue course between the femoral condyles and the medial and lateral retinaculi.

images  The surgeon should then clear all abnormal tissue, moving proximally to distally from the femur to the retinaculum.

images  The gutters should be débrided to the level of the tibial plateau, both medially and laterally.

images  Ninety degrees of knee flexion should be attainable at this point of the procedure.

images  Failure to reach 90 degrees of knee flexion at this point mandates further débridement of the suprapatellar pouch or medial–lateral gutters.


TECH FIG 2  Arthroscopic view of arthrofibrosis in the suprapatellar pouch.

Anterior Interval

images  Débridement of the infrapatellar fat pad and pretibial recess is then performed (TECH FIG 3).

images  Care must be undertaken to avoid the intermeniscal ligament.

images  The release should proceed 1 cm distal to the level of the meniscus along the anterior tibial cortex.

images  Hemostasis is essential in the pretibial recess to avoid recurrent scarring of the infrapatellar fat pad.

images  Visualization in the anterior interval often can be difficult. A small, medial parapatellar tendon arthrotomy often is used to initiate débridement in the anteroinferior aspect of the knee.

Lateral and Medial Retinaculum

images  Using electrocautery, selective lateral and medial retinacular releases are performed.

images  This improves patellar mobility and increases the effective joint space in the knee.

images  Adequate release is achieved when the patella can be everted at least 45 degrees.

Intercondylar Notch

images  Scarring over the anterior aspect of the ACL, “cyclops” lesions, or graft impingement within the notch can all be addressed.

images  A notchplasty is performed if there is evidence of graft impingement as the knee nears maximal extension.

images  Cyclops lesions should be débrided and excised.

images  In severe cases, malpositioned cruciate grafts may require débridement or release to achieve full extension.


TECH FIG 3  Arthroscopic débridement of the infrapatellar fat pad, and the pretibial recess.


images  Normal menisci have significant anteroposterior excursion with knee motion.

images  In cases of knee stiffness, the menisci can become scarred in a posterior position during knee flexion, which will limit full extension.

images  A probe can be used to assess for meniscal mobility.

images  If anterior meniscal excursion is poor, a gutter should be created along the periphery of the meniscus from the midbody, working anteriorly until normal mobility is restored.

images  This should help achieve full extension, but a posterior capsular release may be necessary in severe cases.

Posterior Capsule

images  If full extension cannot be achieved after release of all the tissues just discussed, open posterior capsular release may be indicated.

images  Posteromedial and posterolateral approaches commonly are used.

images  The posteromedial approach uses an interval between the superficial MCL anteriorly and the pes anserine tendons posteriorly, revealing the underlying medial head of the gastrocnemius and the posterior oblique ligament.

images  The posterior oblique ligament is then released from its femoral attachment, and extension is reassessed.

images  If extension is still limited, a posterolateral release is necessary.

images  The lateral approach courses over the anterior aspect of the biceps tendon distally to the fibular head.

images  The short head of the biceps is reflected posteriorly, revealing the lateral head of the gastrocnemius, which often is intimately attached to the lateral capsule.

images  The capsule is then incised anterior to the gastrocnemius tendon, releasing the posterolateral capsule.

images  Care is taken to avoid the lateral collateral ligament, the popliteus tendon, and the popliteofibular ligament.

Open Surgical Treatment

Open Anterior Release

images  Positioning and examination under anesthesia are performed just as described in the arthroscopic section.

images  An anterior extensile approach to the knee is used.Previous vertical incisions can be used, or arthroscopic portal incisions may be extended (TECH FIG 4A).

images  The subcutaneous tissues are dissected sharply, and fullthickness flaps are raised medially over the extensor mechanism.

images  A medial parapatellar arthrotomy is then employed to gain access to the joint.

images Care must be taken to protect the medial meniscus and the intermeniscal ligament (TECH FIG 4B).

images  A medial release is performed by subperiosteally dissecting the soft tissues off of the medial proximal tibia.

images The release is extended posteriorly, and the deep MCL and semimembranosus are elevated to assist in mobilizing the tibia. The insertion of the superficial MCL must be protected.

images  Débridement of the medial and lateral gutters is then performed using a combination of finger dissection along with sharp excision of dense adhesions and fibrosis (TECH FIG 4C,D).


TECH FIG 4  A. Anterior extensile exposure of the knee is used in the open surgical treatment of arthrofibrosis. B. Medial parapatellar arthrotomy is used to gain access to the knee joint. Note the severity of the intra-articular fibrous adhesions. C. Débridement of the medial and lateral gutters using a combination of sharp and blunt dissection. D. A large quantity of pathologic fibrous tissue was excised during the débridement.


TECH FIG 5  Establishment of the pretibial recess. The patellar tendon is adherent to the proximal tibia, proximal to its normal insertion site. Establishment of the normal pretibial recess is essential to motion restoration.

Extensor Mechanism Release

images  The patellar tendon is dissected free from encasing fibrosis on all sides.

images  The infrapatellar fat pad is excised in its entirety. The insertion of the patellar tendon on the tibial tubercle must be protected (TECH FIG 5).

images  Adhesions between the quadriceps tendon and the distal femur must be released prior to patellar mobilization.

images  An inside-out lateral release is then employed, and the patella is then everted or translated laterally to assist with notch visualization.

images  Patellar tracking is then assessed throughout the entire ROM.

Notch Débridement

images  If full extension is still unattainable at this point of the procedure, graft impingement and malposition must be addressed.

images  Residual cyclops lesions are débrided.

images  It may be necessary to excise anteriorly positioned ACL grafts, with removal of involved hardware (TECH FIG 6A).

images  Posterior capsular contractures can be released by peeling the capsule off the posterior aspect of the femoral condyles.

images  The PCL is then evaluated for impingement and is released if found to be a block to extension.

images  Finally, a posterior capsular release from the proximal tibia may be needed if full extension has not yet been achieved (TECH FIG 6B,C).


images  Meticulous hemostasis is achieved using electrocautery following deflation of the tourniquet.

images  A medium Hemovac drain is placed intra-articularly to reduce postoperative hematoma formation and is left in place for 1 to 2 days.

images  The medial parapatellar arthrotomy is closed with absorbable suture if it can be performed without significant tension on the extensor mechanism.

images  The subcutaneous tissues and skin are then closed in standard fashion, and compressive dressings are applied.

images  The knee is placed in a hinged knee brace and locked if necessary.


TECH FIG 6  A. Intercondylar notch débridement is performed to address the issue of graft impingement and malpositioned grafts. B,C. Intraoperative range of motion achieved after open surgical débridement for severe posttraumatic arthrofibrosis. Preoperative range of motion was 10 to 30 degrees of knee flexion.


images If epidural anesthesia or regional blocks were used during the operative procedure, patients may benefit by continuing their use in the postoperative period. Additionally, intraarticular injections of bupivacaine combined with morphine given in the operating room can assist with postoperative pain control.

images Adequate pain relief is essential for the patient to tolerate the immediate postoperative rehabilitation.

images Continuous passive motion (CPM) is used in the immediate postoperative period to assist with knee ROM.

images When patients are not using the CPM machine, they are placed in a hinged knee brace locked in extension.

images Home CPM usually is needed for 2 to 3 weeks.

images Outpatient physical therapy also is implemented early in the postoperative period.

images Gentle ROM exercises are encouraged initially, so as not to exacerbate the inflammatory process that originally created the knee loss of motion. Additionally, articular cartilage may be prone to injury by forced motion or excessive activity.

images Prone hangs, knee sags, patellar mobilization, and active quadriceps contraction are emphasized to maintain full extension.

images More aggressive strengthening exercises are begun as the patient continues to progress and improve.

images Multiple modalities are implemented to minimize postoperative swelling and pain.

images A cryotherapy device is applied in the recovery room and used in both the inpatient and outpatient settings.

images Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) or short courses of oral corticosteroids can be given to reduce inflammation.

images Compressive dressings are used.

images Knee aspiration may be necessary for effusions that are large enough to cause pain, inhibit quadriceps activity, or limit ROM.

images In severe cases, it may be necessary to restrict weight bearing postoperatively to protect compromised articular cartilage.

images Initiation of weight-bearing activities is at the surgeon's discretion.

images Extension bracing often can be discontinued once patients have full return of quadriceps function.


Nonsurgical Results

images Few studies have been written regarding nonoperative management of knee loss of motion.

images Noyes and associates11 reported on 18 patients who did not regain full motion following ACL reconstruction despite implementation of an early active and passive motion protocol.

images Six knees were treated with serial extension casts, nine had early gentle manipulation under anesthesia, and three required arthroscopic lysis of adhesions.

images Thirteen of the 15 patients treated nonsurgically regained full ROM of the knee.

images In a separate study, Noyes et al15 prospectively evaluated 443 knees and reported that 23 developed arthrofibrosis following ACL reconstruction.

images Twenty knees (87%) were treated successfully using manipulation under anesthesia, extension casting, and continuous epidural anesthesia.

images The authors stated that nonsurgical management often can be successful if initiated early.

images Loss of knee motion that is present more than 3 months following ligament reconstruction surgery is less likely to respond to nonsurgical means.

images Dodds et al4 evaluated the results of knee manipulations performed for loss of motion in 42 knees that previously had undergone intra-articular ACL reconstruction.

images The average time from reconstruction to manipulation was 7 months.

images Ten knees had concomitant arthroscopic débridement.

images Average flexion increased from 95 to 136 degrees, and extension improved from 11 to 3 degrees.

images No complications were reported.

Arthroscopic Results

images Most studies in the literature pertaining to knee loss of motion contain a mixed group of patients with varying degrees of severity, chronicity, and etiology. Results should be interpreted based on the specific variant of motion loss.

images ACL nodul.

images The term “cyclops syndrome” was coined by Jackson and Schaefer9 after reviewing 13 patients with loss of knee extension after ACL reconstruction.

images All patients were treated with arthroscopic débridement and manipulation. Patients gained an additional 10 degrees of extension and 27 degrees of flexion immediately postoperatively.

images Motion continued to improve with longer follow-up.

images Six of the patients required more than one procedure to achieve these results.

images Marzo et al11 reported on 21 patients with restricted knee extension following ACL reconstruction.

images All patients had a cyclops lesion at surgery and were treated with arthroscopic débridement, with 10 patients requiring an additional notchplasty for graft impingement.

images All patients had good results, with an average extension gain of 8 degrees leaving them with an average final extension deficit of 3 degrees.

images Fisher and Shelbourne5 reported on 42 patients who required arthroscopic débridement for symptomatic extension loss following ACL reconstruction.

images Both pain relief and ROM improved postoperatively.

images No complications were reported.

images Diffuse arthrofibrosi.

images Multiple studies have documented successful treatment of diffuse intra-articular arthrofibrosis with arthroscopic débridement and release.1,3,17,2426

images Shelbourne and Johnson22 reported on nine consecutive patients with symptomatic knee loss of motion following ACL surgery.

images Eight of the nine patients underwent ACL reconstruction within 2 weeks of the initial injury and were immobilized in flexion postoperatively.

images The patients underwent arthroscopic débridement of adhesions in the superior patellar pouch, medial and lateral gutters, and in the anterior interval. Notchplasties also were performed followed by manipulations to regain flexion. Extension casting and physical therapy were used postoperatively.

images At an average of 31 months follow-up, patients had gained 23 degrees of extension and 18 degrees of flexion. Eight of the nine patients returned to sports.

images Hasan and associates8 reviewed 17 knees with symptomatic extension deficits following ACL reconstruction.

images All knees were treated with arthroscopic débridement of intra-articular adhesions with excision of cyclops lesions and revision notchplasties.

images Postoperative ROM yielded 7and 8-degree improvements in extension and flexion, respectively.

images Harner and colleagues7 reviewed 21 of 27 patients who developed motion deficits following ACL reconstruction.

images Fourteen of the patients were successfully treated arthroscopically, although three of those required a second procedure.

images Six of the knees underwent formal open débridement for more severe intraand extra-articular adhesions.

images Sixty-seven percent of the patients had a good or excellent result at final follow-up.

Open Results

images Open débridement and lysis of adhesions are indicated in cases of severe knee loss of motion, infrapatellar contracture syndrome, and failed arthroscopic intervention.

Infrapatellar Contracture Syndrome

images Paulos et al18 described infrapatellar contracture syndrome (IPCS) as an exaggerated pathologic fibrous hyperplasia of the anterior soft tissues of the knee.

images Patients with this condition presented with loss of knee flexion and extension, patellar entrapment, and patella infera. The authors recommended open débridement in cases with extra-articular involvement.

images Aggressive rehabilitation was done postoperatively.

images Patients gained an average of 12 degrees of extension and 35 degrees of flexion at final follow-up.

images Eighty percent of patients had signs and symptoms of patellofemoral arthrosis, however, with 16% of patients demonstrating patella baja.

images A long-term follow-up study of IPCS reported on 75 patients who had undergone previous surgical intervention.

images Depending on the severity of patellar involvement, arthroscopic and open releases were performed.19 In cases of patella infera, DeLee tibial tubercle osteotomies were performed.

images Significant gains in ROM were achieved, but numerous patients required revision lysis of adhesions and manipulations.

images The authors concluded that the longer the knee was without acceptable motion, the more likely the patient was to have a poor final outcome.

images Richmond and Al Assal21 reported on arthroscopic treatment of IPCS. Their results revealed a total increase in knee ROM of 45 degrees in 12 patients with that condition.

images Severe and revision case.

images Millett et al13 retrospectively reviewed eight patients who had undergone an open débridement and soft tissue release for severe knee loss of motion.

images All patients had failed previous arthroscopic intervention. The average arc of motion preoperatively was 62.5 degrees.

images At final follow-up, the average motion had increased to 124 degrees.

images Patient satisfaction scores were high, but there was a significant incidence of patellofemoral arthritis.

images The authors concluded that an aggressive open release is a reasonable option for stiff knees that are recalcitrant to less invasive procedures.

images A recent study detailed a mini-invasive extra-articular quadricepsplasty followed by an intra-articular arthroscopic lysis of adhesions for severe cases of knee arthrofibrosis.27

images Twenty-two patients were treated with the aforementioned technique, in which a five-stage quadricepsplasty is performed to regain knee flexion. Knee arthroscopy was then performed to remove any intra-articular adhesions and to address pathology within the notch and the anterior interval.

images At 44 months of follow-up, the average maximum degree of flexion had increased from 27 to 115 degrees.

images Complications were rare: one superficial wound infection and one persistent 15-degree extension lag were reported.


images The primary complication of surgical intervention for knee loss of motion is recurrence of knee stiffness.

images Rates of reoperation following arthroscopic débridement range from 6% to 43%.5,24,25

images Failure of surgical treatment is directly proportional to the severity of the preoperative stiffness.

images The more invasive the procedure necessary to regain full knee motion, the higher is the risk of potential complications.

images Other complications related to arthroscopic or open débridement and release include the following:

images Skin tearing or necrosis

images Wound dehiscence

images Postoperative infection

images Septic arthritis

images Neurovascular injury

images Extensor mechanism disruption

images Hemarthrosis

images Patellofemoral pain syndrome


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