Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (4 Volume Set) 1st Edition

67. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Patella

J. Benjamin Smucker and John K. Sontich


images The patella, the largest sesamoid bone, is a key part of the knee extensor mechanism and provides leverage to the quadriceps mechanism. Fractures of the patella have the potential to disrupt the extensor mechanism.

images Fractures of the patella also affect the knee joint itself by interrupting the articular surface.

images Management of patellar fractures must restore any disruption of the extensor mechanism while ensuring minimal disruption of the articular surface.

images Stellate or comminuted, transverse, vertical, apical or inferior pole, and sleeve fractures are common descriptive terms used in the classification of patellar fractures.


images The articular surface is composed of medial and lateral facets, with the medial facet having the most variability in size and shape. Horizontal ridges further subdivide the medial and lateral facets. An odd facet lies at the most medial aspect of the articular surface. The distal pole of the undersurface is extraarticular (FIG 1).

images The superior pole of the patella serves as an attachment for the quadriceps tendon. The most superficial portion of the quadriceps tendon courses over the anterior patellar surface and is contiguous with the patellar tendon. The patellar tendon courses from the apex of the patella to the tibial tubercle.

images The patellar retinaculum is composed of thickenings of the fascia lata of the thigh in addition to the aponeurosis of the vastus medialis and lateralis.13 In addition to stabilizing the patella, the retinaculum acts as a secondary extensor.

images Multiple arteries about the knee supply a peripatellar plexus, although the main intraosseous blood supply is from a distal-toproximal direction.14

images The patella acts to increase the moment arm of the extensor mechanism by displacing the quadriceps tendon anteriorly. This increased moment arm is most critical during terminal extension, when the quadriceps is otherwise at a mechanical disadvantage.9

images Due to the small contact area of the articular surface and the high level of compressive forces generated by the extensor mechanism, the contact stress on the patellofemoral joint has been estimated to be higher than any other major weightbearing joint.5


images Fractures of the patella may result from direct force to the anterior knee, indirect forces transmitted through the extensor mechanism, or a combination of both.

images The patella is particularly susceptible to injury from direct blows given its small amount of tissue covering and its prominence.

images The portion of the patella articulating with the femur moves from distal to proximal with increasing degrees of flexion. The fracture pattern for direct blows to the patella has been shown to correspond to the articulating portion of the patella at the time of injury, thus corresponding to the amount of knee flexion at time of injury.1

images Indirect forces causing fracture can be caused by unanticipated and rapid flexion of the knee while the quadriceps is also firing. Fractures from an indirect mechanism tend to be less comminuted than those from direct trauma.5


FIG 1 • Patellar anatomy. The major facets include the medial, lateral, and odd facets. The medial and lateral facets are further subdivided by subtle horizontal ridges.


images Depending on the type of fracture and involvement of the retinaculum, various amounts of long-term extensor weakness can be expected. The long-term effect on range of motion is likewise dependent upon fracture pattern and displacement.

images There is an increased incidence of osteoarthritis of the knee after patellar fracture. The increased rate of arthritis may be both from initial cartilage injury and posttraumatic arthritis due to articular cartilage incongruity.


images Physical examination findings are as follows.

images Often a defect can be palpated in the patella.

images New onset of joint effusion after injury localizes injury to within the capsule of the knee. A knee effusion may not be present if there is disruption of the retinaculum, allowing hematoma to escape from the joint capsule.

images The placement of the patella and palpation of defects with the patella, quadriceps tendon, or patellar tendon can help differentiate between patellar fracture and ligamentous extensor disruption.

images Pain can limit the ability to test for active extension of the knee or for extensor lag. Introduction of local anesthesia after aspiration of hematoma can aid in assessment of extensor function. The surgeon should note any extravasation of local anesthetic to evaluate intra-articular extension of skin defects.

images Aspiration: The surgeon notes the amount of fluid aspirated. The presence of fat lobules in the syringe signifies a fracture extending into the knee capsule.

images Patients with patellar fractures are able to actively extend the knee in marginal or longitudinal fracture types or with intact secondary extensors (ie, retinaculum). Knee extension is usually not possible with displaced transverse fractures.

images History is critical in determining a direct versus indirect cause of fracture. Patella fractures caused by a high-energy direct cause (ie, head-on motor vehicle accident with dashboard injury) are often associated with other injuries to the knee.

images Peripheral pulses and neurologic function must be examined.

images Knee stability should be evaluated. Patella fractures may be accompanied by cruciate ligament injury.

images Open fractures will require urgent operative management and are associated with an increased rate of nonunion and infection.17 Open fractures also connote higher energy and an increased likelihood of associated injury.

images Physical examination must include a thorough secondary survey for other associated injuries. Distal femur fractures and acetabular injuries are commonly associated in high-energy motor vehicle accidents owing to transfer of force through the flexed knee.


images Anteroposterior (AP) and lateral views of the knee and an axial view of the patella provide sufficient information for nearly all fracture types.

images In the trauma setting, the Merchant view11 is the best tolerated (FIG 2A).

images A bipartite patella, arising from failed fusion of patellar ossification centers, can be mistaken for a fracture. Bipartite patellae are most commonly located superolaterally and occur more frequently in males. In 40% of individuals with a bipartite patella, the contralateral patella will also be bipartite7 (FIG 2B,C).

images The normal Insall-Salvati ratio (height of the patella over the distal from the inferior pole to the tibial tubercle) is about 1.0.8 Values less than 1 represent patella alta and possible patellar tendon rupture. Patella alta may also be seen in patellar sleeve fractures in the pediatric population.


images Quadriceps rupture

images Patellar tendon rupture

images Bipartite patella

images Ligamentous or meniscal injury

images Distal femur or tibial plateau fracture

images Inflammatory arthritis or septic arthritis

images Osteochondral injury

images Patellar dislocation or retinacular injury


images Fractures must meet two criteria to be managed nonoperatively:

images No associated extensor mechanism disruption

images Less than 2 mm of displacement of the articular surface or less than 3 mm separation of the fracture fragments.3,6 (Less displacement is tolerated by some authors in the presence of transverse fractures.4)



FIG 2 • A. In the Merchant view, the knee is allowed to bend to 45 degrees and the x-ray beam is angled at 30 degrees to the horizon. The x-ray cassette is placed perpendicular to the leg on the proximal tibial diaphysis. B,C. Bipartite patella. Note the classic superolateral position of this multipartite patella and the sclerotic margins.

images The described period of immobilization varies. Historically, patients were kept in a long-leg cast for 4 to 6 weeks. Current nonoperative management involves early functional treatment.

images Our preference for nonoperative treatment includes partial weight bearing with crutches and a hinged knee brace.

images The leg is maintained in extension for 2 weeks, 0 to 45 degrees of flexion for 2 weeks, and 0 to 90 degrees for 2 weeks, followed by full motion for 2 weeks.

images After this 8-week course, full weight bearing is allowed.

images Nonoperative management of appropriate fractures results in good overall results, with loss of flexion the most common complication.4,5


images Operative treatment is the preferred treatment for the majority of fractures not meeting the nonoperative criteria outlined above. Treatment is aimed at anatomic reconstruction of the articular surface and restoration of the extensor mechanism.

images Open reduction and internal fixation is the treatment of choice.

images Cases with severe comminution of the inferior or superior pole may be considered for partial patellectomy.

images Total patellectomy is reserved for cases of severe comminution involving most of the patella in which reconstruction of an articular surface is not possible.

images Methods involving arthroscopy or external fixation have not gained widespread use.

images Soft tissue must be respected as there exists only a thin soft tissue envelope covering the patella. This care for soft tissue begins in the emergency department. Splints or knee immobilizers must be accompanied by copious padding to minimize complications from pressure.

Preoperative Planning

images Operative timing is dictated by patient condition, presence of open fractures, and condition of the soft tissues.

images Fracture imaging is reviewed.

images Examination under anesthesia is critical, as evaluation of coexisting ligamentous injuries is often limited by patient pain prior to surgery. Lachman, pivot shift, posterior drawer, and varus–valgus testing should be undertaken before preparing the surgical site.

images Concomitant injuries may be addressed in the same surgery.


images Patients are placed in the supine position on a radiolucent table.

images If a tourniquet is used, it must be placed as proximally as possible on the thigh. The quadriceps must not be trapped under the tourniquet, as this may retract the patella superiorly, hindering fracture reduction. The knee is flexed to 90 degrees before elevating the tourniquet. If the retinaculum is disrupted and the superior patella is high-riding, the quadriceps should be pulled distally before inflating the tourniquet.18


images Longitudinal or transverse incisions may be made.

images We use a longitudinal approach to facilitate exposure and allow extension to the tibial tubercle for wire augmentation when needed. A longitudinal approach may be better tolerated for future reconstructive surgeries and may therefore be beneficial in elderly patients or patients with preexisting osteoarthritis.

images A transverse approach follows the skin lines and may be preferable cosmetically. A transverse approach minimizes risk of injury to the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve.

images Dissection is carried through the patellar bursa to expose the fracture site. Hematoma is often encountered upon opening bursa. Hematoma is cleared from the fracture site with copious irrigation and small curettes. The fracture line is followed to the retinacular tissue; the surgeon identifies the superior and inferior leaves of retinaculum and tags them for later repair.



images Tension band wiring can be used to stabilize transverse fracture patterns. More complex fracture patterns can use a tension band construct if the fracture can be converted to a transverse pattern by fixation of smaller comminuted pieces with screws or Kirschner wires. Tension band constructs may also be used for more distal pole fractures, with Kirschner wires placed more closely together to capture the fragment.

images Two 1.6to 2.0-mm Kirschner wires will span the fracture in parallel (TECH FIG 1A). They can be introduced through the fracture site into the proximal fragment in a retrograde fashion or into the distal fragment in an antegrade fashion.

images The Kirschner wire is delivered until flush with the fracture line, and the fracture reduction is obtained and held with patellar reduction clamps or Weber clamps.

images Fracture reduction is checked by palpating the articular surface with a Freer elevator (or by finger palpation if the rent in the retinaculum allows). When encountered, small articular fragments without attached subchondral bone may be discarded. Depressed articular fragments are gently reduced by a Freer elevator.

images Once the fracture is sufficiently reduced, the Kirschner wire is delivered through the opposite fracture fragment.

images A lateral fluoroscopic view may help to ensure appropriate fracture reduction and Kirschner wire placement.

images Ideally, the Kirschner wires will be about 5 mm below the anterior surface of the patella.12 The Kirschner wire should be clipped to leave roughly 1 cm of prominence below the inferior pole of the patella.

images A 1.0-mm-thick cerclage wire is passed just deep to the Kirschner wires, abutting the superior pole of the patella. Care must be taken to leave little to no intervening soft tissue between the superior patella and the tension band.

images A 16-gauge angiocath may be passed through the quadriceps mechanism and the wire advanced through the catheter to aid in placement of the wire (TECH FIG 1B).18

images The cerclage wire is passed distally in a similar fashion, ensuring the wire abuts the distal pole of the patella.

images The wire is looped around the anterior aspect of the patella.

images Alternatively, the wire may be crisscrossed in a figure 8 pattern.

images Prior to tensioning, the surgeon verifies that the Kirschner wires capture the cerclage wire.

images To ensure even tensioning, a two-loop tensioning technique is used. A twist is made in the cerclage wire on the opposite side of the two free ends of the wire. The free ends are gently twisted. These two loops are sequentially tightened with a large needle driver (TECH FIG 1C). The loop is lifted to tension the wire and then twisted.18



TECH FIG 1 • Tension band fixation. A. Fracture reduction is maintained with a Weber clamp while Kirschner wires are passed. B. A large angiocath is used for ease of wire placement deep to Kirschner wires and beneath the quadriceps tendon. C. Heavy needle drivers are used simultaneously to tension the cerclage wire. D. Lateral view of the final construct after capturing the cerclage wire in the bent end of the Kirchner wires.

images Wires are sequentially tensioned until appropriate compression is visualized and palpated at the fracture site.

images The ends of the twists are clipped, bent over, and tamped into bone to minimize prominence.

images The superior portion of the Kirschner wire is bent and then cut, leaving a hook to capture the cerclage wire. The Kirschner wire is rotated and tamped into the superior pole of the patella. The inferior tip of the wire is cut to avoid excessive length within the patella tendon while leaving enough wire to maintain position of the cerclage wire (TECH FIG 1D).

images Retinacular defects are repaired with absorbable braided suture, a critical step in restoring the extensor mechanism.

images The tourniquet is deflated and hemostasis obtained. A suction drain is placed as needed and the wound is closed with buried absorbable sutures followed by simple nylon sutures.

images A well-padded sterile dressing is applied with padding over the leg from the malleoli to the proximal thigh. A knee immobilizer is placed.


images As advocated by Carpenter et al, cannulated screws may be used in place of Kirschner wires in a tension band construct for transverse fracture patterns (TECH FIG 2AC). This construct has shown to be superior biomechanically to the Kirschner wire tension band construct, resisting larger forces and resulting in less fracture gaping with loads.5

images Reduction is obtained as described above, with the guide-wires for the 4.0- or 4.5-mm partially threaded cannulated screws used in place of Kirschner wires.

images Screws are placed over the guidewires using a lag technique and are left short of the distal cortex. A lateral fluoroscopic view is helpful in verifying screw placement.


TECH FIG 2 • A–D. Radiographs of cannulated screw and tension band construct. A. Lateral radiograph demonstrating a transverse patellar fracture. B. AP view of final screw and cerclage construct. C. Lateral view showing that the screw threads are slightly prominent and not entirely within bone. D. Final construct of cannulated screw with cerclage wire. The threads remain entirely within bone.

images A 0.8-mm (18-gauge) wire is passed through a single cannulated screw, looped back over the anterior surface of the patella, and advanced through the second screw. Alternatively, 1.6-mm cable can be placed through 4.5-mm cannulated screws.

images After bringing the two ends of the wire together, a twoloop tightening technique is used as described above, and the twists are buried (TECH FIG 2D).


images Although occasionally used with tension band constructs to convert complex fracture patterns into transverse patterns, screw fixation can also be used alone (TECH FIG 3). This construct is particularly suited for simple fracture patterns with articular displacement and an intact retinaculum.

images Lag screw fixation is often the method of choice for longitudinal fractures requiring operative management. Lag screw fixation for transverse fractures is also a suitable option, especially in patients with good bone stock. Multiple biomechanical studies have shown two cortical lag screws to be nearly as strong as2 or stronger than5 tension band alone.

images After obtaining reduction with pointed forceps, 3.5-mm or 4.5-mm cortical screws are used in lagging fashion across fracture sites.

images Closure and retinacular repair are undertaken as described above.


TECH FIG 3 • Radiographs of lag screw construct. A,B. AP and lateral injury films. C. Postoperative radiograph. Note bicortical screw purchase.


images Partial patellectomy is often advocated for comminuted fractures of the patella when a portion of the patella is significantly comminuted. Often this comminution occurs at the patellar pole, with inferior pole fractures being more common.

images After a standard approach as above, the comminuted fracture fragments are identified. If restoration of the comminuted site is not possible, the comminuted fragments are removed. Preservation of as large a portion of the articular surface as possible is critical.

images Multiple longitudinal drill holes are made through the remaining portion of the patella such that the entrance point of the tendinous attachment will be as near to the articular surface as possible. The amount of holes is equal to the number of sutures plus one.

images Nonabsorbable suture with a tendon grasping stitch is used to attach the adjacent tendon (usually patellar tendon) through the drill holes. Suture is tied with the knee in neutral or hyperextension (TECH FIG 4).

images Repair may be augmented by a tension band construct through the patella and tibial tubercle or by Mersilene tape, although we do not commonly perform such augmentation.

images Retinaculum is repaired with absorbable suture.

images Closure is as described above.


TECH FIG 4 • Partial patellectomy. A. Comminuted distal pole of patella fracture, an ideal fracture pattern for the construct. B. Suture placement prior to tensioning and tying. Two sutures and three drill holes are used.



images Passive knee range of motion and gentle active range of motion begins once soft tissue healing is ensured. We use an abundance of padding postoperatively underneath any bracing until postoperative soft tissue swelling resolves.

images Patients are allowed to bear partial weight with crutches and the knee fully extended in a knee immobilizer or hinged knee brace immediately postoperatively.

images We prefer 2 weeks with the knee in extension, 2 weeks of knee flexion from 0 to 60 degrees, and 2 weeks of full knee flexion in a hinged knee brace.

images Full weight bearing out of a brace is allowed once signs of fracture healing are evident on postoperative imaging, and not before 6 weeks.

images Although straight leg raising and quadriceps sets with the knee extended may begin immediately postoperatively, quadriceps strengthening with resistance is held until signs of fracture healing appear.

images For fracture fixation deemed unstable during intraoperative range of motion, initiation of knee motion may be held until fracture healing is evident.

images Rehabilitation must keep in mind the compressive forces on the patella during knee flexion. Compressive forces are greater than three times body weight during stair climbing and reach nearly eight times body weight while squatting.10


images Outcomes depend on maintenance of fracture reduction.

images In a review of 320 patients with patellar fractures (212 treated nonoperatively) with a mean follow-up of 8.9 years, Bostrum3 reported that 24% of patients did not consider themselves fully recovered; moderate or severe pain persisted in 31% of patients. The range of mobility was normal in 90% of patients, with the majority of restriction of motion in elderly patients. Ninety-one percent of patients had fracture union.

images Functional outcomes after long-term follow-up of tension band wiring have been reported to be the same as age-matched standards.15


images The historical complication rate of operative intervention for patellar fractures varies in the literature. Although a recent study on perioperative complications reported a rate of 25%,16 historical rates are much lower.3

images Infection rates are low and can be minimized by the use of perioperative antibiotics and careful soft tissue handling. Few postoperative infections are deep infections involving the joint.3,16

images Patients often note palpable hardware, given the thin overlying tissue. Although we do not routinely remove hardware, patients in whom the hardware becomes symptomatic may have hardware removal after fracture consolidation. Hardware removal rates have varied in the literature from 10% to 60% with tension band constructs.15,16

images Smith et al16 reported fracture displacement of more than 2 mm in 22% of patients treated with tension band wiring. All patients with significant displacement requiring reoperation were weight bearing without bracing between 3 and 5 weeks. In the remainder of cases with loss of fixation, the most common cause was technical error.

images Nonunion with tension band techniques is a rare complication, occurring in less than 1% of fractures fixed in this manner.5

images Decreased knee range of motion is another possible complication. Flexion is more commonly lost than extension. At times this loss of motion can be due to intra-articular adhesions and can benefit from arthroscopic release.

images As with many intra-articular fractures, osteoarthritis develops in the injured extremity at a rate greater than that of the uninjured extremity. Reported rates of osteoarthritis vary greatly.


1.     Atkison PJ, Haut RC. Injuries produced by blunt trauma to the human patellofemoral joint vary with flexion angle of the knee. J Orthop Res 2001;19:827–833.

2.     Benjamin J, Bried J, Dohm M, et al. Biomechanical evaluation of various forms of fixation of transverse patellar fractures. J Orthop Trauma 1987;1:219–222.

3.     Bostrum A. Fracture of the patella: a study of 422 patellar fractures. Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 1972;143:3–80.

4.     Braun W, Wiedemann M, Ruter A. Indications and results of nonoperative treatment of patellar fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1993;289:197–201.

5.     Carpenter JE, Kasman R, Matthews LS. Fractures of the patella. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1993;75A:1550–1561.

6.     Edwards B, Johnell O, Redlund-Johnell L. Patellar fractures: a 30year follow-up. Acta Orthop Scand 1989;60:712–714.

7.     Green WT. Painful bipartite patellae: a report of three cases. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1975;110:197–200.

8.     Insall J, Goldberg V, Salvati E. Recurrent dislocation of the highriding patella. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1972;88:67–69.

9.     Kaufer H. Mechanical function of the patella. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1971;53A:1551–1560.

10. Matthews LS, Sonstegard DA, Henke JA. Load-bearing characteristics of the patellofemoral joint. Acta Orthop Scand 1977;48:511–516.

11. Merchant AC, Mercer RL, Jacobsen RH, et al. Roentgenographic analysis of patellofemoral congruence. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1974; 56A:1391–1396.

12. Nerlich M, Weigel B. Patella. In: Ruedi TP, Murphy WM, eds. AO Principles of Fracture Management. New York: Thieme, 2000: 487–501.

13. Reider B, Marshall JL, Koslin B, et al. The anterior aspect of the knee joint: an anatomical study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1981;63A: 351–356.

14. Scapinelli R. Blood supply of the human patella: its relation to ischaemic necrosis after fracture. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1967;49B: 563–570.

15. Schemitsch EH, Weinberg J, McKee MD, et al. Functional outcome of patella fractures following open reduction and internal fixation. J Orthop Trauma 1999;13:279.

16. Smith ST, Cramer KE, Karges DE, et al. Early complications in the operative treatment of patella fractures. J Orthop Trauma 1997; 11:183–187.

17. Torchia ME, Lewallen DG. Open fractures of the patella. J Orthop Trauma 1996;10:403–409.

18. Wilber JH. Patellar fractures: open reduction internal fixation. In: Wiss DA, ed. Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Fractures. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1998:335–346.

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