Porter & Schon: Baxter's The Foot and Ankle in Sport, 2nd ed.


Section 1 – Athletic Evaluation

Chapter 1 - Assessment and treatment of the elite athlete: helpful hints and pertinent pearls

Section 2 - Sport Syndromes

Chapter 2 - Impingement syndromes of the foot and ankle

Chapter 3 - Stress fractures: their causes and principles of treatment

Chapter 4 - Problematic stress fractures of the foot and ankle

Chapter 5 - Ankle and midfoot fractures and dislocations

Chapter 6 - Injuries to the tibialis anterior, peroneal tendons, and long flexors of the toes

Chapter 7 - Achilles tendon disorders including tendinosis and tears

Chapter 8 - Posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction

Chapter 9 - Nerve disorders and plantar heel pain

Chapter 10 - Arthritic, metabolic, and vascular disorders

Chapter 11 - Dermatologic, infectious, and nail disorders

Section 3 - Anatomic Disorders in Sports

Chapter 12 - Nonsurgical treatment of acute and chronic ankle instability

Chapter 13 - Ankle sprains, ankle instability, and syndesmosis injuries

Chapter 14 - Osteochondral lesions of the talus and occult fractures of the foot and ankle

Chapter 15 - Disorders of the subtalar joint, including subtalar sprains and tarsal coalitions

Chapter 16 - Diagnostic and operative ankle and subtalar joint arthroscopy

Chapter 17 - Lesser-toe disorders

Chapter 18 - Great-toe disorders

Chapter 19 - Bunion deformity in elite athletes

Chapter 20 - Chronic leg pain

Section 4 - Unique Problems in Sport and Dance

Chapter 21 - Foot and ankle injuries in dancers

Chapter 22 - An international perspective on the foot and ankle in sports

Chapter 23 - Pediatric problems and rehabilitation geared to the young athlete

Chapter 24 - Unique considerations for foot and ankle injuries in the female athlete

Chapter 25 - New advances in the foot and ankle

Section 5 - Athletic Shoes, Orthoses, and Rehabilitation

Chapter 26 - The shoe in sports

Chapter 27 - Orthoses and insert management of common foot and ankle problems

Chapter 28 - Principles of rehabilitation for the foot and ankle

Chapter 29 - Epidemiology and management tips in the professional athlete

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