22q1.1 del deletion of the 22nd chromosome in q1.1
AD arterial duct (= ductus arteriosus)
Ao aorta
AR autosomal recessive
ASD atrial–septal defect
AVC atrioventricular canal
AVSD atrioventricular septal defect
AVV atrioventricular valves
CAT common arterial trunk
CHD congenital heart disease
CRL cranial rump length
CTC conotruncal cardiopathy
CS coronary sinus
DA ductus arteriosus (= arterial duct)
dB decibel
Es esophagus
FNB fetal nasal bone
FO foramen ovale
FOV foramen ovale valve
HLB heart–lung block
HLHS hypoplastic left heart syndrome
HLV hypoplastic left ventricle
HRV hypoplastic right ventricle
IAA interruption of the aortic arch
IAS interatrial septum
IURG intrauterine retarded growth
IVC inferior vena cava
IVS interventricular septum
LA left atrium
LAp left appendage
LCA left carotid artery
LIAVV linear insertion of atrioventricular valves
LIPV left inferior pulmonary vein
LPA left pulmonary artery
LPVC left persistent vena cava
LSCA left subclavian artery
LV left ventricle
MAPCA main aorta–pulmonary collateral arteries
MS membranous septum
MTP medical termination of pregnancy
NT nuchal translucency
PA pulmonary atresia
PA with IS pulmonary atresia with intact septum
PA with OS pulmonary atresia with opened septum
PRF pulse repetition frequency
PT pulmonary trunk
PV pulmonary vein
PVR pulmonary venous return
RA right atrium
RAp right appendage
RCA right carotid artery
RIPV right inferior pulmonary vein
ROSCA retro-esophagal subclavian artery
RPA right pulmonary artery
RSCA right subclavian artery
RV right ventricle
SLOS Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome
STIC spatiotemporal image correlation
SVC superior vena cava
SVR systemic venous return
T trachea
T13 trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)
T18 trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)
T21 trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
TAD transabdominal diameter
TAPVR total anomalous pulmonary venous return
TGV transposition of the great vessels
ToF tetralogy of Fallot
UA unique atrium
UUA unique umbilical artery
US ultrasound
UV unique ventricle
VAH visceroatrial heterotaxia
VSD ventricular septal defect