Fetal Heart Ultrasound: How, Why and When; 3 Steps and 10 Key Points, 3th Ed.


22q1.1 deldeletion of the 22nd chromosome in q1.1

ADarterial duct (= ductus arteriosus)


ARautosomal recessive

ASDatrial–septal defect

AVCatrioventricular canal

AVSDatrioventricular septal defect

AVVatrioventricular valves

CATcommon arterial trunk

CHDcongenital heart disease

CRLcranial rump length

CTCconotruncal cardiopathy

CScoronary sinus

DAductus arteriosus (= arterial duct)



FNBfetal nasal bone

FOforamen ovale

FOVforamen ovale valve

HLBheart–lung block

HLHShypoplastic left heart syndrome

HLVhypoplastic left ventricle

HRVhypoplastic right ventricle

IAAinterruption of the aortic arch

IASinteratrial septum

IURGintrauterine retarded growth

IVCinferior vena cava

IVSinterventricular septum

LAleft atrium

LApleft appendage

LCAleft carotid artery

LIAVVlinear insertion of atrioventricular valves

LIPVleft inferior pulmonary vein

LPAleft pulmonary artery

LPVCleft persistent vena cava

LSCAleft subclavian artery

LVleft ventricle

MAPCAmain aorta–pulmonary collateral arteries

MSmembranous septum

MTPmedical termination of pregnancy

NTnuchal translucency

PApulmonary atresia

PA with ISpulmonary atresia with intact septum

PA with OSpulmonary atresia with opened septum

PRFpulse repetition frequency

PTpulmonary trunk

PVpulmonary vein

PVRpulmonary venous return

RAright atrium

RApright appendage

RCAright carotid artery

RIPVright inferior pulmonary vein

ROSCAretro-esophagal subclavian artery

RPAright pulmonary artery

RSCAright subclavian artery

RVright ventricle

SLOSSmith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome

STICspatiotemporal image correlation

SVCsuperior vena cava

SVRsystemic venous return


T13trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)

T18trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)

T21trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)

TADtransabdominal diameter

TAPVRtotal anomalous pulmonary venous return

TGVtransposition of the great vessels

ToFtetralogy of Fallot

UAunique atrium

UUAunique umbilical artery


UVunique ventricle

VAHvisceroatrial heterotaxia

VSDventricular septal defect



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